Chapter 599
Jiuli took it in his hands lightly, looked at him, and said, "Have you been in the capital all this time?"

"I've been recovering from my injuries in the capital. I'm almost done with my recovery these days. I think it's time for me to leave for a while." After speaking, he turned around and jumped from the roof to a tree branch not far away.

When Jiuli looked again, he had already disappeared.

Jiuli sighed helplessly, and said to herself, "He doesn't care about his apprentice, does he?" She casually put the stack of papers in the small basket behind her.

Jiu Li rested on the roof for a while, feeling that it was almost time, and was about to go down when she heard someone whispering not far away, "Do you see someone shaking on the roof?"

Jiuli quickly turned over, quickly turned to a place in the corner where she could cover her body, and fell down.

I heard someone below say, "Are you dazzled, or is there a shadow in your heart, where is there a shadow moving? It's pure nonsense."

Only the sighs of the two people below and the sound of footsteps gradually moving away were heard.

Jiu Li hurriedly leaped forward, quickly leaping onto a small tree next to him.Looking around for a while, he felt that there was no one there, so he got down from the small tree again, and returned to Yukefang in Fan Mansion by the same route.

When Jiu Li went back, it was actually very late, and the three maids were already sound asleep, so she didn't bother them.

Then I packed up and went to bed quickly.

When she woke up the next day, the sun had already come out, and the bright yellow halo lazily hit her brocade quilt through the window screen, emitting a little bit of starlight, like the halo on the beach under the sun.

Jiuli stretched out her hand in the halo, the spots of sunlight refracted on her hand, she turned it back and forth.

The three maids outside had already woken up, and they rarely saw Jiuli's child side, so they dared not come in, for fear of disturbing her beautiful dream.

Jiu Li suddenly thought of the stack of papers that Monk Hua gave her last night, what was it?
She reached into the pannier and took it out.When she opened that piece of paper.The whole person was stunned, what is this?There is a red stamp on the bright yellow paper.

It turned out to be the title deed of the house that she had been circling in her mind thousands of times.This is the imperial decree bestowed by the emperor.Even the imperial doctor Zhang couldn't handle things, how did he, a monk, do it?

Jiuli held it tightly in her hands, her face full of joy.

Although it was for Yuanzi, wouldn't they be able to rent it in first?Jiuli was extremely happy in his heart.The more she lives here for a while, the more she feels that both her aunt and Sankui must come back here.

Although Xianxia Village has a beautiful environment and is very suitable for living, it is rainy and humid all the year round.It is not a good thing for the injured person.It is easy to make the key wet and inflamed.

Sankui and her aunt have lived here for a short time now, so they haven't noticed it yet. In addition, it's winter, and they can take measures to keep warm. If it enters spring and summer.Humidity will hit your face.

It is not good for their condition.Clutching the golden house deed, she felt that she should come here as soon as possible, just looking for an opportunity.

Jiu Li felt elated when she thought that she could finally live happily with them here.Then fell asleep in a trance.

It was already time for dinner, but none of the maids dared to disturb her, they all stood far away, waiting for Jiuli to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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