Jiu Li held Xiao Yuanzi's hand tightly, as if he was restraining himself.

Xiaoyuanzi felt some kind of message in the clenched fleshy little hands, and his dark eyes rolled around, but he kept searching for Huo Shiyu.

Finally he saw Huo Shiyu's right hand touching the belt from time to time, it seemed that something important was caught there.

Xiaoyuanzi broke free from Jiuli's little hand, and slowly walked forward a few steps.With so many people, no one would care what a small child was doing.

Xiaoyuanzi kowtowed on the ground first, then pulled the paper money and burned it for a while.

Someone in the crowd praised, "This kid is not very old, but he is very sensible? Look at him kneeling in front of the grave and burning paper."

"Why didn't that daughter kneel down?" Someone asked suspiciously, as if someone had already discovered it, but they didn't say it out loud.At this time, someone said it, and the people around began to talk about it.

"Maybe the girl next to me kowtowed for you?"

"Pampered and pampered all year round, look at that temperament, she is really like a fairy in the sky."

"The eyebrows and eyes are very similar to Changxiu, and the mouth is a bit like the third lady of the Ruan family."

"Where does it look like Changxiu, do you see how similar it is to Wuniang?"

The surrounding mountain people surrounded Huo Shiyu, looking at her looks and talking about who she looked like, especially when they said that she looked like Ruan Changxiu and Wu Niang looked exactly the same.

Huo Shiyu didn't know why, but there was always a sense of shame. She felt that saying that she looked exactly like Wu Niang was flattering Wu Niang. How could she resemble her?

A native of the mountains?
But she can't show it at this time, when many people are criticizing and pointing at her, if there is a crack in the ground, she can't wait to get in.

To be honest, she didn't want to get involved with the Ruan family at all, especially when the ladies of the Ruan family not far away were secretly looking at her, she felt itchy all over her body and wished she could leave and disappear.

When Huo Shiyu was out of her wits, Xiao Yuanzi quietly walked up to her side, then touched her waist, as if she had picked up something, and then ran away.

Huo Shiyu raised his right hand and touched his waist, it was empty.She immediately chased after him, and said angrily while chasing, "You disgusting country boy, give me back the things around my waist."

Xiao Yuanzi stopped, he turned to look at her, and said in a playful tone, "No! No! No!"

Huo Shiyu got angry and chased after him.

What is this place?

The cemetery in the mountain village is full of cemeteries, piled up in disorder, irregular, and many places are covered with thorn bushes. Even people who have lived in the mountain village for a long time are unwilling to come here, and they may not come here. will go out well.

Not to mention the spoiled Huo Shiyu?
It just so happened that someone not far away had just been buried and was performing rituals. There were a lot of sacrificial supplies, colorful and scary.

Xiaoyuanzi's body is small, and he has been practicing kung fu, he can run faster than Qilang, and he can shuttle between the graves effortlessly.

Huo Shiyu was tripped in front of the group of people doing things. She screamed in fright and passed out.

When she woke up, she had already been carried into the sedan chair, and the maids around her were all there. Look at the guards standing beside her.Her terrified little heart calmed down temporarily.

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