Flower Moon

Chapter 110 Tomb Keeper

A day in the tomb is a thousand years in the world.

When the glare of the sun shone on Le Fangfei's face again, a thousand years had passed.She never thought that she could stand in the sun again.

Her body was obviously blinded by the sun, but she didn't cover it with her hands, and she didn't go under any tree.

She just let the sun shine on her body, scorching her body, as if it was a blissful enjoyment.

"Who are you?" But this kind of enjoyment didn't last long, and soon, a voice sounded from the side: "How did you get in?"

Le Fangfei turned her head when she heard the sound, and saw under a tree not far away, a Tsing Yi Taoist in a long gown and carrying a long sword looking at her.His eyes were full of wariness.

Obviously, he smelled a strong smell from Le Fangfei that didn't belong to ordinary people.He made her feel threatened.

Or maybe it's because Le Fangfei appeared in the wrong place - no one has been to Jingfei's tomb for a long time.

"Who are you? You deserve to ask me your name?" Thousands of years have passed, and Le Fangfei is no longer the little girl she was back then.She has a sense of looking down on everyone from top to bottom - you are either juniors or not worthy of strength.She doesn't need to look at anyone's face anymore.

The man frowned, obviously, he was also taken aback by Le Fangfei's answer.

Instead of answering her own question, she asked a very ridiculous question.

The body of Tao Yue'er she used was clearly an unremarkable woman with a 'Pirate' mark on her forehead, but she called herself 'Ben Gong'?How ridiculous?

Could it be a woman with mental problems?
"No outsiders are allowed to set foot in Concubine Jing's tomb, you should leave quickly." Taoist Tsing Yi said humanely.

"Oh? No outsiders are allowed to set foot. What do you mean, you are still an 'insider'? What is your relationship with this concubine Jing?" Tao Yueer stared at the Taoist for a long time with sharp eyes, and did not want to means to leave.

The Taoist's face darkened, and said: "If you don't leave again, don't blame me for being rude."

"I won't leave, so what can you do with me?"

The woman said 'this palace' one by one, and she was still on Concubine Jing's territory. Hearing this, the Taoist was furious. He waved his index finger, and the long sword came out of its sheath, and galloped towards her.

Le Fangfei has met quite a few Taoist priests over the years, with swords, knives, whisks, and so on.She seemed to be sure that the sword would not harm her, so she didn't take half a step back.The sword brushed past her forehead and fell in front of her.

This is just a warning.Warn her if she doesn't leave again, she will be rude to her.

Le Fangfei sneered, imitating his movements, pointing with her index finger, the long sword flew up from the ground and went straight towards the Taoist.

The Taoist never expected that his saber would obey her command, let alone that her attack would be a killer move.

The powerful murderous aura flew towards the Taoist with the sword energy wrapped around him. The Taoist dodged quickly, and the sword landed firmly on the big tree trunk behind him.The whole handle is submerged in the trunk.

Such a cruel woman.

He was merciful to her, but she killed her.If he hadn't dodged quickly, the sword might have pierced through his chest and nailed him to the tree.

"You have such a vicious heart!" The Taoist became angry and furious.

"Vicious? Not necessarily? And... the most poisonous woman's heart, haven't you heard of it? You show mercy to me, and I have no obligation to show mercy to you." Le Fangfei smiled slightly, clearly using Tao Yue'er, who is innocent of humans and animals. The five sense organs are harmed, but because of the change in the eyes, the aura presented by the whole person is completely different.

It turned out that she could also have such murderous eyes.

Tao Yueer's consciousness still exists, but she wants to stop, but Le Fangfei doesn't listen to her.

Le Fangfei is now in her body, she can do whatever she wants.

The Taoist also seemed to realize that this woman was a bit evil, so he put away his contempt and said to her solemnly: "I am Wen Buyi, the gravekeeper of Concubine Jing's tomb. This is the forbidden area of ​​the Wen family. Allow others to humiliate Concubine Jing, you leave quickly, I can still spare your life, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." After he finished speaking, the long sword in the tree came out of the tree and landed firmly in his palm .

After hearing this, Le Fangfei didn't seem to be so annoying when looking at this Taoist now.

But it doesn't matter if you don't hate him or not, she still can't like him.

"Tomb keeper? I didn't know there was a keeper in this tomb?" She only knew that there were many grave robbers, but she had never seen a so-called 'grave keeper'?
"My Wen family has been protecting Princess Jingguo for generations, and I have escaped from the world here, so no one will know about it. And you are also the first one who dared to break into Concubine Jing's grave in many years. You are so brave! After Wen Buyi finished speaking, seeing that she still had no intention of leaving, he raised his sword and came towards her.

Le Fangfei flew up, not only did not dodge, but instead faced his sword edge, and received his sword with bare hands.It was obviously a body made of flesh and blood, but it was so powerful that it was invulnerable to swords and guns, and its mouth was numb from the shock.

"Who are you?" Wen Buyi was shocked.

"I said that I am your ancestor, do you believe it?" Le Fangfei said arrogantly, still smiling relaxedly, but after two simple moves, Wen Buyi already knew that he was definitely not her opponent.

But even if he is not an opponent, he will not back down.

"I don't care who you are, as long as I am here today, you will not be allowed to step into Concubine Jing's grave! If you insist on staying here, you will step over my corpse!" Wen Buyi swung his sword again, The long sword was stuck between the two of them.

Now Le Fangfei was even more confused.

"A person who has been dead for 1000 years is worth your life to protect? Besides, I didn't do anything, I just passed by and took a look, isn't it okay?"

"No." Wen Buyi said coldly.

For thousands of years, Concubine Jing's tomb has been coveted by many tomb robbers, no one can get out alive, and there are very few tomb robbers here.As for Xuanxiu, although Jiufangliao rated this place as [-]-dan, which meant that those who cleared Concubine Jing's grave would get the [-]-dan gold medal, but it didn't mean that there was only [-]-dan ability here.

The rating is 'nine', just because in Jiufangliao, the highest monster is Jiuduan, if there are ten million million, it may not be this number.

Concubine Jing's tomb never took the initiative to harm people, and most of the people who came to Concubine Jing's tomb were people from Jiufang Liao who wanted to get the Nine-Duan Gold Medal.

They want to suppress or flatten Concubine Jing, no matter whether they succeed or not, they are only disturbing Concubine Jing's rest.Wen Buyi would never allow such a thing to happen.

"Princess Jingguo has never harmed anyone in her life. Even if she died, she never took the initiative to harm others. On this point, I can swear by the Wen family. If you want a nine-segment gold medal, you can look for it elsewhere. Just Don't hang around here anymore."

Seeing that he was so serious, Le Fangfei suddenly didn't want to tease him anymore.

"Can't I go?" Le Fangfei smiled, clapped her hands, and wanted to leave.

"Wait." At this time, Wen Buyi suddenly stopped her again.

"You really left just like that?" Wen Buyi asked with a frown.

"Otherwise?" Le Fangfei smiled brightly: "Should I still bring some souvenirs before leaving?"

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