When Huo Shiyu heard this, she felt a 'thump' in her heart. There was an expert by her side?

Which is it?

Auntie?An old lady who knows how to cheat and kidnap those little daughter-in-laws every day, plays leaf cards every day to make money, and she can't know kung fu for people who hardly go out.


That is a young monk, and he was demented when he was very young, and he has just been cured.Neither can he.

He was born and bred in Xianxia Village with that naive look. He has never heard of his kung fu skills. He studied at Yuelu Academy and was ranked No. 1 in the exam every time. I don’t know if he can write his own name. .Even if there are martial arts cheats for him to practice, that stupid look can't practice it.

The last one is Luo Sankui.

He walks like a tumbler, looks like he's staggering, and can't even stand still. How could he be a master of martial arts?It is said that Jiuli sent him to go to school every day, and he was able to live safely in Xianxia Village, and it was said that Jiuli was covering him.

Could he be a martial arts master?

Huo Shiyu thought about it, but he couldn't figure out who the martial arts master was, so he deliberately found the person who gave her the information and asked again, "Are you sure you mean that little fool has a martial arts master by his side? "

The guard nodded vigorously and said, "The cartilage powder is effective. That little fool definitely didn't get up and didn't walk out of the room, but all twelve people outside died. It wasn't the little fool."

Huo Shiyu paused for a moment, she wandered around the room unsteadily, and then said suddenly after a while, "That means there is a master in Xianxia Village, it can't be that he helped Jiuli, or it might be a coincidence, and Do they have other grudges?"

The guard shook his head vigorously and said, "Miss, listen to my little advice. Don't send murderers to look for her about that little fool. There must be invisible masters around her, which we can't see. Why don't you Think of a way to see if we can get rid of her."

Huo Shiyu made sense, so he stopped assassinating Jiuli.

Aren't you going to burn paper to pay homage to the Ruan family couple tomorrow?She just took this opportunity to see if there were any special experts around Jiuli, and arranged to bring more guards.

Huo Shiyu's original intention was not to visit the grave to worship the grave, but to see clearly who was beside Jiu Li, so that he could find another way, if there were other coincidences, he could frame Jiu Li again.

As long as Jiuli is alive, her existence in the Hou Mansion is meaningless, so she must get rid of Jiuli.

When I went to visit the grave the next day, it was huge and mighty, bringing a lot of people.

Mrs. Hou has repeatedly emphasized that this is going to a mountain village, so it must be low-key, low-key, and don't disturb the surrounding mountain people.But this Huo Shiyu didn't listen at all, he still went his own way and made a big team.

Mrs. Hou had to let out a long sigh, not only because of Jiuli, but now Mrs. Hou felt more uncomfortable the more she looked at Huo Shiyu, and whenever she thought of Jiuli, her heart would be sweet.

Mother Chun hurriedly stepped forward to comfort her, "Madam, don't worry too much, and don't demand too much from her. She has been ill for most of the winter. It is already good to be able to come out today and agree to go down the mountain with her."

Mrs. Hou let out a helpless expression, and said, "How can my Jiuli look like this? Seeing her working alone, she has supported a large family." Although Mrs. Hou mentioned her daughter, her face was full of pride and pride. , But as long as I think of the calluses and scars on her hands, I can't cry.

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