When San Kui finished saying this, Jiu Li's face was burning hot. Was that pun he said just about her or himself?

But he seemed to say it casually, and after he finished speaking, he still gently held his little hand and walked slowly in the night.

Jiuli felt that she was worrying too much, and maybe her little husband really didn't mean it that way.

In the village at the foot of the mountain, the wind is very strong. If there is no hillside to block it, it is normal for the firewood house to be blown down, so no one has built a house in this area.

The two of them were walking in this open space. There were many trees on both sides, and a gust of mountain wind was blowing in. A dead branch seemed to have withered for a long time.At this time, only a 'click' sound was heard, and it fell to the ground with a clatter.

Sankui hugged Jiuli suddenly.

The big dead branch rubbed against Sankui's body and slipped down. She knew how to do martial arts, and her skills were not bad, but in front of Sankui, she seemed to have lost all her martial arts and turned into a helpless little girl.She didn't even know how to hide.

The two stepped over the dead branches and continued to walk forward. In such a deep night, it was quiet and romantic, and no one was willing to leave.The two just continued to walk forward, as if they were going to go to the end of the sky.

Shichiro woke up again.

This is a habit he formed when he was a child. Whether he eats a lot or eats a little, he always gets up at night. Of course, others also get up at night, but sometimes he can get up three times a night, which is too frequent.

But he doesn't mind.Jiuli once asked him if he wanted to take some medicine, but he refused.My aunt also said that this is not a problem, as long as he is not afraid of freezing his ass.

In this way, he has been up at night.

And every time he wakes up at night, he calls his aunt once, and every time he calls his aunt, the aunt will get up to accompany him to the backyard no matter whether he is there or not.

His aunt told him that no matter how many times he got up at night, he only had to call his aunt twice.

Shichiro remembered clearly that he basically woke up his aunt for the first time, and woke up for the third time, sometimes with Mariko and sometimes by himself.

This was the first time he got up, Huo Qian had agreed with him last night, and he would also call him when he got up to go to the bathroom. Although going to the bathroom in the middle of the night was not a glorious thing, he thought it must be fun.It must be mixed in.

In this way, Qilang was woken up by urinating, even so, he still went to wake up his aunt and Huo Qian.Then the three of them went to the toilet together.My great-aunt was always the first to go in, and they stayed outside.

Huo Qian is the second.

When it came to Shichiro, he almost peed in his pants.Although it feels uncomfortable to hold back the urine, but this order can't be changed, can it?
When the three of them returned to the front yard, my aunt went straight to her room, went to bed and went back to sleep.

On the contrary, Huo Qian had already slept enough at noon, how could he be sleepy when he was woken up at this time?
He tiptoed to Jiuli's window, glanced in under the moonlight, paused for a while as if in doubt, then looked a few times, then turned around and waved to Qilang.

Qilang looked at Huo Qian holding Jiuli's window and looking in, he thought it was not good to do so, but let him go?
He hesitated for a moment, then walked over lightly.

After the two of them stood still in front of the window, Huo Qian whispered, "Is my sister not inside?"

Qilang scratched his head in confusion, nodded and said, "It seems that you are really not there?"

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