Jiuli took the whip and handed the whip from her waist to Mr. Huo, saying, "I got this from someone else. Let's put it here first and see who suits it, right?"

She almost said what she meant, if your second grandson likes it, give this to him.

Mr. Huo took the whip, looked at it for a long time, and said to himself, "I seem to have captured this on the battlefield, but after giving it away, it ended up with you?"

Jiuli was stunned for a moment, then didn't ask again.

This was what Mr. Huo gave to Huo Jiang back then, and Huo Jiang gave it to Fan Jingxian in order to please Fan Jingxian.Mrs. Hou hung it in the room, Jiu Li took it and used it conveniently.

At this time, since Mr. Huo gave her this, the one in her waist is useless.He gave it to Mr. Huo.She didn't take Mr. Huo's words seriously either.

Now I was holding this new whip, and when I touched it in my hand, I felt a strange feeling, as if I had touched it thousands of times and it had become one with myself.

Mr. Huo stared at Jiuli with eager eyes. He put the whip in her hand and wanted to see how she used it.

Jiuli took the whip, jumped up suddenly, jumped into the air, and swung the whip in her hand very skillfully.Flying in the air like a silver snake.

The soldiers not far away didn't know what was going on here and thought bad guys were coming in.I was about to meet the enemy, but I couldn't resist it at all. It flashed over my head in a daze, and I couldn't find the person at all.

Although she is alone, there seems to be thousands of troops behind her.The method used is the Huo family boxing method.

When Mr. Huo saw this paragraph, he nodded with regret and said, "Such an ordinary boxing technique has its power. It's a pity that no one of the descendants of the Huo family can master it. It's a pity that she is a girl."

After a while, he shed some tears again. He wiped his eyes with his steel sleeves and choked with sobs, "Whose granddaughter is this? Why can't it be from our Huo family."

Speaking of this, I was already sobbing.

When Jiuli turned around and came back, her thin body was still carrying a big backpack.She looked at Jiuli's appearance, patted Jiuli's shoulder, and choked up again, "How much I wish your surname was Huo?"

Jiuli was stunned. Her biological father was Huo Jiang, but his surname was not Huo?
But she didn't say anything and didn't want to have anything to do with them.So she patted Mr. Huo on the shoulder and said, "Old man, everything depends on fate. Maybe we will meet again in the future."

After saying that, she put the whip on her waist, bowed deeply to Mr. Huo, and saluted, "Old man, this magic whip is indeed different from other whips. Such a precious thing is worth a fortune. If there is One day the old man finds the right person, I will definitely return him with both hands."

Mr. Huo waved his hands repeatedly and said, "That's yours, no one can use it. No one who uses it will have this power."

Jiuli left some oral pills for Mr. Huo and then left the military camp.

By the time Jiuli left, Zhuo Dajin had already changed his shift.Jiuli originally wanted to say hello to him, but had to give up.

At night, Jiuli lay on the railing of her house, thoughtfully holding the 'divine whip' in her hand.Sankui was standing next to her.Jiuli asked doubtfully, "Ms. sir, don't you think it's strange? When someone gives me this whip, I always feel like I've seen it somewhere, or that it should belong to me?"

Sankui took out the whip, looked at it in the moonlight and said, "What kind of person is the person who gave you the whip?"

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