Flower Moon

Chapter 223 Penglai

"How do you know that after arriving in Penglai, the Tongtian Master will inherit the position of Immortal Lord?" Bai Xiangjing was confused.

Chen Qiubi also felt that she didn’t quite understand.All she knew was that when she woke up from a dream, she entered a 'door' for no apparent reason, killed a heartless man, and somehow became a Heaven-reaching One, and now he told her that she might become an Immortal Master? !

Ji Hanyu and Tao Yuer did not question her.Especially Tao Yue'er, she suddenly remembered that in the murals of Cang Kingdom, there were indeed five boys serving the Immortal Lord, and these five people later left Penglai for various reasons.The one who finally became the Immortal Lord was the one who could not have become the Immortal Lord in the first place.

When they all gathered in Cang Kingdom, she saw the murals, and Chang Yu and Ji Hanyu also investigated them later.So judging from this selection, it is indeed possible.

"But there are so many immortals in Penglai, why should the immortal master choose among the mortals?" Ji Hanyu asked her.

"The Immortal Master is not from Penglai. He has mortal enemies with all the major families in Penglai. If he doesn't choose from the mortal world, do he want to have his grave digged up by them a hundred years later?" Chang Yu looked at it with a sneer. He seemed to be looking at a mentally retarded person.

Ji Hanyu was very angry when she was blatantly looking down on him.But he had already had an quarrel between Chang Yu and Tao Yue'er, and now he didn't want to have another quarrel, so he asked her again: "So what should we do now?"

"No shortcuts can be taken in every link. If the Immortal Master lets us go, we will go together. If you don't go, I can't go either." After Chang Yu finished speaking, he simply sat down on the stairs.

After hearing what she said, Ji Hanyu discussed with Tao Yue'er and Bai Xiangjing and decided to follow her pace.As for Chen Qiubi who could not walk, Bai Xiangjing and Ji Hanyu took turns carrying her on their backs.

Strangely enough, after a few people separated for a while and reunited to climb up together, the appearance of the surroundings finally changed qualitatively.

As they stepped onto the last step, they suddenly seemed to have entered a completely different world.The world is turned upside down, and the sky is filled with endless seas, continents, islands, and forests.Looking up from here, I seem to see a map of the nine countries of Sizhou.Surrounding the Yinghai Sea, there are Penglai Continent in the north and many fairy mountains and Qiongdao, which are the realm of immortals and rarely visited; in the east is Qingcang Continent, home to the three kingdoms of Cang, Yong and Henan.To the south is Jizhou, with the six kingdoms of Liu, Jing, Yan, Sheng, Feng, and Yan; to the west is Honghuangzhou, where not a single blade of grass grows and there are demons everywhere.

Among the four continents, Qingcang and Jizhou are adjacent to the ancient wilderness, where three races of humans, demons, and monsters coexist.So on the map, the colors are red and purple, and it seems like wars are brewing.Only Penglai Island is white, and the years are quiet and peaceful, just like a paradise.

A huge canopy stretched overhead, and the water that occasionally rose up due to a leaping whale seemed to be about to fall on everyone's heads.But the water splash suddenly disappeared when it was about to enter this world.

The Four Continents have never been presented to the public in such a way. At first glance, it is particularly impressive.The world beneath their feet was dark and completely clean.If the white jade steps of the Xuanqing Sect are the highest and purest existence in the world, then the darkness under the feet is the concentration of the darkest evil in the world.Tao Yue'er lowered her head and looked at her feet, feeling as if her whole body was being sucked in by this smear.

"Is this Penglai?" Tao Yue'er murmured.

The world above our heads is gorgeous and colorful on May Day.That is the map of the world they live in.On the other hand, the real Penglai that everyone yearns for seems to be completely dark and barren of grass.

"There is a saying in the world that the Cang Kingdom is the closest to the prehistoric era, so there is no grass growing in the Cang Kingdom. It is based on the appearance of the prehistoric era. But in my opinion, this prehistoric country is not as good as the Cang Kingdom." There was no disappointment in Chang Yu's tone, only fullness. I find it interesting.

Ji Hanyu did not dare to take it lightly, and started to look around Chen Qiubi.There was no one around, no greetings as expected, and no figure of Chang Pei Di Ji. Everything seemed to be in the wilderness and they needed to explore by themselves.

"If I had known I was being treated like this today, I would never have come to this hellish place!" Bai Xiangjing was originally mentally and physically exhausted from killing his father during the trial, and now his muscles are weak from climbing the stairs for who knows how many days and nights. Exhausted.The whole person was on the verge of collapse.

"I won't leave, and I won't leave at all. I'm right here. Whether you live or die, it's up to you!"

Bai Xiangjing was originally a pampered prince.It was the Liu Kingdom that had attached great importance to Xuan cultivators since ancient times, which was why his father had the intention to train him in this field.The entire country's strength was used to send him to the Heaven Ladder Trial, and he became one of the five Heaven-reaching Persons.He actually rarely has his own ideas.If it is easy to do, he will do it and feel vanity.But if the matter exceeds his tolerance, it will be easy for him to give up.

Because he has enough, there is nothing new in this world that can attract his attention.If you want to live in pain, you might as well just fall down and do whatever you want...

"You can't stay here." Ji Hanyu said: "We know from the trial just now that the five of us must go together."

"Where are you going?"

"The real Penglai."

After Ji Hanyu finished speaking, Tao Yue'er nodded and said, "This is definitely not Penglai."

"How do you know? If this is not Penglai, where is it?" Bai Xiangjing asked.

After he finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

"Although I don't know where this is, I'm sure it's not Penglai." Tao Yue'er said, "Hua Ling once gave me a book, which recorded many herbs, spices, and foods from Penglai. Judging from what is described above, Penglai should be surrounded by immortal energy and have an endless supply of immortal grass and elixir."

Bai Xiangjing originally wanted to refute, but seeing that a mortal like Tao Yue'er could be led by Hua Ling to the position of a heaven-reaching master, it was difficult to attack her.Said: "That book was written by Hua Ling?"

Tao Yue'er said: "No."

"That is?"

"Li Qingzhu."

After Tao Yue'er finished speaking, everyone except Chen Qiubi laughed.Chang Yu burst into laughter and said: "Hua Ling actually has a book written by the previous Immortal Master? He has such ability, how did he put himself in the situation of being killed by you? What is he trying to do?"

"What did you say?" Tao Yue'er asked, frowning.

"What is he plotting?"

"No, last sentence."

Chang Yu didn't understand what Tao Yue'er was asking, and Tao Yue'er asked again: "Who do you think Li Qingzhu is?"

Chang Yu smiled and said: "Of course she was the former Immortal Master of Penglai, the No. 1 in the Three Realms, the most supreme existence in the world. She was the one who sealed the prehistoric world and restored peace to the world."

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