Flower Moon

Chapter 102

Chapter 102
After solving the troubles in their hearts for many years, Tao Yueer and Hua Ling walked on the road, attracting the attention of countless people.

"Whose little lady is this? So elegant and handsome?"

The words "elegant" and "handsome" had never appeared on Tao Yue'er before. Now she was walking on the road, and it was a pleasant surprise to be praised like this.

Tao Yue'er looked up, and saw that the people who praised her were two refined and refined gentlemen.Each of them carried a willow branch in their hands.It was only then that Tao Yue'er realized that time passed like water, and it was March [-]rd of the year again.

Going forward is the bank of Luoshui River.

Four years later, Tao Yue'er walked by the Luoshui River again, feeling a burst of sadness in her heart.

Thinking that three years ago, she would think about losing the election ten times in March, she felt really stupid.

"Thank you, Hua Ling." Tao Yue'er said lightly.

Hua Ling could hear the voice in Tao Yueer's heart, knew what Tao Yueer was thinking, and naturally knew what the phrase 'thank you' referred to.

If there is no Hua Ling, she would be a dead person now.

"You should thank yourself." Hua Ling said: "If it wasn't for yourself wanting to cheer up and start over, no one would be able to save you. What you should be most grateful for is yourself who didn't give up on you."

Tao Yue'er smiled, stopped talking, and walked forward in silence.

"Look at that little lady, she is as white as a person on the moon."

"Have you seen the man on the moon?"

"Could the person next to her be her husband? I gave her a willow branch, but there is still hope?"

Hearing this, Tao Yue'er blushed, glanced at the noble and flawless Hualing, quickly covered her face again, stroked her cheek with her plain hands, and branded the word "Purpose" on her face.

It's just bigger and darker than the original one.

"Why?" Hua Ling didn't understand.

Tao Yueer: "I am like this, a little too unreal. Being too outstanding will become the target of public criticism. It is better to be unobtrusive."

After Tao Yue'er finished speaking, Hua Ling obviously didn't believe it.

Which woman would think that she is too good-looking, and intentionally make herself ugly?

Although Tao Yueer already has the ability to deal with emergencies on her own, she still feels from the bottom of her heart that one of her and Hua Ling is a servant and the other is a master. She stands beside Hua Ling. If everyone is talking about her, Somewhat presumptuous.

She hopes that Hualing will always be unique, high above, untouchable.

She just hoped that she would always look up to him. "But Tao Yueer, why do you lower your posture so low?" Hua Ling looked at Tao Yueer puzzled.

Tao Yue'er's thoughts cannot be hidden from Hua Ling.

At this time, on both sides of the Luoshui River, there are flowing cups of water, which is the time when Fengya meets.Tao Yue'er never dared to approach the crowd, and only dared to walk slowly behind the flowing water on the bank of the river with Hua Ling.

Although she has power, her mentality has not yet changed.

It's not that she doesn't feel inferior anymore, she just doesn't care that much anymore.Whether it is appearance, family background or love, she is not pretending not to care, but really does not care.She only cares about her own growth, and only hopes that her strength will become stronger and stronger enough to protect the person she wants to protect, and that person is only Hua Ling.

As for herself... She didn't care that much.Whether others despise or despise her, she doesn't care anymore.

That has nothing to do with her.

"But I hope you care." Hua Ling said again: "It's not your fault that you came from a bad background. It's not your fault that you were bullied in the past. It's your fault that you don't want to attract attention. And, it's so wrong."

Hua Ling stretched out her hand, took off Tao Yueer's cloak, and then erased the brand mark she added later.A spring begonia fell on Tao Yue'er's ear at the right time, and he conveniently put it on Tao Yue'er's temple.

Begonia blossoms, the two phases reflect each other, and the beauty is like jade.Because of the look of indifference in her eyes, she has a different temperament.The temperament of Hua Ling is getting more and more similar, the two standing together are like people who have descended from the sky.

Hua Ling: "You deserve to be stared at by the stars, so why hide yourself? It's not that you are unworthy, but that they were blind in the past. You should let yourself stand on the highest place in the world, let all the past Those who bully you should take a look and let them know how wrong they were in the past."

Tao Yue'er was very surprised by Hua Ling's remarks.

Hua Ling has always had her eyes above the top, and she doesn't care about other people's thoughts and opinions at all, and always does her own way.But he taught Tao Yue'er to be herself, to be brave enough to stand in front of others, why?
"Because you deserve it."

Hua Ling said: "You have never owned it before. I hope you can have it once. With a new attitude, tell everyone about your hard work in the past three years. You are not a deserter, you did not abandon your armor and flee."

Tao Yue'er smiled wryly: "But, who am I beautiful for?"

"If you don't go out, how will you know who is beautiful?"

