The two continued to walk forward, the criss-crossing alleys, Zhenzhen walked smoothly, and after a while, the two turned to a main road ahead.

Zhenzhen let out a long breath and said, "Sister, just so exciting? We were almost caught. Also, we actually went to that yard with 'ghosts'."

Jiu Li smiled and asked her, "Who told you that there are ghosts there?"

Zhenzhen tilted her head, still tightly holding Jiuli's arm, and said, "Why do I need others to tell me? When all the servants in the mansion walk to the path next to the courtyard, they don't move forward. Yes, it is said to be haunted. It is said that more than 300 people were killed in that yard.”

When Jiu Li heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

More than 300 people were killed in this ruined place?Jiuli was circling quickly in her mind, she seemed to remember who said that after the incident happened to Luo Yan, the King of Flowers, there was also a minister who was wiped out of the whole family, remembering that there were more than 300 people.

Is it that place?

Today's matter is a bit too complicated, Jiuli has not had time to digest it yet.First, the arrogant and unreasonable girl I met on the street turned out to be the granddaughter of the Grand Master's Mansion.It was that blind granny again, and later it was the person named 'You'er'. Although they didn't see the person named 'You'er', Jiuli knew that he must be the 'fool' who lived with that blind granny up.

"Stop!" Noisy footsteps came from not far away, and then several guards appeared in front of them, turning from the road in front of them.Just in time, I saw Jiuli and Zhenzhen carrying a basket on their backs.The two are very recognizable.

In the alleys around here, Jiu Li is probably the only one dressed like this, right?There is another four or five-year-old girl by her side.They can be recognized at a glance.

They immediately yelled at them.

Jiuli turned around quickly, and protected Zhenzhen in front of her chest. She was looking at the road around her, where she planned to run, to get closer to Fan's mansion, or to prevent them from finding out that it was someone who came out of Fan's mansion. , otherwise wouldn't it be more trouble for Fan Mansion?

At this moment, a sharp, long and slightly gentle voice came from behind, "Miss Ruan?"

Is this voice so familiar? If she guessed correctly, it should be the acquaintance of that short and fat Doctor Zhang.
Jiuli turned her head, and she saw Eunuch Huang. He was dressed in plain plain clothes. It wasn't obvious, but the luxury of the clothes still couldn't hide it.

Jiuli looked at him and smiled.

Carrying Zhenzhen, she walked up to him in a few steps.She still felt the guards approaching behind her, but she didn't dare to rush forward, or rushed forward.

"Miss Ruan, it was so hard to find you." When Eunuch Huang said this, he kept wiping the sweat off his forehead. In such a cold weather, I don't know where he got the sweat from.

"Are you guys here quickly?" Jiuli asked with a smile.

"Hey..." Eunuch Huang pretended to be speechless, and after Jiuli left Renhe Medical Center, they also left.Just with their troops and momentum, even if they spend the night in the grove, would anyone dare to rob them?

Besides, they didn't live there either, Eunuch Huang had already made arrangements along the way.It's just that the empress dowager is not feeling well, so she can sit on the mountain to recuperate, and the emperor will visit her in person.Now we are on our way back to Beijing.

Those county magistrates and government offices have long been prepared to welcome them.So they entered Beijing only one day later than Jiuli, and they went all the way without hindrance.

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