Old Man Fan seemed to raise his hand to wipe the tears on his face, but he raised his hand a few times before finally giving up.While smiling, Fan Yi tightly held Mr. Fan's hand, and put his hand on his teary cheek.

"Don't treat Miss Ruan badly." Mr. Fan said these words weakly. He was just recovering from a serious illness. In fact, how could this be a serious illness?This is obviously a round trip at the gate of ghosts. If it weren't for Jiuli, old man Fan would not be able to come back.

"Okay." Fan Yi nodded vigorously.

As if he remembered something, he lowered his head and approached Mr. Fan, and said in a low voice but clearly, "Miss Ruan gave Dad a bowl of medicine last time in the shed on Xianxia Mountain, and that bowl of medicine supported Dad. When we arrived in the capital, Daddy’s illness was already cured by a third, as long as he drank a few more cups, ten taels of silver would save him from such a crime.”

Old Master Fan's face was full of embarrassment. In fact, he just didn't think highly of Jiu Li last time.

At this time, I feel a little ashamed.

With a smile in his eyes, he signaled that he must treat Jiu Li well, and Fan Yi agreed to everything.This is a life-saving grace.If it wasn't for Jiuli's appearance, they would go back to their hometown to mourn for another three years, not to mention that the boss's official career would be ruined, even the few of them would be implicated.

In fact, the most important thing is about Yuke.

Who is Fan Yuke?The fourth young lady of Fan Yu, the eldest son of the Fan family, is not only unparalleled in beauty, but also brilliant in talent. How many royal relatives and relatives are clinging to her?
This Fan Yuke has already passed the age of Jiji, if she observes filial piety for another three years and cannot marry, she will be too old.

In fact, most of the time, the Fan Mansion is for this Fan Yuke.

Jiuli is living in her yard today.

Her yard is at the center of Fan Mansion, just like Huo Shiyu's house in Qingqian Villa is also at the center of the house, that's because of Huo Shiyu's love for Huo Shiyu from Hou Mansion and Huo Jiang.

It can be seen that this Fan Yuke's status in the Fan family.

A servant led Jiuli into the courtyard, before entering the door, but just turning the corner, Jiuli could smell the fragrance of camellias wafting from the courtyard.

Jiuli's favorite thing is the camellia, not only the taste of the camellia, but the most important thing is that she was picked up by the old man of the Huo family under the camellia tree in her previous life.

She believes that she has an indissoluble bond with the camellia tree, but why is it full of camellias at this time?
Did he know she was coming?

Thinking of this, she smiled again.How can this be?

The Fourth Miss of the Fan family hadn't seen her, maybe it was just a coincidence.

It was an old nanny who led Jiuli over.When she was about to step into the threshold, she stopped suddenly and said, "Miss Ruan, our young lady has a special status, and no one else can live in her house, so I can only be wronged to live in the study?"

Jiuli nodded, she didn't care where she lived.

It's just that when you step into this courtyard, you feel so comfortable.It seems that she has been here before, this yard looks so familiar, especially the smell of the flowers, she wants to lean on the camellia book and smell it well.

Seeing Jiuli's intoxicated appearance, the old nanny didn't seem surprised at all, and said, "Miss Ruan, ordinary people in our lady's yard are not allowed to stay here, unless there is a distinguished guest like Miss Ruan. I hope Miss Ruan will take good care of her. These camellias are carefully cultivated by the miss."

Jiuli was taken aback.

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