Sankui turned around and wanted to leave.

How could Fan Yuke let him leave?

Is this the person she misses day and night?After finally meeting him, how could he be allowed to leave?

If we say they are similar in appearance, isn't it too similar?
If she can't figure out this problem today, she will definitely not let him go.If she doesn't figure this out during this period, the Crown Princess won't do anything.

Fan Yuke has made up his mind.

The reason Sumei was taken along as a personal maid was because she was extremely considerate and adaptable?At this time, she had already seen that if she recognized him as Prince Hua, he would refuse to admit it.

So she changed her tone.He quickly ran to San Kui and looked at the hosta in San Kui's hand before he could put it back in his sleeve pocket.

He nodded and said gently, "Sir, our young lady likes this hosta very much. This hosta is of great significance to her. Can you sell this hosta to us? As long as you give us a price?"

Sumei's words were as gentle, calm and sincere as possible. She wanted to impress Sankui in the shortest possible time.

When Sankui heard this, he slightly curled his lips, his eyes were calm and natural, his eyes were gentle and calm, he spoke in an unhurried manner, he bowed and saluted, "This hosta belongs to my mother-in-law, I won't sell it!"

After Sankui finished speaking, he straightened up and stared calmly at Fan Yuke, who was still slumped on the ground.There was no wave on his face, no expression at all.

"Yan Lang? Yan Lang? Yan Lang?" Fan Yuke shouted as loud as he could.

Sankui slowly took a few steps forward.

In these few steps, Fan Yuke on the ground seemed to be in a dream, and the man she missed day and night was walking slowly.He would come over, hug her gently, and ask her if she felt hurt from the fall?Will you hold her tightly in your arms?
In these few short steps, Fan Yuke felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.It can make thousands of women fall to their knees and make men still love her deeply. No matter what they have experienced, no matter how many years have passed, or the vicissitudes of life, they will never change.

She closed her eyes gently.Sankui, who was waiting to come over, hugged her gently.

Who knew she was wrong.

I heard a familiar yet distant voice say, "Young lady must have recognized the wrong person. I am not your husband. Please don't call me that, my wife will be sad."

Fan Yuke's eyes were filled with tears at this time. She raised her head, looked at her sadly, and choked with sobs, "Do you love your wife very much?"

Sankui nodded without any pause and said, "I love her so much, I love her to the core! Across thousands of mountains and rivers, she is the person I am really looking for."

Sankui still turned around to leave.

Fan Yuke crawled over from behind and choked with sobs, "I wonder if Mr. Yan has ever been deeply in love with another woman."

Sankui turned his head again, looked at her, and replied without hesitation, "Maybe I was briefly attracted to another girl. But I love her the most. I hope the girl can let go. My appearance makes the girl uncomfortable. I apologize. . Please don’t cling to the meaningless past, girl. I’ll take my leave.”

After Sankui finished speaking, he turned around and left.

No matter how miserably Fan Yuke cried behind him, he never looked back.

At the moment when Sankui appeared, Fan Yuke thought it was just someone who looked exactly the same, but with those few words he said that were light and gentle, she was sure that he was Luo Yan, the Prince of Flowers, and he was saying goodbye to her. .After saying goodbye to the past relationship, this relationship is finally over.

Fan Yuke almost cried to death in Yuehongyinlou.The guys had to drive away all the customers around, and the store was temporarily closed.

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