The guards on the ground were all lying on the ground in a mess. Although no one was killed, it could be seen that they fell hard.

Being kicked off such a high roof, even if you have advanced kung fu, you will be caught off guard.

At this time, the way they grinned on the ground was a bit unbearable to look at.

Huo Shiyu and Huo Jiang came here at this time, and Huo Shiyu, who was standing at the entrance of the alley, pointed to Jiuli on the roof and said, "Daddy, look! She beat up all of Mr. Wan's people, what a shame!" Nonsense!"

When Huo Jiang saw this scene, his face turned purple with anger.

At noon, he drank with a few guards, and while drinking, he heard the guard at the gate report that the young master had been out for half an hour.At this time, they were almost out of wine.

Several guards followed Huo Jiang down the mountain with Huo Shiyu.They went straight to the Yuelai Inn, and when they arrived at the Yuelai Inn, they only saw a few hidden guards squatting at the door sleeping.

Huo Jiang managed to find someone to wake them up. These people were given sleeping pills by Huo Qian, and it took another hour for them to wake up.

When Huo Jiang ordered someone to pour several basins of cold water on their heads, they were relieved of the medicine in a jiffy.

Only then did they anxiously say that Huo Qian left the Yuelai Inn just with two children.Huo Jiang is familiar with his son, for example, he likes new things, especially exciting things that he has never seen before, and he especially likes to try.

Fortunately, he was in poor health, otherwise he would not know where to find him.

A group of people came straight to the market, and they had already walked around the market.If the market in Xianxia Town is very large, it is for people who walk and carry baskets on their backs.

For those on fast horses, they would have completed most of the market in a short while.Thinking that Huo Qian likes to eat snacks in the town, especially candied haws.They came straight over.

It was here that they saw Wan Rongchang standing there waiting for Wan Rongyan.

Huo Jiang and Wan Jia are old acquaintances, both of them are officials in the capital, and the two families also walk around on weekdays.Seeing him in a foreign land turned out to be very cordial.

"Master Hou?" Master Wan first went to say hello when he saw Master Hou.

There is another relationship between the Huo family and the Wan family, that is, Huo Shiyu and Mr. Wan are very familiar. When he went to the top of Xianxia Mountain last time, didn't he be arranged by Huo Shiyu to spend the night in Qingqian Villa?

Originally, Huo Shiyu was in love with Young Master Wan, and if she could marry into the Grand Master's Mansion and become the mistress in her capacity, her former identity as a misplaced country girl would disappear.

It can be regarded as a kind of compensation, so for a while, she and Wan Gongzi got so close.

But it's different now, the emperor issued an imperial decree that Huo Jiang wanted to select a beautiful girl to run for the crown princess.Even if Jiu Li is Huo Jiang's miss, she is already married.

She has already lost the qualification to run for the crown princess, and the only real show girl in the Hou's mansion who can run for the election is Huo Shiyu.

With such longings and dreams, when she looked at Wan Rongchang again, there was no light and admiration in her eyes.He just walked over to greet Mr. Wan as a good friend of the family and said, "Mr. Wan."

"Miss Shiyu." Mr. Wan returned a polite salute.

Huo Jiang was not so polite, he briefly explained why they hurried down the mountain this time, looking for Huo Qian.

Wan Rongchang smiled slightly, and said very politely, "Master Hou, don't worry, he was still here just now, he seems to be with someone, he doesn't know where he went, he must be nearby."

Wan Rongchang knew very well that when he looked at Master Hou's attitude towards poetry and the way he looked at her just now, he must not like Jiuli, and he might not even recognize it.

So he didn't mention it at all. He didn't want to say more about this kind of family matter, and let them solve it by themselves.

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