No need for Jiuli to signal anything, Xiao Yuanzi threw herself into San Kui's arms at once, she didn't know that she thought he was clinging to San Kui, but everyone in the carriage knew it very well.

He kept looking at the nine-tailed fox in Sankui's arms.

Qilang and Jiuli were doing it side by side, and Madoka was sitting in the middle, but he didn't sit at all, he was lying on Jiuli's lap the whole time.

At this time, he was in Qilang's arms again, and everyone in the carriage looked at Yuanzi, watching him play with the nine-tailed fox cutely, his cute appearance was really cute.

Xiaoyuanzi is not very tall, but he is extremely beautiful. He hadn't noticed it when he was a little fool, but now he is getting bigger and bigger, and Jiuli is feeding well, and his facial features have grown.

It looks like a small version of Luo Sankui, sometimes Sankui would feel strange, this is a child Jiuli rescued casually, how could it be so similar to him?

Could it be who feeds like who?

At this time, Luo Sankui looked at Xiao Yuanzi who was leaning in his arms, teasing the nine-tailed fox all the time, and stretched out his hand to caress his thicker and thicker back.

He was very strong and very cute.

The strange thing is that Qilang has been sitting quietly opposite Sankui, his eyes glance at Sankui from time to time, and stare at the nine-tailed fox from time to time, as if he has something to say, but he doesn't say a word.

Jiuli was very strange, she turned her head to look at Qilang, and said, "Qilang, don't you miss my sister?"

Shichiro nodded vigorously, and said heavily, "I want to!"

They have lived together for such a long time, and Shichiro still has that naive and stupid look, and everything is done with hindsight.

Jiuli turned to look at him again and said, "You miss me, why do you always stare at brother-in-law?"

Madoka also turned her head at this time, made a face at Qilang, and said shyly, "He likes the fox in brother-in-law's arms, but he is too embarrassed to come here."

Xiao Yuanzi spoke, raised his head, and laughed.

Qilang seemed to have been hit, he didn't say a word, and his face flushed slightly.

Xiaoyuanzi raised his head, pointed at him, and said with a haha ​​smile, "Did you see it, am I sure?"

Qilang didn't speak for a long time. When he entered Xianxia Village, he suddenly raised his head and didn't know whether he was staring at Sankui or Jiuli, and said very calmly, "I heard in the drama before that the murdered Lord Hua also has a spirit fox, and that spirit fox can kill people, it has killed many people before."

When Qilang said this, he shut up. Apart from not listening to dramas, this guy only listens to dramas about Lord Hua. He has heard a lot of stories about Lord Hua.

I don't know if it's true or not, he would slip out a sentence from time to time.

Several people in the carriage were stunned there, Jiuli first, she glanced at Sankui slightly, then looked down at Xiao Yuanzi who was stunned there, and then slowly withdrew her gaze.

When Sankui's gaze passed by him, he also glanced at Jiuli.The eyes of the two met in the air, as if they were conveying something, but then they tacitly said nothing.

On the other hand, Xiao Yuanzi, when he heard this sentence, suddenly laughed and said, "You said this fox can kill people? And he killed a lot. Are you scaring me? I don't believe it."

Xiaoyuanzi finished talking here with her mouth pouted, then turned her head and patted the little head of the nine-tailed fox and said, "You kill me soon? Kill me!"

After speaking, he laughed again, and Sankui scratched his armpits at the right time. He laughed so hard that his body trembled, and everyone in the carriage instantly relaxed.

The words just now seem to have never been said.

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