Chapter 902 Killed
The leading soldier always felt uncomfortable. Since the commander had already sent them out, it would definitely be impossible for them not to go.

In this way, the group of people disappeared into the night and entered Jiuli's current home like ghosts.

At this time, everyone had already fallen asleep. Even Jiuli turned over a few times on the bed and fell into a trance.

When they embedded themselves in the yard, they only knew that someone was coming to the house, but they didn't know which room they lived in.If they go to an enemy country to spy on military intelligence, they will definitely be fully prepared. At least they will know which house the other party lives in.

But this family is just ordinary people, and they are also old, weak, sick and disabled. Do they need to know where they live?As long as a few people surround the courtyard wall and search each room, no one inside can escape.

Not only the elite soldiers thought so, but Huo Shiyu also thought so.

When they entered the courtyard, they felt very relaxed. First they walked from the backyard to the front yard, then from the front yard to the backyard, and finally decided to start from the second courtyard first.It was October at this time, and the weather was very cold in the morning and evening. Only the temperature here was suitable. It was expected that the family must live here.

They gathered in this second-floor courtyard.

Sankui was in a bad mood last night and deliberately stayed up until Jiuli came in to say something, but she didn't come in.He was still tossing and turning in bed and thinking wildly.

It was at this time that he heard a strange sound in the yard, as if someone had entered the yard. It was not like, but someone must have entered the yard.

"One, two, three... 66." Sankui stopped when he counted here, and 66 soldiers came into the yard.These people were well-trained and kept pace, and Sankui knew their origins in a short time.And there were a total of 34 people surrounding the wall.

These one hundred soldiers are all elite soldiers in the military camp, otherwise they would not be able to enter this house so easily.

He slowly stood up and put on his shoes.

When several soldiers entered his window, he stood up and broke his neck.The other people were about to enter other rooms respectively.Sankui was angry in his heart and had nowhere to vent his anger. At this moment, he came and killed them all with one move.

It didn't take long for all the people in the yard to die.

The elite soldiers surrounding the outside were not spared, and no one was left alive.By the time Sankui finished dealing with the rest of the matter, the sky was about to light up.

Although Huo Shiyu stayed in Wuhou Mansion, how could she sleep?

I have been thinking about the things in Prince Hua's house. Can those elite soldiers handle those things?At first, she thought that half an hour would be enough, but she didn't come back for half an hour. She felt that she might not have found the house, or wasted some time looking for the house, so she waited for a while.

But after a while, still no soldier came.She was wondering again, had they completed their mission and quietly returned to the military camp?

But she thought it was impossible. This army was well-trained. If she had returned to the army, a soldier would come over and tell her, right?

She kept writhing like this until dawn with no news.Instead of feeling at peace, she felt a little uneasy.Just when she had just gotten up, someone in the yard suddenly shouted, "There are a lot of soldiers piled up at the door of the house!"

When Huo Shiyu heard this, he was frightened and suddenly froze!

(End of this chapter)

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