Jiu Li slanted against the roof, her eyes were all on the camellia tree, she was reluctant to leave.

Could it be the same for Fan Yuke?
If she goes down at this time, it won't be good if we meet again?There were many words that were difficult to explain, so she simply lay there and slept for a while, and waited for Fan Yuke to leave before going around for a while.

Jiuli lay on the roof, fell asleep in a daze, and didn't wake up from this sleep.There was only a 'bang', as if a small fruit or stone had hit her waist.

She woke up and sat up immediately.

God, she fell asleep on the roof, at this time the east was already pale, and it was about to dawn.What about coming down later to enjoy the flowers?
The flower appreciator left, but she didn't seem to come down either, and she fell asleep until now.

If someone hadn't woken her up just now, she might still be asleep.She looked down at the place where she was sleeping just now, and a wild fruit was wobbly placed there.

Such a high roof will not fall from the tree.Jiu Li looked around, but there was nothing in the quiet morning mist.

She didn't have time to think about it, if people in the Fan residence found out that she hadn't returned all night, but was sleeping on the roof of their house, then the Fourth Miss of the Fan family would definitely not go around her.

The Fourth Miss of the Fan family looks gentle and gentle, but her heart is probably not as graceful as she appears on the surface.It's inconvenient for her to offend her, and it's unnecessary.

She didn't want to know anything about her before.She always felt that it had nothing to do with her.

Jiuli flew down and rushed up the street. Fortunately, no one noticed her, so she nimbly disappeared into the woods, and within a short time she flew into the study.

When she was lying on the bed, she heard the three little pigs talking outside.

"Miss Ruan, you haven't come back all night?"

"What can we do? Did she go back to the cave to rest at night?"

"How is it possible? It's so far away, did you go to Xianxia Cave to rest?"

"It's really impossible. When the sun came out, we went to the front yard to report. We said that it was fine at night. We watched Miss Ruan go in to rest. There was no movement this night. When we went in at dawn, disappeared without a trace."

"That's all I can say."

The three maids spoke in unison here, looking at the sky, it seemed that it was still early, and finally someone yawned and said that they were going to be confused for a while.

The other two maids followed suit.

The three maids who were supposed to be guarding the gate didn't close their eyes just like that, they just waited for Jiuli to come back, and they didn't get confused for a while until dawn.Who knew that due to being too sleepy, unless someone yelled about waking up, how could it be possible to only sleep for a while?
At breakfast time, Jiuli was neatly dressed, quietly left the courtyard with a basket on her back, and came straight to Mr. Fan's courtyard.

Mr. Fan took his medicine on time, and the people in the house took good care of him, so he slept well that night, but there were no people in the house that night.Just because he was afraid that something would happen to Mr. Fan.

The next day, Mr. Fan woke up early, still wanting to drink porridge and eat some pickles.

The servants hurriedly brought porridge and a small dish of pickles, and Mr. Fan ate a bowl. Seeing that Mr. Fan's appetite increased greatly, everyone knew that his condition had improved, but they still did not dare to take it lightly.

Zhenzhen got up early and was having breakfast in Mr. Fan's room.

When Jiu Li came in, she had just set it up.Zhenzhen pulled her to eat together, Jiuli didn't refuse, and really sat in the room and ate breakfast.

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