While talking, Jiuli stared at his face. It was a young and handsome face, but it was a little tired at this time, but the sharp-edged outline of his face could still be seen.

It's just that his eye sockets are deeper and bluer than ordinary people's.He should not be from the Yue country. His appearance is obviously different from that of the Yue country.

His arm, which he was clutching tightly, was a little loose at this moment, and he looked at Jiuli suspiciously.

Just before Jiuli came in, he was lighting the fire pocket and bandaging the wound alone. When he heard Jiuli's footsteps, he quickly blew out the fire pocket and pressed his wound tightly.

At this time Jiuli asked, he asked doubtfully, "Would you?"

Jiu Li squatted down, carried the back basket to the front, took out the small medicine box inside and said, "If you believe in me, I will."

When that person saw her exquisite little medicine box, he was stunned suddenly, pointing at it and saying, "You look so familiar with the medicine box?"

Jiu Li's hand to open the small medicine box paused for a moment. She seemed to have thought of something, but she didn't ask it immediately.She just slowly opened the small medicine box, took out the needed anti-inflammatory medicine, and took out a needle.

That long needle, Jiuli flicked the water drops on it, and then said, "Take your arm here."

The young man seemed to be stunned suddenly, looked at the long needle in her hand suspiciously, stepped back unconsciously, and said nervously, "What are you going to do?"

Jiu Li grabbed his arm and said, "If you delay for a while, those killers will come, and I don't have time to save you."

When Jiuli spoke like this, the needle had already been stabbed down.

The young man screamed 'Oops', and when he was about to scream again, he found that the needle had been pulled out.He was a little puzzled, "It's over?"

"Otherwise?" Jiuli said while putting away the needle.

The man seemed a little unsure, Jiuli said, "Do you want another injection?"

"No!" He was so frightened that he quickly moved back again.

Jiuli quickly helped him clean up the wound, applied medicine, and wrapped the gauze.It only takes a few minutes for a set of movements to be done quickly.

Seeing Jiuli's skillful movements, he said in astonishment, "Are you really a professional? And you are very skilled in medicine?"

Jiu Li didn't speak, but quickly put the small medicine box into the back basket behind her.Sitting beside him, she seemed to think of something suddenly, and said, "You just said you saw this little medicine box, didn't you?"

The young man nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, I've definitely seen it, but I don't know where it is."

This small medicine box comes from another world, from modern society, it has modern high-tech, most people don't have it, how did he see it?
Has anyone else traveled over here?

He'd made it clear that he didn't remember where he'd seen it before, and it was useless to ask.He watched his eyes search her back basket all the time, like a child flipping through an adult's bag returned from the market.

"Are you hungry?" Jiuli didn't wait for him to answer, took out a few big buns from inside, gave him some fruits, and said, "Is that enough?"

He took it in his hand excitedly, and then ate it with big mouthfuls.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll poison you?" Jiu Li teased him seeing how excited he was eating.

The young man was still eating excitedly, "If you want to poison me to death, you won't give me a cure. What are you doing for a long time? How about chopping it down with your palm."

Jiuli smiled at him.

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