Chapter 931 Baicaotang’s business
Sumei walked leisurely along Wangfu Street with Fan Yuke. The further she walked, the more familiar she became.

When she was approaching Baicao Hall, Fan Yuke suddenly stopped her and said, "Sumei, are you sure Baicao Hall is here? You're not going wrong?"

Sumei paused slightly.

She has been to Baicaotang several times. Of course, there are all the clerks there. She has never seen even shopkeeper Liu. She is not sure about many things.

So she nodded vigorously and said, "Miss, Baicao Hall is next to the elm tree."

"Ah?" When Fan Yuke heard this, he was immediately stunned and couldn't help but said, "Isn't that the place where I once opened a school?"

Sumei tried her best to be calm and said calmly, "Didn't the eldest lady sell it to you?"

Fan Yuke's face instantly became embarrassed.She knew that the Fan family's old house was for sale.At that time, many people were involved, such as Concubine Ming and people from the Taishi Mansion who wanted to buy the old house.

Mrs. Fan made a stopgap measure at that time. Knowing that their family could not save the house no matter what, she gave it to Jiuli.Besides, Jiuli saved the old man of the Fan family.

So no one else said anything about this matter, and later opened a Baicaotang drug store there. The drug store had a good reputation and did not cause any problems, so it has been open until now.

Fan Yuke has always been by the side of the host, most of them in the palace, plus the draft, and getting engaged.She is actually very busy and has no time to worry about things outside the palace.

Even though she had heard of Baicaotang, she might not even know who opened it, let alone where it was opened.

The main reason is that Eunuch Huang is involved, and besides, aren't there also the imperial guards, Brother Jin and the others?He is familiar with Jiuli.The main thing is that the emperor wants Jiuli to come to Beijing.No one dared to touch that Baicao Hall.

Although on the surface it is shopkeeper Liu who is running the business, in fact many people are protecting it.

Even Grand Tutor Wantai hopes that Jiuli and his family can come to Beijing so that the Queen Mother can come back.Who dares to touch Baicaotang?
Even Shopkeeper Liu of Miaochundang hates Shopkeeper Liu. He doesn't dare to do anything casually in this matter. Every time he wants to take action, he will give him a lesson. Even if he has the heart, he doesn't have the courage.

Therefore, Baicaotang opened there quietly.Coupled with his good medical skills, Jiuli once had a good reputation in the capital, and many people believed in Baicaotang.

Even Mrs. Lan's people once prescribed medicine there.

How could Fan Yuke not know?
She knew about selling this house to Jiuli. Her thought at the time was that she was a village girl from the countryside and she looked so embarrassing. Even if this golden old house was sold to her, she would not be able to run it and could at most rent it out. .It won't make any difference.

In this way, Fan Yuke, the old man, almost never thought about it.If she is willing, the whole world is hers, why would she care about an old house?

But now she was connected to this man, which she couldn't accept.

The two of them stood not far from Baicao Hall, watching the people selling medicine and treating diseases coming in and out.Fan Yuke said thoughtfully, "Su Mei, isn't she the one who runs this Baicao Hall?"

Sumei stared at Fan Yuke's slightly flushed face and swallowed hard.

When Jiuli was with them, she not only could treat illnesses, but also dispense medicines, and she was even mysterious at that time.In the hearts of several maids at that time, Jiuli was their god and could do anything.If this pharmacy is related to her, is it any wonder?
(End of this chapter)

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