Chapter 584 Eunuch Huang's Long Wait
When Eunuch Huang was standing in the courtyard of Yukefang, Jiu Li had already returned from a walk outside.Today is the day for the emperor's reexamination.

He woke up early, and was already waiting for Jiuli in the yard.

The study room was quiet all the time, there was no movement, the three maids outside gathered together in a pile and slept with their heads on their stomachs, and they didn't notice when Eunuch Huang came over lightly.

Eunuch Huang didn't bother them on purpose, it wasn't because they were negligent, it was because the emperor didn't fall asleep last night and kept nagging about today's reexamination.

No, Eunuch Huang didn't sleep well after being tossed all night. He came over from the back door as soon as it was dawn.Just waiting for Jiuli at the door of the study.

Seeing that there was no movement in the study room, she always thought that Jiuli was sleeping, and didn't dare to disturb her, but sent a few eunuchs away from a distance, and then stood here waiting alone.

Seeing how Xiaoju's three maids were sleeping soundly, he felt sleepy.He just didn't dare to take a nap, for fear of missing Miss Ruan, and the emperor blamed him, but he couldn't bear it.This kind of thing is not a big deal, but it is related to the physical safety of the emperor, even if one soldier is not moved, it is a big deal.

Eunuch Huang just opened his eyes like that, with his hands drooping in front of him, standing there upright, like a small tree.

Jiuli came back at this time, she came in through the door of Yuke Fang.Recently, the "Fu Xi Jing" in her mind has been turning pages. If she is inconvenient at night, she will find a secluded corner to practice medicine and martial arts in the morning and evening.

It was still early when she walked out of the study, and the maids were still sleeping soundly, so Jiu Li didn't disturb them, and purposely concealed the sound of her footsteps.

So they fell asleep very peacefully, thinking that Jiu Li was still lying on the couch.

Even if Eunuch Huang came, he thought that Jiuli was still sleeping so early in the sky.

When he saw Jiu Li jumping happily from the gate of the courtyard, his jaw almost dropped from shock.He has been here for an hour.I was afraid of disturbing her rest, so I let her sleep well and wake up naturally.

Unexpectedly, she came back from outside.Did she not sleep?Or where did she sleep?
"Miss Ruan Ruan." Eunuch Huang called these few words in astonishment, not knowing what to say next.

"Hello." Jiuli nodded to him, and said hello, "Did you come so early? Is your family awake?"

Eunuch Huang knew that she was referring to the emperor, if the emperor knew that she called him that, her little head would be lost, but she also thought that those who don't know are not afraid, and she didn't know that her patient was the emperor.Then feel at ease again.

Where is the emperor not awake?It was the thought that Jiuli would give him a follow-up consultation today, so he was so excited that he didn't close his eyes all night.

"I'll be waiting for Miss Ruan at any time." Eunuch Huang still said respectfully, after spending so long with Jiu Li, he had already figured out Jiu Li's temperament.Every word he said was on Jiuli's heart.

Jiuli doesn't care about some trivial matters at all.Then he nodded and said, "After breakfast, we'll go there."

The two chatted here for a few words, and one of the three maids who were keeping watch not far away was awakened, and she carefully pushed the other two to wake up.

They stood up in horror, looking at Jiuli who was fully dressed and had already walked around outside, and kept saying sorry words.

Jiuli just nodded, not taking this matter to heart at all.

(End of this chapter)

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