Chapter 526

Jiuli's so-called going to the market is to see if there is anything delicious or interesting to take back to her aunt and the others to eat.

Many things are bought by her, or can be made.

I turned half a street and didn't find a particularly suitable one.

Jiuli looked up at the sky, it was still early, she decided to walk along this street to see what kind of scene it was.

So Jiuli walked towards the suburbs along the most central bustling market with a basket on his back.There are still sparse shops, many of which are opened in front of their own houses, selling everything.

In particular, there are many strange things, most of which are stone and wood carvings. Jiuli suddenly understood why Qilang likes carpentry and other jobs.

Those who live close to the mountain can afford to play with the strangely shaped stones on the mountain, which can be moved down and carved for a little bit to sell as handicrafts; the other is wood carving. There are many trees on the mountain, and it is easy to carve.There are many men in this mountain village who can carve, and many of them are very good at carving.

Shichiro was probably influenced by some influence, and he was very interested in carpentry and other jobs, but he did not do badly.

Jiuli walked forward while admiring it. She was very busy before and never came here.She let go of her pace and walked forward.

After a certain distance, it was a bit far from the central street of Dexianxia Town, and there was nothing to see.Just when Jiuli was about to turn back, she seemed to hear the sound of horseshoes not far away.

Jiuli was stunned, listening quietly to the sound of the horse's hooves.

The sound of horseshoes was getting closer and closer, and Jiu Li could clearly distinguish that there were about sixteen horses, and there was a carriage in the middle, which was a four-wheeled carriage, and the carriage was pulled by two horses.

Such a mighty team, could it be that such a team passed through Xianxia Town?

The sound of hoofbeats was getting closer and closer to her.Jiu Li had no choice but to take a step back, automatically giving way to the horse team.

The mighty team came on the flying dust, but when they passed by Jiuli, the leader stopped his horse and stopped in front of Jiuli.

Jiuli raised his eyes, and casually glanced at the person standing in front of him. He was covered in bunts and looked dusty. When he saw Jiuli, he still politely got off his horse and treated him respectfully. Looking at Jiuli, he bowed and said, "Girl, can I ask someone?"

Jiuli nodded and said, "Ask."

"That old Ruan who often drives a carriage in Xianxia Mountain, does Old Ruan know where he lives?" The man spoke very simply, politely, and humbly, without any arrogance at all.

When Jiuli heard it, she felt very comfortable, so she asked tentatively, "Do you know where this is?" Jiuli asked while pointing to the small town behind him.

"Is this Xianxia Village?"

Jiu Li shook his head vigorously and said, "This is Xianxia Town, and Xianxia Village is still some distance away."

"Excuse me, how do I get to Xianxia Village?" the man asked politely again.

"Go straight to a place called Renhe Medical Center. There is a road behind him. Go straight to Xianxia Village. After reaching Xianxia Village, go straight to the center of the village. It is near the old well. You can definitely find out about Lao Ruan, he also likes to bask in the sun when he is free."

Jiuli often went to fetch water, and since Mrs. Hou came to recognize her relatives, the news quickly caused a sensation in the village.It's hard to say to other people, especially that old Ruan, whenever he sees Jiu Li, he will call 'Daughter' and 'Daughter' very affectionately.

Does Jiu Li know where he often appears?
(End of this chapter)

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