Hua Ling smiled, pointed to the Kongqiao in front of her, and said, "March Flower Fair, once a year, you have walked through it ten times, I believe it is very familiar, and I don't need to lead the way. How about going through it again today?"

At the March Flower Festival, beauties and gentlemen walk along the river bank. If they see each other, they will break willow branches and give them to each other. Then they will go home and tell their parents to ask a matchmaker to do the job. If this is the case, it will be considered a happy event.However, Tao Yue'er in the past waited for 11 years, but did not wait for a willow branch.

On the other side of the Kong Bridge is the road that women walk, what will it look like if they walk this time?

Tao Yue'er was actually not very interested, but Hua Ling wanted her to leave, so she would obey him and leave again.

There are many tourists on both sides of the river.Hua Ling and Tao Yue'er walked on the banks of the river respectively, their steps were not too fast or slow, and they were always facing each other.Soon, someone offered willow branches.

"Thank you." Tao Yue'er received a bunch almost as soon as she stepped ashore.

The person who gave her the willow branch was not an ordinary person. If she remembered correctly, she even met him at Lu Guanting's funeral.

It seems... It's Jinke's second place, surnamed Gu.Every year in the imperial examination, the most eye-catching people are naturally the number one scholar and Tanhua.The No. [-] scholar is talented in literature, and Tanhua is brighter than Pan An in appearance.And second place is often overlooked.

Gu Xunting has not yet married a wife, so he fell in love with Tao Yueer at first sight.

"Dare to ask the girl's name? Which family is the girl from?" Gu Xunting asked warmly.

It was the first time Tao Yueer received willow branches, and it was also the first time she was stared at by a man like this. She quickly lowered her head and said, "Liujinfang, Tao family."

When Gu Xunting heard that it was Liujinfang, he naturally knew it was a slum.Seeing her graceful figure and noble demeanor, he thought she was a young lady from some aristocratic family, but when he heard that it was Liujinfang, he was naturally a little disappointed.

Tao Yue'er quickly handed the willow branch back and said, "Sorry, I disappointed you."

Gu Xunting quickly refused, saying: "What is the intention of the lady of the Tao family? How can I take back the willow branches I gave away? I am just surprised, surprised that the lady has a high temperament, but she is in Liujinfang. If you want, You and I get married, I'll pick you up, okay?"

When Tao Yue'er heard this, she was so frightened that she let go of her hand, and the willow branch fell to the ground.

She never expected that when she said she was born in a slum, there would be someone willing to marry her, and she would still be second in Jinke!
Tao Yue'er looked at Hua Ling behind her, shook her head quickly, and said, "To tell the truth, my lord, I'm already thirty-one, and I've already passed the age of marriage. And I've also decided not to marry for life."

When Gu Xunting heard this, his face was full of surprise, as if he didn't believe Tao Yueer's age.But she could only believe what she said, and sighed: "It's a pity. But..."

Gu Xunting lowered his body, picked up the willow branch, and still put it in Tao Yueer's palm, he said: "Gu doesn't care about the girl's age. But the girl vowed not to marry for life, Gu can only feel regret and admiration. Today Seeing the girl, Gu is already satisfied, this willow branch is given to the girl, and there is no need for the girl to return. I just hope that no matter what happens in the future, please remember that Gu is willing to help."

After speaking, Gu Xunting left the address and Liuzhi and left.Then, there are many others like this.There is an endless stream.

When the sun was setting, Tao Yue'er had already held forty or fifty willow branches in her hands, a large bunch full.The old woman selling tea eggs on the shore was still there, and she was amazed when she saw her: "My old woman has been selling tea eggs here all her life, and this is the first time I have seen such a scene. Are all the men in Jingcheng fascinated by you? Miss , you still haven't picked the best one to marry?"

Tao Yue'er shook her head with a smile, put the bunch of willow branches beside the old woman, and said with a smile, "I love myself enough, I don't need other people's love to prove it."

Tao Yue'er put down the willow branch, and suddenly felt that it is never too late in life.

In the past, she regarded it as a big thing that the sky was about to fall, but now it seems that the clouds are clearing and the fog is clearing, and she doesn't care.The environment changes according to the heart, and a person's life is all about cultivating the heart.

Tao Yue'er walked to Hua Ling's side, feeling very good.

"Are you happy?" Hua Ling asked her.

"Happy." Tao Yue'er replied truthfully.

"Do you still want to hide yourself?"

"No more hiding."

Tao Yue'er smiled and said, "It's me whether I hide or not. When I face the real me, I really don't care about other people's eyes."

Hualing smiled and handed Tao Yueer a bunch of willow branches. Tao Yueer took it, knowing that there was no ambiguity or difference between the willow branches, but for some reason, she felt that it was better than any other branch in the pile. All must be elegant and beautiful.

This is the one she wanted.

This branch represents freedom, not bondage.

(End of this chapter)

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