After Huo Yidong and Huo Yibei left the banquet, they walked around a secluded path towards their yard, deliberately avoiding Huo Yinan.

Because Huo Yinan has reached the age of starting a family, she already has her own courtyard, and Huo Yibei and Huo Yidong still live together.The two were inseparable and had a very good relationship.

Arriving at a secluded place, Huo Yibei looked around and saw no one around. He suddenly pulled Huo Yidong and said, "What's going on? Why did you look like that when you mentioned that Huo Qian? Did you almost lose your temper?"

"A man named Huo Qian recently came to our class. He lives near the Imperial College. He is about the same age. I wonder if it is him?" Huo Yidong said doubtfully.

Huo Yibei thought for a moment and said coldly, "That's the sick man."

"My grades are not good either. It is said that I always come last in the exams." When Huo Yidong said this, he even laughed.

Huo Yibei also smiled, touched his head, and said angrily, "Is he worse than you?"

Huo Yidong smiled at this time and said, "When I was in last place, it was because they didn't come. I will definitely not be the same in the future."

Huo Yibei smiled, said nothing, held Huo Yidong's neck and walked towards his yard.

Although Huo Yibei stopped talking, Huo Yidong's little head kept spinning. Now that he knew it was Huo Qian and had hatred against them, how could he let him go?

It's just that he is always with Qilang, and he needs to look for opportunities when Qilang is not around.Huo Yidong already had a plan in mind.

Jiuli took her own kettle, filled it with water, and was wandering around the back yard.The iron-masked man I met that day actually said 'Long San' on it. Who is Long San and what is his relationship with Brother Long?

While Jiuli was thinking about it, she picked up the kettle. She had been using this kettle for so long, but she just thought it was very practical and had never looked at it seriously.

There are many threads on it, which are twists and turns, which is very strange.

He was next to a shape similar to a small mound, touched it lightly, and opened it.A small cave appeared. Jiu Li looked at it for a long time and felt that it looked like a key hole.She thought about the key around Long San's neck again. Could it be used to open it?

Otherwise, why would he have a strangely soft feeling when he saw her?
Jiuli was suddenly startled.

I wonder what Long San was doing in the woods near the military camp?Will you go again?Jiuli decided to find him.

The last time he went there, there was a hill there. Jiuli found that there were a lot of herbs, and he happened to pick some back this time.At home these days, shopkeeper Liu pruned the camellia trees in the backyard, and many branches were cut off.Jiuli made up a few backpacks by the way.

After Sankui and a few young boys went to the academy, she decided to go there again.This time she was carrying a basket on her back, presumably where she could gather a lot of herbs, and she was not riding a horse.So we walked to the woods near the military camp.

Jiuli didn't see the man in the iron mask again, so she had to enter the hill with a backpack on her back.This small mountain is originally a restricted military area, and ordinary people cannot access it at all.Jiuli didn't know this situation.

When going up the mountain, she turned around for a long time but could not find the route up the mountain, so she had to use the nearby trees to leap to the hill.

She picked a lot of herbs on the mountain, and her small basket was full in a short time.

Just when she was looking for a place to come down with her backpack on her back, suddenly there seemed to be a figure moving not far away.There were a few people in black clothes, tiptoeing around the hill.

Jiuli called out in confusion, "Is there anyone in front of you?"

Hearing a woman's voice, the forest shook and no one responded, but a flying knife swung straight towards her face.

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