Chapter 640
Granny Lihua started to choke up again while she was talking, Jiuli turned to look at her, and said in puzzlement, "Grandma, what's wrong?"

Granny Lihua wiped her tears and said, "Miss Ruan, are you leaving the capital soon?"

Jiuli put down the big bowl in her hand, she had already drank the big bowl of sparerib soup.At this time, there are still some unfinished ideas.

Uncle Zhong lightly touched Granny Lihua's arm, motioning for her to serve another bowl, but Jiuli quickly refused.She stood up and looked at the dark night outside, it was really dark this time.

It's almost like you can't see your fingers.

Because the fire in the house is always lit, it can provide both warmth and light.In addition, Jiuli's eyes were good enough, she walked to the side of the small back basket in a few steps, bent down to get things inside.

She took out a few oil-paper bags and put them on the stone bench.

She took out the biggest one first, and said, "Mother-in-law, this is what you use, it is for health preservation, and it is for treating gray hair and hunchback."

Granny Lihua didn't know whether she understood or not, she nodded while wiping her tears.

Jiu Li pointed to a smaller bag and said, "This is Uncle Zhong's. Uncle Zhong adds a little to the water every time he drinks, once a day is enough."

Zhongbo's deep eyes kept staring at the things Jiuli put on the stone bench, his eye sockets were moist, but he closed his lips again, and said nothing.

The bag he pointed at last said to Gongsun You, "This is for the whole family. It is suitable for ointments such as chilblain ointment, as well as symptoms such as flu and cold."

Gongsunyou sat there in a daze. Although there were no tears in his eyes like Granny Lihua and Uncle Zhong, it was obvious that he was not feeling well.

On the last floor, Jiuli brought a lot of silver taels, she took out some broken silver and put them in their room, then nodded and said, "I put the rest in the opposite grove and buried them in the largest Under a few trees."

After she finished saying this sentence, she was afraid that they might not hear her, so she repeated it again.

After a while, she walked into the night with the basket on her back, and she was really going to do this thing.

The place where Gongsunyou and the others live now, although it was the address of Gongsun's residence before, hasn't the house been ransacked?Not anymore.

They live here, no different from other homeless people.Anyone can come here to search the yard, and anyone can live here.

If you put silver taels here, no matter if you bury them in any corner, they will be searched, and this place will not be peaceful from now on.

Jiu Li then thought of burying them in the grove outside, where thorns were overgrown and poisonous snakes often appeared.

Why didn't many people live in the courtyard where Gongsun You lived before?Even if it's the only house that hasn't been destroyed, and doesn't house homeless people?

It is because it is close to a small forest, and poisonous snakes will crawl in from time to time.

When Gongsunyou first lived here, he bought a lot of sulfur and put it around.But many homeless people still dare not step into this yard.

When they passed by the small woods, they often saw a big snake with a long letter, and they wandered around this small yard.How dare they come in?
Although it is begging, life is still needed.

That's why the three of them could live so peacefully and comfortably inside, otherwise they would have been taken over by hordes of homeless people outside.

These were felt when Jiuli stepped into this small courtyard for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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