Sheng Anning's worries were unnecessary, that guard was not a reckless person, he didn't kill those people after he found out that they didn't know martial arts, but knocked them down cleverly.

Looking at the panicked crowd, Sheng Anning yelled, "Stop it, don't fight anymore."

Some women who didn't do anything nearby also quickly grabbed the people around them, until those who continued to beat them would only suffer.There is nothing wrong with having more people and more power, but sometimes the power disparity is too great, no matter how many people there are, it will not help.

Those people were slowly lifted up, and Sheng Anning said loudly, "I told you just now that we are not bad people. If we really have bad intentions, one person is enough to level your entire village. But you Don't answer our questions at all. We just came here to find someone."

A wounded man looked at her and asked, "You came here sneakily from the side road. I don't know where this place is. You still have weapons in your hands. We don't know who you are."

"Can we be judged as bad people without knowing our true identities? If we are bad people, can you still stand and talk? Let me ask you again, is this Shili Village?"

The man glanced at the person behind him, then nodded, there was no point in making excuses at this time.Besides, they also believe that those who don't kill them are not too bad.

"Yes, this is Shili Village, but who are you looking for?"

Hearing the man's question, Sheng Anning didn't answer right away, but just looked around, and said, "May I take a step to talk?"


After finishing speaking, the man turned his head and let the crowd disperse, leaving only two or three people behind.

"Is there someone named Liu Mazi here?" Sheng Anning looked at the person in front of him and asked directly.

Hearing such words, several people looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing how to answer for a while.From the other party's expression, Sheng Anning could be sure that they knew about this person, but for some reason they didn't want to say it directly.

She then asked, "We came here just to find this person, but we didn't have any malicious intentions, we just wanted to know something."

Hearing such words, one of the men said weakly, "We have it here, but what do you want to do with him? Do you have any grievances between you?"

"It's not a grievance, but I just want to know something. Please tell us, who is this pockmarked Liu? Where does he live now? As expected, he should be in this village!"

A man next to him sighed for a long time, "It's a blessing, not a curse. A disaster can't be avoided. Since you have all come here, you must have grasped some clues. Based on your ability, we want to hide , to no avail."

"Yes, we must find this person. Please tell us where it is? As you said just now, we are bound to get it." Sheng Anning said firmly.

Three people, you look at me, I look at you and finally made up your mind.

"Okay, we'll take you to find him." A man said helplessly.

"I don't know where he is."

"Not far. Please follow us!"

The guards were still very vigilant, they let Sheng Anning and Bai Yu walk in the middle one after the other.Walking slowly along with those men, they came to a small river, and saw a bamboo forest across the river, and there was a house in the bamboo forest.

The moment the door was pushed open, Sheng Anning felt a little surprised. This seemingly ordinary house was very warmly decorated, and the furnishings inside were neat.This is still very different from the houses of ordinary people.

A man walked inside, said something softly, and came out after a while and said to Sheng Anning and the others, "He's inside, come in!"

The guard took a step forward, Sheng Anning followed closely, and walked in.

They all thought in their hearts that this man named Liu Mazi was by no means an idler, otherwise it would be impossible for Zhang Liao to die for him, and it would be impossible for ordinary people to live there.In such a room.Judging from the furnishings here, it is not affordable for ordinary people.

But unexpectedly, after walking in, what he saw was a man with a vicissitudes of life.The most important thing is that the man is sitting on a stool with only one leg.

Seeing everyone, he slowly stood up and said hello, without any expression on his face or a word, just staring blankly at the few people in front of him.

Although this man was wearing simple clothes, one could guess from his eyes that he was definitely not an ordinary farmer.But why live here again?Why did he get involved with Zhang Liao again?

Sheng Anning said to those villagers, "Is this Liu Mazi?"

The villagers nodded, "Yes, he is the one you are looking for."

After finishing speaking, the villagers said to Liu Mazi again, "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to bring them to you, but even if we didn't bring them, they would definitely find you. As for any grievances between you, we don't care Even if we know it, we can’t control it. Master Zhang told us to take good care of you, we’ve tried our best, but the whole village is no match for them alone.”

Sheng Anning could guess that Master Zhang was Zhang Liao.Sheng Anning looked at the other party, then walked over.

Bai Yu quickly wiped the dust off a stool, and placed it in front of Sheng An Ning.

"Miss Sheng, if you have anything to say, sit down and talk. I'm too tired from walking all the way." Bai Yu said softly.

Sheng Anning nodded and sat down.I have to admit that Bai Yu is still very considerate, much smarter than Xi Ran.

Looking at the man with the disabled leg, Sheng Anning said calmly, "I'm sorry to bother you."

The man glanced at him, and said coldly, "Since you have disturbed me, don't say sorry again. I didn't expect you to find it after hiding it so deep."

Maybe the werewolf didn't know why they came, and he didn't know how to treat him, but he didn't panic. It could be seen that he was also a person who did great things.

Sheng Anning smiled slightly, "We did walk very hard, and almost lost our lives on the way here. But there is no other way, I still want to disturb you. You should know Zhang Liao, right?"

Hearing the word Zhang Liao, the man's eyes darkened instantly, and his fingers moved a little, but he quickly regained his composure.It can be seen that he does not want others to see his heart.

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