Chapter 923 Drooling
Jiuli jumped out of the wall and stood opposite Huo Yibei.

Huo Yibei looked at the particularly eye-catching birthmark on her face and couldn't help but said coldly, "It is indeed you! You have failed my elder brother."

When he said this, he suddenly stopped.

Jiuli's cold eyes were also looking at him, full of anger. It was obvious that she didn't listen carefully to what she just said.Or have no idea what he is talking about.

So he shut up at the right time.

Jiuli was already full of anger and couldn't listen to what he said.With the help of a willow tree nearby, she jumped into the air, then swept her legs and kicked Huo Yibei.

What Huo Yibei is best at is Qinggong, which is better than that of his elder brother Yinan.

Since Jiuli chose to fight in the air, what did he have to be afraid of?

His body floated slightly and he jumped into the air. The two of them fought back and forth in the air for two rounds.At the beginning, Huo Yibei didn't take Jiuli seriously at all.

In the eyes of his elder brother, his martial arts skills are average, but aside from his elder brother, he is also considered a rare martial arts master among the younger generation in the capital.

As the saying goes, a connoisseur will know if something is there if he stretches out his hand.

Moreover, after the two of them jumped into the air, many people followed them.First, the students who had been following Huo Yidong also followed.

School has ended long ago, do they dare to go back home?

The safest thing is to follow Huo Yibei. After Huo Yibei rushed here, they also rode over.At this time, I was hiding below and watching from a distance.

I wonder if Huo Yibei can beat him?
After just a few moves, Huo Yibei felt timid.He knew very well that he could not defeat Jiuli.Jiu Li had several tricks to show mercy to him.He had just used the Huo family's boxing technique, and he was sure to grab Jiuli's arm, but she cleverly dodged it.

If Jiuli hadn't been merciful, he wouldn't have been able to survive three moves at her hands, and now he had dealt with more than a dozen moves.He knew that Jiuli had no intention of killing him.But the few moves she just used were clearly the Huo family's boxing techniques.How did she do that?

He then thought that Huo Qian was also his half-brother, so who was she?

Looking at the long scar on her face, she doesn't look like someone named Huo?Could it be Huo Qian's secret guard?
But she clearly looks like a master, so how can she be Huo Qian's secret guard?

Just when he was using his moves on Jiuli, his mind was still thinking wildly.Jiuli suddenly thought that Huo Qian might still be in a convulsion and had not taken any medicine.

He must return immediately.

So she didn't give Huo Yibei a chance to attack, but suddenly and quickly stretched out a foot to hook him far away.

What Huo Yibei is best at is Qinggong. When Jiuli threw him into the air and circled around, he used the most powerful Qinggong move he had ever learned in his life and quickly turned towards Jiuli, intending to throw Jiuli away. go out.

Unexpectedly, Jiuli quickly pulled out a whip from her waist.Sweeping around in the air, the leaves on the branches not far away fell to the ground one after another, leaving golden leaves on the ground.The crowd below who was watching the excitement suddenly dispersed.

When Huo Yibei saw Jiuli's whip glowing with silver light waves, his eyes were instantly attracted and he could no longer look away.

It's not that Huo Yibei coveted the whip in Jiuli's hand.But this whip is unique in the world. He has seen it before and it has been lying in their Huo family's arsenal. How did she get it?
(End of this chapter)

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