Flower Moon

Chapter 166: Scavenging from the Wilderness

"It's human."

Hua Ling said with certainty.

Tao Yue'er stood at the highest point of the boat, and the sea current slowly pushed them to the center of the bones and passed through them, but she really didn't understand how Hua Ling could see it?

"Why are you so sure?" Tao Yuer asked.

"Human skeletal structures are similar. Although they are comparable to mountains, if you look carefully, you will know that this is the sternum, and that... is the leg bone." Hua Ling pointed to the distance, where a continuous section resembled a high wall. The white skeleton said.The end of the white skeleton was towering, looming in the white mist. Looking carefully, it turned out that it indeed looked like a pelvic bone growing out of the end of the thigh.

Tao Yue'er suddenly felt that it was colder here.The white mist that filled the surroundings was like floating Yin Qi, and it was terrifying.

The ship sailed on the sea for about two more hours, and the sky began to get brighter and brighter.Tao Yue'er subconsciously felt that the sun was already hanging high above her head, but because of the thick white fog above her head, the sun's rays could not penetrate at all.Only a dead haze hung in the air, making it impossible to see the sky.

The boat stopped in front of a large piece of land.

"We're here." Hua Ling said.

"This is where?"

"The Great Desolate Continent."

In front of him is a beach made of bones.The beach is covered with all kinds of human remains, some large and some small.And because unlike those huge fallen, sitting, or standing remains at sea where the original appearance cannot be clearly seen, these remains have a stronger impact because their shapes match those of people.Countless skulls were scattered on the ground, and Tao Yue'er felt that if she stepped on them, she would crush countless heads.

"Are we sure we want to go up?" Tao Yuer'er said with a shudder.

"Of course. We're already here. If I don't take something back, I'm sorry for the trouble along the way." Hua Ling smiled nonchalantly.

Tao Yue'er thought of the thrilling experience last night and felt that what he said made sense, but she couldn't move her legs any further.These bones...are all living lives one after another, all buried here.

Death is the only color here.

Seeing that Tao Yue'er was reluctant to get off the boat, Hua Ling took the lead and walked onto the land made of bones.His feet stepped on the remains, making "creak" and "creak" sounds.It was the sound of countless dead bones squeezing together.

"They were originally dead people." Hua Ling said, "So, you don't have to feel guilty."

"He was originally a dead person?" Tao Yue'er was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"Here are the people in the world, the consciousness formed by the condensed evil thoughts. They were born from the world, but they were sealed in the ancient wilderness. For many years, there have been conscious bodies that want to leave the ancient world and go to the mortal world to harm the world. They are , but they are all failed consciousnesses.”

"So they're not human?"

"Not really."

After Hua Ling finished speaking, Tao Yue'er seemed to understand.Although she didn't know how they were produced, Tao Yue'er felt much more relaxed when Hua Ling said that they were not human.

After Tao Yue'er got off the boat, she stepped carefully on the bone ground and found that it was no different from stepping on land. Gradually, she let go of her fear.

"Are there any living people on this continent?" Tao Yuer asked.

Along the way, besides withered bones, there was a smog that shrouded the road all year round, making it difficult to see the way forward.

Hua Ling shook her head and said: "No." Tao Yuer: "..."

"Tao Yue'er, you have to remember." Suddenly, Hua Ling stopped, turned around and looked at Tao Yue'er, and said solemnly: "No matter who you see here in the future, you have to remember that they are not alive. None of it is real. Do you understand?"

Tao Yue'er didn't quite understand, but still nodded: "I understand."

The two kept moving forward and left the seaside. The fog and smoke in the sky also reduced a lot, but the sky was still gray and there was no sunshine at all.The heaviness and depression made Tao Yuer'er instinctively not want to look up.But there were more and more dead bones under her feet, making it impossible for her to lower her head.I can only keep looking ahead and try to remind myself: they are not human, they just have a human body.

The sky is getting darker, and the sun seems to be setting before it even rises.Tao Yue'er summoned the greenhouse early and set up the stove in the yard to prepare for cooking.

"Are you hungry?" Hua Ling asked.

But the look in his eyes didn't seem to be related to her hunger level, but more like he was asking her: Do you still have the appetite to eat?
Tao Yue'er shook her head and said, "I'm not hungry, but it's time to eat." They walked among the bones in the mountain of corpses for a whole day, and even if she couldn't eat, Hua Ling should be hungry.

She has no appetite, but she is always concerned about whether Hua Ling is hungry.

"I'm not hungry. Put it away." Hua Ling said: "The time here is also different from other places. We may not have traveled all day."

"Is this actually the case..." Tao Yue'er felt incredible.

The surroundings have fallen into absolute darkness, there are no stars in the sky, and the light is blocked by thick clouds and mist.But on the ground, wisps of phosphorus fire gradually floated.The blue and green colors rise one by one, and then spread out.Looking around, it's like returning to the sea again.

"Is this... a ghost?" Tao Yuer asked.

Dark phosphorus fire also floated around them, and a gust of wind blew. Tao Yue'er even felt that the phosphorus fire falling on the skin was cold one after another.

There was no one around to answer.

"Hua Ling, do you feel it?" Tao Yue'er asked again.But still no one responded.

"Hua Ling?"

"Hua Ling? Where are you?"

Tao Yue'er turned around and found that Hua Ling was no longer around her, and even the flower house had disappeared.Instead, there were clumps of will-o'-the-wisps rising from the remains at their feet, covering the whole body.

Cold... bone-deep coldness was Tao Yue'er's only feeling.

At her feet, the fire she had raised suddenly went out, looking like it had burned out.There was no sound at all between heaven and earth, only her voice calling for Hua Ling.But no one answered.

Hua Ling disappeared.

This was the first thought in Tao Yue'er's mind, but then she thought about it, maybe the person who disappeared was herself?
Suddenly she was the only one left in the world.

Just as Tao Yue'er was running around anxiously, suddenly, the blue and green will-o'-the-wisps dissipated in an instant, and a man in tattered clothes lay on the ground not far away, unkempt, covered in blood, dirty and weird.

"Who are you?" Tao Yue'er walked over and asked him.

The people on the ground didn't answer quickly, as if they didn't hear.Instinctively, Tao Yue'er harnessed the power of the gilded armband to defend herself.

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