The moonlight poured down on the camellia trees in the yard like water, hazy and dreamlike.Jiu Li really fell in love with this house.

At this time, she didn't feel sleepy at all. In such a beautiful moment, if she didn't spend some time, she would be too sorry for the beautiful moonlight.

Jiuli fell down, and then stood up abruptly. The movement just now seemed to be the resentment of a drunken phoenix; then she turned around again, like a coiling snake;
When she finished the set of movements, she suddenly realized that she had already performed all the sets of punches that Uncle Zhong had used in the evening.

After fighting several times, she figured out that the person who created this boxing method used the order of the twelve zodiac signs.It's just that she trained the movements of the zodiac tiger into a cat, and the drunken phoenix is ​​actually a strong chicken that is messy in the wind. After she interprets the twelve zodiac signs in this way, it is very easy to remember.

This practice combined with her own feelings, and she created this set of "Zodiac Boxing". In fact, she didn't know the name of this set of boxing. She chose this name herself.

In order to keep this boxing technique in mind for herself, and to integrate more of her feelings, she practiced it a few more times, as if she had managed to get a little bit of its charm.

Jiu Li looked up at Tai Se again, feeling that it was already very late, and if he didn't return to Fan's residence at this time, it might be dawn in a while.And she had to hurry after daybreak.

Jiu Li turned around and slightly adjusted the pannier on her shoulders.Just when she was about to jump out of the back yard, she suddenly heard the rustling sound from the camellia tree behind.

Jiuli froze, obviously this was not the sound of human footsteps, nor the sound of wind or falling flowers, what kind of sound was this?

Jiuli turned her head and looked at the thick and luxuriant camellia trees, and a nimble little animal was running back and forth between the big trees.

Jiuli was stunned, and said to herself, "This back yard has turned into a virgin forest? Why are there still animals coming and going?" She stood still, she was afraid of frightening it.

Under the moonlight, the little animal has smooth and bright fur, and its body is agile and vigorous, but its body is very small.

What a cute little animal?
She was worrying about what to bring home for her family, if she took this little animal back and gave it to Yuanzi, how happy would he be?
Thinking of Mrs. Zhao, who was pulling a bullock cart at the foot of the mountain, gave their family a clumsy duckling. Xiao Yuanzi wished he could go home and sleep with it, if he could bring this cute animal back.

He wasn't necessarily that happy.

Thinking of this, Jiuli smiled.

At this time, the little animal suddenly, like a bolt of lightning, rushed to Jiuli's shoulder with lightning speed.

Jiu Li was still unmoved as she stood, it was hard to say whether she could catch this little animal with her own skills, but at this moment it ran to her shoulder by itself.

Where did it come from, she has been practicing martial arts here just now, how did she appear?
Jiu Li stretched out his hand in some confusion, and gently touched the little animal.

Its smooth fur and soft skin feel great to the touch.Her little heart was beating wildly.

She was afraid it would be startled and suddenly disappear.So her movements are very gentle, like stroking a baby.

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