Zhenzhen shook Jiuli's arm, as if she wanted to go to the snack street.

Jiu Lizheng didn't know how to refuse, because of this dream, she felt that she had to go out for a walk, and she really wasn't in the mood to accompany her to the snack street.

Just at this time, a maid came and hurriedly walked up to Jiuli to salute, then turned around and looked at Zhenzhen who was standing aside, and said, "Miss, madam is looking for you, why did you come here?" ?”

Zhenzhen twisted her body reluctantly, acting coquettishly, and said, "I don't! I want to go somewhere else with Sister Jiuli. I don't want to go to a Taoist temple."

The maid quickly pulled Zhenzhen and whispered something in her ear.

Zhenzhen showed joy on her face, as if she had spoken to her heart, she looked at Jiuli with a smile on her face, and said, "Sister Jiuli, let's go to the snack street another day. I have other things to do today, Come back and bring you some presents."

Jiu Li smiled, she didn't know how to refuse, this maid came in time.

The maid dragged Zhenzhen away in a hurry.Jiuli watched their backs gradually disappearing in the yard, then changed into her clothes, picked up the basket, and walked into the yard.

A maid Xiaoju came up and said respectfully, "Miss Ruan, do I need to go with you?"

Jiuli waved his hand and said, "You guys can play whatever you want here."

After finishing speaking, she saw that their faces were obviously happy. In fact, they also liked when she was not around.She walked away.

Jiuli has lived here for a while, and she is already familiar with the roads of Fan's mansion. She didn't walk through the main entrance, but walked up the hillside that Fan Yuke used to walk on weekdays. It didn't take much time to go out. .

She first went to the market to buy some meat, then bought some vegetables and white flour and put them in the basket.Just like that, he went straight to the open space with broken walls and ruins.

In fact, she knew what this place was called. This was the address of the former Prime Minister Gongsun. It was just that after the "King Hua's muscle and bone incident" came out, the ministers found someone to take the blame.

It is Gongsun's family, with a family of more than 300 people, and there is no one left in the house.

At that time, Gongsunyou was the eldest grandson of Prime Minister Gongsun. Because he didn't come here at that time, it is said that his leg was injured on a hillside in the middle of the night, and because he couldn't come back, he saved his life.

When he rushed back to the mansion, what he saw was a river of blood and corpses everywhere.It was he who buried them one by one.

Someone wrote that there was still a man in the Gongsun family, Gongsunyou, should he also be killed?

The emperor's heart was at peace at this time, because of the nonsense of the third prince, the entire family of Gongsun's family had been slaughtered. Could there be no one left?
This Gongsun You was supposed to come back at the stipulated time, but unexpectedly he was injured by a fall in the graveyard in the middle of the night, and his leg was broken, which delayed the journey, so he saved his life.

Is this the will of God?

Seeing the emperor's hesitation, as if he wanted to let Gongsunyou go, someone wrote a letter again, since the imperial decree is below, it is to destroy the Gongsun family, the remaining one, might it be a hidden danger in the future?As the saying goes, cut the weeds and get rid of the roots.

When the emperor heard this, he immediately became angry and said, "Without the backing of the Gongsun family, what can he do with a small, disabled person? Can he still make waves in Yuedu? Now the whole city I ordered that no one should help Gongsunyou, let him survive in Yue!"

Now the ministers are relieved.

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