Xiao Yuanzi ran over in a hurry and said to Jiuli mysteriously, "Lili, do you know that there is another girl in our class?"

Jiuli turned over the pie and asked, "Really? Which one is it from?"

Jiuli just asked casually, but she didn't know anyone in the capital anyway.He just took what Xiao Yuanzi said.

"I heard Master call her Zhenzhen." Xiao Yuanzi tilted her head and said mysteriously.

Jiuli, who was originally bent, suddenly stood up, stared at Xiao Yuanzi, and asked suspiciously, "Fan Zhenzhen?"

"Yes." When Xiao Yuanzi said this, she smiled, "She is my sister's good friend. Can you invite her to our house when you have time?"

"Really?" Xiao Yuanzi shook her little body and jumped up and down, "It's your birthday soon. Can I invite her over on your birthday?"

Jiuli nodded.

The second day of October.

Guluo Alley was full of joy and bustle, as if someone was getting married.Mrs. Hou Fan Jingxian and Aunt Chun came yesterday and stayed here specially.

In fact, I have wanted to live here for a long time, but I am too embarrassed to come.Taking advantage of Jiuli's birthday, Huo Qian came over because his mental state was not very good.

The two of them came here on their own, and no one invited them, let alone posted anything.Just sitting in the carriage, he entered the house with a lot of delicious food.

At that time, Xiao Qi was busy in the yard. Seeing these two beautiful and dignified ladies in silk and satin, she was stunned for a moment. After a long time, she scratched her head and said, "Mrs. Hou? Aunt Chun?"

Xiaoqi has been to Qingqian Villa several times with Jiuli and Shopkeeper Liu, how could she not know Mrs. Hou?It's just that Huo Qian had been ill at that time, Mrs. Hou was not in good condition, and the clothes she wore were dim and plain.

After entering the capital, although Mrs. Huo was not welcomed by Mrs. Huo, she was also not favored by Xue Liniang, who even occasionally gave her small shoes.But is she in a good mood?
Her son's condition is stable. She hasn't been busy looking for a doctor for Huo Qian for a long time, and he hasn't been sick for a long time.Although the daughter did not enter Wuhou Mansion, didn't she still follow her young husband to the capital step by step?
Moreover, it is said that the young Xianggong was very popular in the Imperial College for offering wine.The future development is immeasurable, but she is no longer moving forward. Her daughter and son are by her side. What else is she dissatisfied with?
With a good attitude, she becomes younger and younger, and her clothes become more and more colorful.

At first glance, Xiao Qi didn't recognize it yet.

Sankui happened to be walking from the backyard with his schoolbag under his arm. Xiaoqi immediately said, "Mr. Luo, is my wife here?"

Sankui just raised his head slightly, took a look, then walked over quickly, took Mrs. Hou's hand and said, "Mom, why did you come here in person? I was planning to go to my house to invite you tomorrow."

When Mrs. Hou heard this, she was very happy.

This uncle recognized her, called her 'mother', and even went to the house to pick her up in person.Mrs. Hou grinned, pulled Aunt Chun beside her, who had tears in her eyes, and said, "Your Aunt Chun must come to help, I don't worry about you young people."

Sankui shouted to the yard behind, "Auntie, my mother is here."

My aunt got up very early and had just returned from a walk in the back yard. When she heard Sankui calling, saying that 'Mother' was here, she walked towards the front yard in confusion.

The moment Mrs. Hou and Aunt Chun saw their great aunt, they quickly came up to meet her.

My aunt also greeted her warmly, and the two of them walked towards another room chatting animatedly. (End of chapter)

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