Flower Moon

Chapter 183 Dreamland

Chapter 183 Dreamland
Tao Yue'er doesn't understand.

She was clearly sitting in front of him, so why was there an insurmountable gap between the two of them?

"The ladder selection is open to everyone in the world, and you are among them. My strength comes from you. You are much stronger than me. Why can I participate in the selection, but you can't? Hua Ling, I want to go with you. What if If you can't choose, I won't go to Penglai. If I go to Penglai, I will definitely take you with me!"

This was originally a non-conflict matter, but when Hua Ling said it, it seemed as if she had gone to Penglai and they would never see each other again.She flew to the top of the snow-capped mountains, but he could only look up in the world.This made Tao Yue'er feel that it was better not to go.

Hua Ling smiled bitterly, shook her head and said, "Things are far more complicated than you think. You will know when the time comes. It is getting late, so rest. I will accompany you to the market tomorrow."

"What are you going to the market for?" Tao Yuer'er wondered.

"You always said that these three years have been too stressful. I kept urging you to run away, and I really neglected the rest that you deserve as a daughter. Now that things have come to an end, it's time to relax with you." Hua Ling After saying that, he closed the tea cup in front of Tao Yue'er as a sign of welcoming the guests.

Tao Yue'er knew that Hua Ling had made up her mind, but she thought it would be good to think that they could go to the market together tomorrow.As for how the ladder selection will be carried out and how it will be completed, that is something that will be considered after the year.

She likes Hua Ling and doesn't want to be separated from Hua Ling. She believes that she can find a way so that they will never be separated!

Tao Yue'er left Hua Ling's room and went back to her own room to sleep.She lay on the bed and watched the window of the flower girl's room across the way closed, the incense burnt out, and the candles extinguished.But she suddenly felt curious - why could she hear the sounds of all things, but not Hua Ling's?

Hua Ling, can you still hear the voice in her heart now?

"Okay." At this moment, Hua Ling's voice came from the bottom of Tao Yue'er's heart.

Tao Yue'er's face turned red suddenly. She never expected that she was a courtyard away from him, and even through the window, Hua Ling could still hear the doubts in her heart.

"Whenever you can hear the voice from the bottom of my heart, that will be the end of your practice. But there may still be a long way to go. Don't think blindly and rest early."

Hua Ling's words calmed Tao Yue'er's mind.Hua Ling seems to be indifferent and doesn't care about everything, but since he still listens to her voice in the middle of the night, it means that he still cares about her.Otherwise, she wouldn't go out of her way to listen to anyone's thoughts.And as long as she was not given up by Hua Ling, they would still be close together.

Tao Yue'er suddenly felt that she was no longer curious about Hua Ling.It would be better not to hear his voice. In this way, they might be able to be together forever...

At night, for some reason, Tao Yue'er dreamed intermittently all night long, and there was everything in her dreams.There are cranes, flowers and springs.Beneath the waterfall that hangs straight into the sky, there is a calm and clear spring. Cranes are playing beside the flowers in the spring. Everything is calm, peaceful and leisurely.But among the flowers, there seemed to be a dirty child secretly watching her by the spring.She couldn't see the child's face clearly, and she didn't know what she looked like at that time, but the white dress she occasionally glanced down at seemed to be similar to the one she was wearing now.Neither of them could see their faces clearly, but she could guess from the child's panicked and timid appearance that he must be afraid of her!

She stretched out her hand to the child, but the child did not dare to hold her.I didn't even have the courage to look up.

"Why don't you dare to come over?" 'I' in the dream asked. "Because... you are too clean." The child murmured for a long time before he managed to say this.But it was just such a sentence, and it was said in a stumbling manner, which was enough to show that he didn't even speak very fluently.

But 'I' did not dislike him, but took the initiative to step forward and hold his hand amidst his shrinking and fear.Regardless of whether the dirt from his clothes would be contaminated on her body, she directly picked him up and held him in front of her chest.

The child was very thin and could not hold it in her hands without any effort on her part.

"You are too thin, I will take you to dinner." 'I' said.

The child was even more surprised: "Do you still need to eat?"

"Food is the source of happiness. Even if I don't need it, I can still eat it. It will make me happy. It can also fill your stomach." After I said that, I took him to a cabin.

The scenery around the wooden house was not very clear. I just felt that the surroundings must be surrounded by towering halls with flying eaves and walls, so this small wooden house seemed particularly small and lonely.

There was a huge pot in the wooden house, with firewood scattered around it, some burned and some unburned.It can be seen that 'I' come here often and everything seems familiar.

Washing pots, lighting fires, and cooking, every process is completed neatly and pleasingly, and you will not be restrained at all because of the white dress.After kneading the dough, forming the dough, and putting it into the pot, 'I' and the children gathered around the pot and stared at the food in the pot. In order to appease the child, 'I' also swallowed saliva like him, as if I hadn't eaten enough for several days.This made the child's mood suddenly become less nervous, and he looked at 'me' with more admiration.Finally, the food came out, a pot of three-color flowering steamed buns.

'I' ignored the steaming heat and took out the pot of steamed buns from the drawer and handed it to the child: "Here, eat."

At this moment, my son, under the temptation of the three-color blossom steamed bun, no longer had any shame or fear, so he picked up the steamed bun and started to eat it.Soon, he had finished the whole plate of steamed buns. I was afraid that he wouldn't be full, so I quickly steamed another drawer.During this time, a glass of water in a glass bottle that seemed to encompass the starlight of the entire galaxy was brought out to him from somewhere.He took it, raised his head and drank.

'I' didn't blame him for his recklessness at all. On the contrary, I admired it very much. I looked at him as if I were looking at my own child: "Slow down, there is still a lot, you eat slowly."

In the future life, the two of them seemed to have reached a certain tacit understanding. The child often came to 'me', and 'I' tried my best to make delicious food for him every day.The food was very familiar to Tao Yue'er. It was the food in the "Qingxin Dietary Book" that Hua Ling gave her.

Then, Tao Yue'er woke up from hunger.

After having a dream about food all night, she seemed to be like the child in the dream, eager to have a feast.But Tao Yue'er took a look at the sky and found that she had slept for a long time, so long that the sun was already three in the sky.

Oops!Hua Ling is still waiting for her!
Tao Yue'er slapped her head suddenly, remembering that she had made an appointment with Hua Ling last night, so she could only get up quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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