Jiuli stared at Monk Hua and asked, "Is Lord Hua really killed?"

Monk Hua drank a cup of water that Jiuli handed over, nodded slowly and said, "He was carried away when he was poisoned. Those people found out that they had killed the third prince by mistake, and immediately organized many martial arts masters to climb over the wall and enter In the palace, they caught the sleeping Lord Hua. They broke their bones at that time. They were afraid of long nights and dreams.

By the time the news was passed on to the emperor and he was ordered to conduct a thorough investigation, it was too late.Lord Hua's muscles and bones have already been broken.

In order to be afraid that it would not be broken, they even brought in the imperial doctor to test it.

In a fit of anger, the emperor ordered the killing of Lord Hua to avenge the third prince.They really did it, and by the time the emperor reacted, it was too late.Lord Hua Wang had already been killed by them. "

"Oh?" Jiu Li snorted, "Is this the end of this matter?"

Monk Hua shook his head helplessly and said, "For so many years, Lord Hua has always been the emperor's heart disease, and no one can bring it up in front of him."

"What about the third prince who was killed by mistake later?" Jiu Li asked again in doubt, "Did they not be punished?"

"There was an adult who ransacked and beheaded all over the house. Hundreds of people in the whole house were killed, almost all of them were killed."

Jiuli always felt uncomfortable when she heard this, she blinked her eyes, thinking about every word he said.Monk Hua seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly added another sentence, "The worst thing is that Concubine Hua, who always felt that the matter was not that simple. It was a third prince who exchanged hundreds of lives, and the matter can end here."

Jiu Li stared at his face carefully, listening to him slowly narrate the matter, not daring to disturb him, just listening to him continue, "Hua Guifei chased after her and scared many people, and finally one day Concubine Hua Gui was poisoned, and right in front of the emperor, the emperor watched her die helplessly and was powerless."

When talking about this, Jiuli remembered that when she was in Qingqian Villa last time, she went to wash Madam Hou's stomach to wash away the poison in her stomach. Doctor Zhang seemed to have said this, saying that it was Didn't the imperial concubine die in front of the emperor?And there was nothing they could do.Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Concubine Hua.

Just when Jiuli was about to ask him something more, he heard someone shouting not far away, "There is a war horse tied there not far away, Miss Ruan may be here."

Then someone shouted, "Miss Ruan?"

"Miss Ruan?"

"Miss Ruan?"

Monk Hua's injury is almost healed, not to say that the injury is completely healed, but that he can walk.He then said to Jiu Li, "You go first, I don't have anything special on me, so no one will chase me down, do you want to take that kettle of yours to the inn? It's very dangerous for you to hold it."

Since this kettle is on her body, so many things will happen, if Monk Hua doesn't tell these things about Lord Hua, she might really send this troublesome kettle to the inn and let them snatch it away.

But after hearing the story of Lord Hua, not only did she feel that she should not send it away, she should even protect the kettle and keep it with her all the time.As for why she did this, she didn't know.

She felt like she should.

When they found Jiuli and Jiuli was about to leave, the Hua monk suddenly added a sentence behind, "The mountains are high and the waters are long, please be careful!"

Jiuli turned her head to him and smiled gratefully.

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