Jiuli pouted, and took a few steps forward in disappointment, when she was about to leave.The nine-tailed fox ran over again with a 'whoosh'.

It holds a floral bag in its hand, which contains camellia petals.Jiuli was looking at it suspiciously, it took out a petal and put it in its mouth.

The little mouth is eating 'baji' and 'baji', it looks so cute and cute, it is very cute.

"So your food is flower petals? Especially camellia petals?" Jiu Li looked at it and asked with a smile.

Nine-tailed Fox nodded, and rushed to Jiuli's back basket with the broken flower bag in his arms.

Jiuli turned her head and tidied up the basket deliberately, letting it nest in it quietly.

When Jiuli returned to Fan's mansion in the dark, he always did not go through the gate, but still came in over the wall.When she climbed over the wall and entered, she heard two guards at the door ask, "Did you see a black shadow just now, as if flashing past the wall?"

"No." The other person continued, "Maybe it's the shadow of a tree, maybe it's your eyesight. The door is open in the middle of the night, who is free to climb over the wall every day?"

"That's right?" Seeing Heiying blinking his eyes in doubt, he nodded and said, "Maybe he's extremely sleepy." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and yawned.

When Jiuli entered Yukefang's study room, the three maids had already fallen asleep.They got acquainted with Jiu Li, so they knew her temperament, even if they knew they were asleep, they wouldn't say much.But if you don't sleep, she will ask why you haven't rested so late.

So they lay down early.

Jiuli put down the basket lightly, hugged the nine-tailed fox in her arms, and asked where it was going to sleep?The nine-tailed fox just swished onto the roof.

Jiuli looked up, looked at the squinting Nine-Tailed Fox squatting on the roof beam, nodded and said, "So you like to lie here?"

Nine-Tailed Fox didn't talk to her anymore, but lay down on the roof beam and closed his eyes.

This is a very handsome nine-tailed fox, even when the eyes are closed, it is so beautiful, so enchanting and charming.In the faint candlelight, Jiuli looked up at her several times before closing his eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

The next day, when Jiuli woke up, it was almost noon.

She opened her eyes and glanced at Liangding, the nine-tailed fox had disappeared.But Zhenzhen sat there with a small body upright. The moment she saw Jiuli open her eyes, she rushed over and said excitedly, "Sister Jiuli, are you awake? I'll wait here You are eating breakfast."

Jiuli turned his head to look at the sunlight outside and the shadows coming in through the window screen, and said, "What time is it?"

Zhenzhen shook her small body and said, "It's time for lunch." After she finished speaking, she laughed 'puchi' and burst into laughter.

"Grandpa said today that my sister is going back to Xianxia Mountain. I deliberately didn't want my sister to get up early, and I didn't let anyone disturb her." Zhenzhen said with a little pride on her face.

Jiuli sat up, and when she went to wash up, she gently touched her delicate little head.

"Sister Jiuli, why don't you leave? Why don't you leave later." Zhenzhen's small mouth was chattering, and it didn't stop even after Jiuli woke up. She continued, "You know what? The election of the crown princess is about to take place, and many big families in the Yue Kingdom are going to participate in the election."

Speaking of this, she stopped slightly, and approached Jiu Lidao as if she had a little secret, "Did you know? My fourth sister is also running for the crown princess. Others are just pretending, and the prince likes my fourth sister." elder sister."

When Jiu Li heard this, he was suddenly stunned.

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