Flower Moon

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Hua Ling was stunned.

Tao Yue'er solemnly continued: "I love you just like you love your master.

"I don't know if your feelings for your master are similar to my feelings for you... I have never had a formal apprentice ceremony, but I still want to tell you that I am full of respect for you. I respect you, Worship you, look up to you, rely on you.

"But I also know that reverence is wrong."

"Why not?" Hua Ling frowned and asked.

Tao Yueer: "Because... I am older than you, you should rely on me. So I can only say this here. After I get out, I will work hard to become stronger and more powerful! Let you go Then you can rely on me with confidence.”

After Tao Yue'er finished speaking in one breath, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, I'm done talking. Let's go."

Seeing her breast beating like a drum, she felt like facing a formidable enemy.

Hua Ling was suddenly amused by her.

Her sudden words are really cute and tight.

I don't know if she will be like this after she becomes stronger, so timid... so cautious.

After a long time, Hua Ling stretched out her hand, patted her head, and said, "I know... I'm looking forward to the day when you become stronger."

After getting out of the maze, they returned to the village before they came, but after a closer look, it is not difficult to find that this village is somewhat different from the past.

In the past, they were bystanders, they could only see them working and talking, but no one could see them.

But it's different now, they suddenly appeared in a farmhouse, causing everyone around to panic, pointing at their faces, and screaming: "Eeeeeeeah——"

They can see them now.

She and Hua Ling are truly in the same time and space as them.But strangely, they couldn't understand what they were saying.

This village is different from all the villages Tao Yueer has seen before.The costumes of the villagers are almost all black, and the men wear earrings, which are also a large black stone.The women, on the other hand, wear jewelry woven from stones all over their bodies, and they hang all over their bodies, which is not too heavy.People with more stones seem to have higher status.

The villagers surrounded the two of them, forming a circle, for fear that they would escape.Then, an old lady who was obsessed with the stone battle and whose whole body was covered with black stones got the news, surrounded by people, came from outside, and stood in front of Tao Yueer and Hua Ling.

"Where do you guys come from?" the old lady said, speaking in a sub-standard x continental language, Tao Yue'er finally breathed a sigh of relief, there is still a person in this village who can communicate.

"We come from Jizhou, do you know this place?"

After Tao Yue'er finished speaking, the old woman's face changed, and she hurriedly waved her long stick, treating them as scourges, and said some words that Tao Yue'er could not understand.

Immediately afterwards, the villagers were so angry that they came forward and bound Tao Yueer and Hua Lingli three circles away.

Tao Yue'er felt that these people seemed to be ordinary people, so she didn't fight back.

Hua Ling also shook her head, beckoning them to be patient, let's see what they want to do for now.

So the two were tied up and carried to an ancestral hall in the back mountain.The ancestral hall was built in a cave, and the walls in the cave were covered with black stones that they wore on their bodies. Along the way, the atmosphere was eerie.

And at the end of the road, in the ancestral hall deep in the mountain, there are not ancestral tablets, but a room full of white skeletons, neatly piled up from the ground to the top of the cave, densely packed, as if there are thousands of them.

I want to draw the magic cave described in the book - the cave of ten thousand bones.It's just like that.

"Are we in Qingcang?" According to legend, in Qingcang Continent, there is a purgatory on earth, which is made of the bones of outsiders.

Tao Yueer asked Hualing, but just after she finished asking, she shook her head again and said, "No...we have entered the barrier of Tianji Mountain, we are in an illusion, and we will not meet people in the real world. "

Otherwise, wouldn't the journey of asking questions turn into a massacre?

"Something's wrong." Hua Ling also noticed that the atmosphere around here was a bit disordered.

Tao Yue'er wanted to say something, but suddenly, she was pushed from behind, followed by a slap, but fortunately, Hua Ling was fast, even if she was tied up, she quickly blocked her In front of her, this kept her from being hurt by him.

Obviously, the caretaker behind them didn't want them to talk.Tao Yue'er could only keep her mouth shut.

In front of the ancestral hall, the old lady was already chanting.

The stones all over her body made sounds along with her beating, dull and eerie.After she danced around the stone platform in the center for a while, a secret door opened, and a woman who was obviously dressed in Jizhou Liuguo was brought out.She has long hair and high beams, a clear Taoist robe, and a beautiful dress, and she is actually an acquaintance.

It was Xuanqingzong's disciple, Ji Qingwan.

Soon, Tao Yue'er and Hua Ling were also taken into the secret door.When they walked in, they realized that there was far more than one person here.Ji Muyuan and Zihan are among them.

Tao Yue'er hastily pulled off her cloak, not wanting to be recognized by them.

But they soon recognized Hua Ling.

"You are... Junior Brother Hua?" Ji Muyuan asked Hua Ling.

Hua Ling didn't hide it, but just cast a glance at them.Not denying, but admitting.

He didn't need to deny it either.

"Why are you here?" Ji Muyuan asked him: "You disappeared for three years! Senior Brother Han Yu said you would never come back. Where is Junior Sister Ming Shu? Is she with you?"

When Tao Yue'er heard this distant name, her whole body shook.

In fact, she has no dissatisfaction with Jimuyuan and the others. They even treated her well in the past.It's just that she really doesn't know how to explain her current body, so it's better not to recognize each other.Can save a lot of trouble.

His cold and unparalleled face and flawless long hair have long been deeply ingrained in the hearts of Xuan Qingzong's disciples.And in this stone room, there are still many disciples from aristocratic families who came to participate in the Tianji Mountain Asking.

"This is where?"

"I don't know. I stepped on a trap and fell straight down here!"

"Me too."

"And I!"

"I seem to be here after waking up and opening my eyes, but I didn't encounter anything special..."

Everyone looked at me and said something, everyone said something different, the only thing in common was that they had all seen the same black miasma, and those who entered the miasma were teleported here.

"Senior Sister Qingwan! Stop!" Suddenly, Ji Zihan yelled.

Everyone's attention returned to Shiwai.Through the fence, they saw that Ji Qingwan was tied up and still on the stone platform. Immediately afterwards, her limbs were fixed, and she was lying on her back in a humiliating posture.

Ji Qingwan was terrified, but could not move.

(End of this chapter)

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