Jiuli blinked her eyes, and said in a puzzled manner, "Is shopkeeper Liu the cause of your situation today?"

Shopkeeper Liu also started to choke up when he heard this. It seems that he has been wronged a lot during this time.

Xiao Qi nodded vigorously, and said, "On the first day when we entered Miaochun Hall, there was Imperial Doctor Zhang. They treated us like family members, and we really felt that they treated us well. Wait until Doctor Zhang went to see us the next day. After going abroad, everything changed.”

Maybe it was because of being hungry for a long time and suddenly being full, Xiao Qi kept hiccupping while describing this matter.Jiuli hurriedly took out some wild fruits from the basket and gave them to him.

He ate a few, and continued, "On the morning of the second day when we came, there was an old man who had been ill for a long time. Shopkeeper Liu asked the master to treat him. The master only prescribed a few medicines, but who knew that the old man passed away overnight."

When Xiaoqi said this, he sighed slightly and said, "Who knew it would be so unlucky? The old man's family blocked the Miaochun Hall, and they arrested me and the master when they saw me. We were beaten out from inside, and no one was there. Take care of us. And the government is full of people who arrest us."

"So you've been wandering in the capital?" Jiu Li asked suspiciously, "Why didn't you go find me?"

"Go." When Xiaoqi said this, she looked up at Jiuli, as if she was wronged, and said, "We went to Fan Mansion as soon as something happened. But there is Fan Yi and Fan Qiye in Fan Mansion. In the yamen, he already knew about us, how could he allow us to get close to the Fan residence? Later we went to several other places and were kicked out."

Jiuli looked at them and said, "What are your plans for the future?"

Xiaoqi covered her face and wept again.Shopkeeper Liu had a mournful face and didn't say a word.

Jiu Li took out the house deed with her name written on it from his sleeve and said, "Have you thought about reopening?"

Shopkeeper Liu looked up, and when he saw the deed in Jiuli's hand, his eyes turned green, and he said in surprise, "Miss Ruan, is this your house?"

Jiuli nodded vigorously, and said, "I'm going back tomorrow, and I'm still worried about what to do. Why don't you just open a medical clinic here, and help me keep an eye on it."

"Ah?" Xiao Qi said worriedly, "Miss Ruan, are you not in the capital?"

Jiu Li smiled, and said, "I still have family members, and I will come with them in a short time. You can just do a good job here, you don't need to make a lot of money, it's still a matter of hiring a few famous doctors nearby, and the price is yours." Decide by yourself. As for how much you will give me, you will manage it first, and then we will talk about it.”

Shopkeeper Liu almost flew up.

There is such a good thing, the key is the house deed on Wangfu Avenue?
Miaochun Hall is to the west of Taishi Mansion, and the house deed is to the east of Taishi Mansion, which is a street.As long as Jiuli joins in.

He believes that it will surpass the century-old Miao Chun Tang.

"Ms. Ruan must be the shopkeeper of the clinic this time?" Shopkeeper Liu said, "I definitely can't, and my reputation is gone."

Jiuli smiled and said, "We must be genuine, and must be cheaper than Miaochuntang. Many people will come to grab the medicine."

Shopkeeper Liu nodded vigorously.Immediately, he took Jiuli to see the house.

It is better to hit the sun than choose the day, they opened today.They even have a name.It's called 'Baicaotang', which means to compare with Miaochuntang.

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