Chapter 927 Waiting for the hairpin recipient

This month, the staff at Hongyinlou received so many people from Tianhuang noble family every day, and they can be regarded as people who have seen the world.After the two guys closed their eyes and pretended to be dead.

There are very clever guys coming up below.Playing dead is out of the question.

If you dare to be so negligent again, you can see that Fan Yuke and this maid are not easy to mess with, and they may even destroy the silver building.

Even if you don't dare, you still have to step up.

"Our young lady wants that hairpin that shines brightly as the sun and the moon. How much silver, please give me a price." Sumei stared at the guy and spoke word by word in a non-negotiable tone.

The guy bowed deeply to them, and said in a slightly apologetic but sincere tone, "Two aunts. We can carefully, day and night, customize this for our aunts, and make it as exact as possible. It may be more beautiful than this one. But this one was really customized by an affectionate man for his wife, and it was the first one he designed. We can’t make the decision. They just let it go What we have here cannot be sold!”

Yes, Sankui paid the full price. When he comes to get the goods, if he can't get the hosta, he may also destroy the silver building.If it had been anyone else, they would have sold it to the Crown Princess, and at the worst they could have just paid some silver.

But Sankui and the others couldn't afford to offend him. The most important thing was that he designed it himself and paid the full price. He just had to pick it up when the time came.What authority do they have to sell it to others?

It would be better if this guy didn't say this. Once he said this, Fan Yuke felt that he was determined to get this hosta.This hosta can only be designed by him and worn by her; others cannot.

A waiter came over and saw this, and felt that the stalemate could not be reached. He hurriedly came over, and still bowed deeply and said, "Two aunts, we really don't care about this hosta. If aunts really like it, That man will come today, maybe soon, and you can buy it from him."

The guy looked helpless and spoke so sincerely.

No matter how powerful Fan Yuke is, how can he still go up and grab her in full view of everyone?
People made it very clear that the person who designed it will come to pick it up right away, and you can buy it from him.If it were other accessories, with Fan Yuke's temperament, how could he be treated so cowardly here?He turned around and left. As long as a person looks good, what can he wear that doesn’t look good?

But is this hosta really different?
This was something that Prince Hua Luo Yan once mentioned back then, and meeting it again in this place of chance and coincidence, of course she thought it was another gift from Prince Flower to her, so how could she give it up?
That’s all for the sake of talking about it.Just wait.

In this way, Fan Yuke and Sumei were invited to the VIP room, and the waiters served them with water and tea, for fear of neglecting them.Can they not know Fan Yuke?
Of course we know it, but we can't reveal it at this time. Once exposed, it will be a capital crime!

So Fan Yuke pretends, and so do they, as long as they don't neglect it.

Fan Yuke focused all her thoughts on the hosta she was determined to get, and she didn't think about anything else at all.While sitting in that VIP room, her eyes were always fixed on the counter.

She has been thinking wildly, what kind of man has such an exquisite mind to personally create this hosta for his wife?
And his thoughts were exactly the same as his.

Sometimes she suddenly had a bold idea, but every time she thought about it, she forced herself not to think about it.She felt this was impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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