A total of 22 men in black came from the empress of the Ming Dynasty. On the way, two of them withdrew due to physical reasons, and stayed in an inn on the way to wait for them to return.A total of 20 people came to Xianxia Town.

When chasing Sankui's carriage, all five died. Fourteen people followed them at night, and a carrot head was left in the inn.The strong brother who took the lead was forced to retreat because his right arm was crippled.

The remaining thirteen were led into the hollow valley on that hillside, and none of them survived.

If it wasn't for the strong leading brother who hid behind a small tree in the thorn forest, he probably wouldn't have survived.

When he dragged his bloody body back to the inn, he was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

Carrot head hurried over to heal him, and asked him what was going on.

He then told what happened that night.When it came to the end, Carrot asked him what the black-clothed master was like.

The burly man was stunned at the time, and said, "It could be one person, or two people, but they all have extremely high martial arts. Our people were just led to the open space in the valley, thinking that we could avoid that martial arts master Liu Gongzi." . who knew we were completely wrong."

Luobotou hurriedly fed him a sip of water, for fear that he would not be able to hold on and faint.

The strong leader continued, "Who knew that we didn't have to make a move at all. In the blink of an eye, they killed thirteen of us. He didn't make a move at all, or we didn't even know whether he made a move or not. "

When he said this, he was already a little dizzy, and said with some reproach, "We really underestimated the enemy. It's just that we didn't expect that there are such powerful martial arts masters in this remote mountain village. The key point is that we don't know yet. Who is the other party?"

Little Luobotou sighed helplessly, "If we knew, we wouldn't accept this deal."

"This is the matter of Concubine Ming. Who doesn't think it's a lucrative job, but I didn't expect the other party to be so powerful. In fact, the other party just didn't want to kill me, or deliberately left a life alive."

Little Luobotou laid him flat on the bed, and covered him with a quilt, with tears streaming down his face.He choked up and said, "If it wasn't for the elder brother asking me to stay last night, I'm afraid."

He was sobbing at this point.

The burly elder brother snorted coldly, "It's just an extra corpse when you go. We didn't take action at all, so we lost our lives."

The burly elder brother seemed to be full of resentment, and said, "Even if we fight against each other? The key point is that we didn't make a single move, and they didn't ask anything."

The next day, Luobotou got up very early, or after the leading brother came back, he didn't sleep all the time, and he stood at the gate of Yuelu Academy.He must see who this devil-like person is.

Uncle Zhao's carriage parked at the gate of the academy on purpose because four people from here were pulled on it.

Liu Hong, Shichiro, Madoka and Sankui walked down from above.

"I'll ask Brother Qilang to see me off." Madoka said, took Qilang's hand and left.Qilang walks fast, unlike Sankui who walks slowly, sometimes he is late.Basically, after arriving here, Shichiro sent them over.

Sankui didn't refuse, nodded, and stood at the gate of the academy for a while, watching them go away, until he turned into Xiao Yuanzi's private school, then he turned around.

Little Luobotou looked at them without blinking.

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