The luxuriously dressed man looked up at Jiuli, and said gratefully, "Miss Ruan, did you agree to save my father?"

"Why didn't you pull him over?" Jiu Li asked suspiciously, yes, why didn't you use a carriage to pull him over?
"We traveled long distances, traveling day and night, and it would take three days at full speed. My father can't bear it?" The man kneeling on the ground began to cry again when he said this.

"Where do you live?" Jiuli asked suspiciously, only knowing that they traveled a long distance, they must have come from other places, but they don't know exactly where they came from.

"The capital." The man said frankly, "I just hope that Miss Ruan can be taken to the capital to help my father heal. She should be able to come back on the first day of the new year."

Jiuli paused for a while and said, "Actually, his illness had already flared up at that time, I gave him a glass of water, and that glass of water was the traditional Chinese medicine I prepared for his illness, and it was already one-third healed. If you drink it a few more times, you will be cured. Unfortunately, he felt that ten taels of silver was too expensive, and he felt that it was not worth it, so he gave up."

The man looked at Jiu Li regretfully, knelt on the ground and choked up loudly, saying, "I can't live without my father? My mother passed away three years ago, and our brothers have just completed their three-year filial piety, so we can't go anywhere Do it. If there is no father, we will have to observe filial piety for another three years, and we brothers will have no chance of official career from now on."

Jiuli sighed a long time, then looked at his courtyard and said, "Look, how many people in my family want to eat, including the old and the young, I have to take care of them. If I'm not at home for a long time , may be flying around, and everything will be messed up."

Old man Ruan stepped forward at the right time, and said cautiously, "Miss Ruan, these are all easy to solve, that is, the problem of family meals. If this son is willing to pay, many daughters-in-law in our village are Those who are willing to cook. Especially in this season. It is very easy to find a few young wives who cook and serve others. Go boldly."

The young man with his head down, after hearing these words, felt that the ten taels of silver he had just now was really worth it, and he wanted to reward him with ten taels of silver again.

Talking about the tip of the needle, it just solved the urgent need.

"It's not just about this place. There is also a patient in Renhe Medical Center who plans to return to see him in ten days? If he doesn't come back in ten days and the patient relapses, won't it be difficult to heal in the future?" Jiu Liyu said earnestly, he Quickly pulled up the man who was kneeling on the ground, and said, "We can discuss it."

The young master felt that Jiuli's medical skills were excellent, so he said without any thought, "Or, the patient will also go on the road with him and live in the capital. If there is anything, he can take care of him at any time."

"I'll talk to my family first, and then I'll go to the medical clinic to ask." After Jiuli finished speaking, she walked to the door of her house and knocked on the door.

After a short time, the door opened.

The aunt stood behind the door without showing her face. The moment Jiuli came in, she quickly closed the door.It doesn't matter who is standing outside.

"Auntie, don't you have a lunch break?" Jiuli asked tentatively. Usually at this time, she would jump into the yard to open the door, so as not to disturb her rest. Today, so many people were outside, she could only knock on the door.Unexpectedly, my aunt opened the door in such a short time.Has my aunt been standing in the yard all the time?

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