Anyone who can sit in this private room is basically a relative of the emperor, not an ordinary official family.The middle-aged man saw that he was not happy, so he got up and took the two men away.

When passing by Jiuli, the middle-aged man smiled slightly at Jiuli.

Jiuli's little heart was beating 'plop' and 'plop', and after they walked away, he couldn't help saying, "A person with status, after all, has such a big heart."

When he walked over, Jiuli glanced at him again, she really looked like her aunt, and was almost exactly the same.

"Do you know who he is?" A guard beside him drank the hot soup in a bowl, and said in a tone of reprimanding Jiu Li, "You are still talking nonsense when you get here."

Jiu Li was stunned for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Who is he?"

"Wantai, the grand master of the dynasty!" Brother Jin said the simple words very clearly, probably because Jiuli hadn't heard it, and said again, "The day before yesterday on Wangfu Street, several guards of his family were killed , We haven't found the murderer yet. Embarrassing? So don't talk nonsense. If you offend the grand master, we can't afford to provoke him, and we can't deal with it!"

It was the first time for the guards to come into contact with Jiuli, and they all knew that it was a mission arranged by Eunuch Huang. They happened to go out for a drive, and they hadn't accepted a mission in the palace for a long time, and they were in a hurry.

Their first impression of Jiu Li was that of a young doctor in the mountains. Eunuch Huang also briefly explained to them that old man Fan of the Fan Mansion was very ill and almost passed away. Since he invited this young doctor, he has recovered. .Jiuli is a little miracle doctor, so they must be sent home safely and take good care of Miss Ruan.

They did the same thing, and they had taken over such tasks before, and they were basically delivered home safely, that is, the road was bumpy for a while.

So they didn't have any special feelings towards Jiu Li, even if Jiu Li just splashed the hot soup on the face of the guard next to the Grand Master, they didn't feel anything.

It's just a pungent little daughter-in-law from the mountain village, so they chatted casually with Jiuli at the dinner table, sometimes in the tone of a lesson, a few guards who traveled all over the world to teach a little village girl who had never met.Tell her not to talk nonsense.

"This is an official post, where people with names, surnames and identities live. If you go further, you will live in an ordinary inn, where the mermaids look like fakes, so you really have to pay attention to what you say, maybe it will attract people. Who is here?" This was a meaningful word that a guard said to Jiuli.

That is, Jiuli should eat and sleep, and try not to come out at night.If you hear any movement outside, try not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Jiuli agreed one by one.

The food in the official post is very good, and it is very safe here, especially the people who live on this floor, who would dare to hurt them?They had been driving for a long time, and now they had a serious meal. It was hard to say when or if they would meet the official post next time.

Jiuli just ate a little bit, then she pushed the stool away and stood at a corner of the roof to watch the scenery.Sometimes I look down and look down, sometimes I look up into the distance, and I look around from time to time.

The guard who had a full meal over there said while nibbling on the leg of lamb in his hand, "It's probably the first and last time for a young doctor in a mountain village like this to live in such a high-quality official post, right? Let her appreciate it for a while, maybe there will be no possibility of going to Beijing again in the future."

"Remove the possibility! It will definitely not exist."

After several people finished speaking, they smiled relaxedly.

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