At the corner of the street, they saw the thin figure, carrying a big pannier, and beside him was a four or five-year-old girl with a shofar braid. The two figures stood on the wide and long street. Very easy to recognize.

"Stop!" They yelled at Jiuli and the others in surprise.

Jiuli had already spotted them from the corner of her eye, but she just pretended not to see them. Zhenzhen turned her head following the sound and saw several guards who were staring at them as they were about to rush over. Holding Jiuli's clothes, she whispered , "Sister, there is someone behind you."

Jiuli pulled her and quickly walked to Eunuch Huang's side.

The three of them walked forward without looking back.

Several guards looked at the short and fat Eunuch Huang who was walking swaying beside Jiuli.They have been in the Grand Master's Mansion for so many years, and the concubines in the palace don't often see them, but how can this Eunuch Huang not know him?

He often comes to Taishifu.

Several guards looked at each other in blank dismay, they followed for a long distance, planning to take Jiuli and the two little girls away if Eunuch Huang left.But Eunuch Huang just leaned against Jiuli tightly, so why would he want to part ways?
The group of people followed for a long distance, probably through a few streets, but Eunuch Huang was still with Jiu Li, talking and laughing.They seem to be going to the same place.

No matter how arrogant and domineering they are on this street, they dare not take people away from Eunuch Huang's nose.

After staring at several streets to no avail, they had to return.

Where is Wan Yinghong hurting at this time?He even specially called an imperial doctor to take a look, the imperial doctor just gave her a little ointment for traumatic injuries, and told her to apply a little on the damaged areas, if there is no broken skin, there is no need to apply it.

Can Wan Yinghong not know her injury?
It's just that no one on this street dared to talk big to her when she grew up so big. Today, someone dared to pull her off the horse at the gate of Taishi's mansion. Wouldn't it be too old to break ground?She just couldn't get enough of that breath.

She knew that she was not injured. After the imperial doctor left, she threw the ointment into the garbage pit not far away with a 'bang'.She saw a lot of business people running into the garbage pit, constantly picking and pulling the things she threw away.

She was a little irritable, hit the horse and left, and the maids followed closely.

Several guards rushed over, saluted Wan Yinghong, and said, "Miss, those two little beggars are actually with Eunuch Huang. They have been clinging to Eunuch Huang, so we can't bring them back?"

Wan Yinghong was stunned for a moment, blinked her long eyelashes, and said in a puzzled way, "Which Eunuch Huang?"

The guards looked at each other in blank dismay. They were confused and said in a puzzled way, "Miss, who else can you be? The famous Huang Gonggong next to the emperor? The one who often comes to the Grand Master's Mansion to deliver imperial edicts."

Wan Yinghong was taken aback for a moment. As the daughter of the Grand Master's Mansion, she was such a noble family, and Eunuch Huang had entered and left their house countless times.Has she ever been close to Eunuch Huang?
She also just secretly saw it after hearing people say that Eunuch Huang swayed when he was walking, especially like a duck playing in the water.

As for saying hello, they have never said hello. These two country girls who are like bumpkins, how can they talk so speculatively with Eunuch Huang?Also walked all the way, as if going to the same place.

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