Jiuli blinked her bright eyes, twitched her eyelashes, nodded and said, "Yes."

Then he turned around and followed the guards away.

After Jiuli and the others left the gate of the official post, they got into the carriage and went away.

Meng Song approached Wantai, and said in disbelief, "How can she be so calm and calm at such a young age?"

Wan Tai patted the handkerchief in his hand lightly, looked at Jiu Li's people and horses gradually going away, and smiled with his lips curled up, "That girl is a little bit interesting."

Meng Song approached Wantai again, and whispered authentically, "Master, do you want to send someone to follow?"

"There is no need to rush this matter. So many men in black died last night. Even if we really send them again, it may not help." When Wan Tai said this, he turned to look at Meng Song and said, "Then Did the group of guards take action?"

Meng Song shook his head vigorously and said, "It's led to the grove, which is far away from the official post where we live. Even if the guards heard the sound, they wouldn't meddle in their own business."

"Then just wait." Wantai stood up after finishing speaking, and said again, "Tell Yan'er, don't let her do stupid things again!"

"Yes." When Meng Song said this, he seemed a little hesitant, as if he had something to say.After moving a few steps in place, he suddenly said, "Master, according to Yan'er, when I was in the woods last night, I seemed to see a white fluffy thing, like lightning, and it attacked many people."

When Wantai heard this, he was slightly stunned, and there seemed to be a trace of gloom on his face, and he asked doubtfully, "What is that?"

"Maybe. Maybe. Maybe it's the nine-tailed fox from back then." Meng Song frowned when he said this, and said with a puzzled face, "Why did it suddenly appear yesterday? And it killed Many men in black died."

"Isn't that the Lord Hua's pet fox? People in the world have hunted it down for so many years, so why haven't they succeeded?" The grand master asked suspiciously. When he said this, he was also a little puzzled. The tail fox was also a headache for him.

"The nine-tailed fox has not reappeared for so many years. Everyone always thought that it had starved to death, or went to other mountains, or was hidden by some martial arts master in the rivers and lakes. Unexpectedly, in this small official post It's actually there." Meng Song said firmly.He spoke every word slowly, for fear that the Grand Master would not be able to hear him.

"Are you sure it's the nine-tailed fox?" Wantai turned around and asked again.

"I have identified the wounds of those men in black. Many of them were caught to death by that nine-tailed fox, which is exactly the same as those who were killed back then." When Meng Song said this, he stopped slightly. He said, "Actually, that Lord Hua's martial arts are not terrible. It's just that the spirit fox in his hand is very powerful. He saved him several times back then."

The Grand Master nodded thoughtfully, his eyes were fixed, his eyebrows were tightened and he said, "We were fortunate to have done it in time, otherwise, we would not have been able to kill him at all!"

Meng Song nodded vigorously and said, "Master, what should we do now?"

"Let Chang'er go to Xianxia Village to take a look and take back that spirit fox." Although the Taishi's voice was small, there was no doubt about it.

"That spirit fox may not have followed Miss Ruan!" Meng Song said tentatively, "What if it wasn't?"

"If it's not, it doesn't matter!" The grand master continued, "It means that the nine-tailed fox has reappeared in the rivers and lakes, and this time it will never want to hide again!"

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