Flower Moon

Chapter 227

"I see. That's right." After Chang Yu finished speaking, he seemed to have strengthened his inner suspicion.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Chen Qiubi asked.

"Perhaps we are gathered here to recreate the scene from that year." Chang Yu said: "When the old Immortal Master was alive, there were a total of five spirit-serving boys. However, because of the new Immortal Master, five spirit-serving boys came one after another. The fall of others. There are those who had secret meetings with their lovers and were kicked out of the next term..."

Chang Yu said this and looked at Chen Qiubi: "Don't you think you are like the female fairy who was driven out of the lower world?"

"How do I look like me?" Chen Qiubi frowned and didn't think about it at all.

But Ji Hanyu had been to Cang Kingdom and knew that the process of the Immortal Lord's ascension to the throne might not be so upright, so he felt that what Chang Yu said made sense.

"Then you mean that the cruel woman on the mural is you?" Ji Hanyu asked Chen Qiubi.

Among the murals, there is a woman dressed in black who was eventually suppressed under Cangshan Mountain. She was also one of the five spirit-serving boys.

"I didn't say that." After Chang Yu finished speaking, he looked at Bai Xiangjing and said, "It's just that he is indeed very similar to the one among the five serving spirit boys who has a very good family background and does not take the new immortal master seriously. One."

When Bai Xiangjing heard this, he had no idea what she was talking about, but he admitted that he had a good family background.

"Then I am the one who was the prodigy that day and was supposed to inherit the position of Immortal Master?" Ji Hanyu asked her.

Chang Yu nodded: "Maybe it is true."

"What about Tao Yue'er?" Ji Hanyu said: "The last class of servant boys were three men and two women. One of the two women had gentle eyebrows, and the other had sharp eyebrows. And the other three men, one had thick eyebrows and big eyes, like a ball of fire. . One is gentle and calm, like jade. The last one has eyebrows and eyes like a smiling fox, and is full of evil spirits. Tao Yue'er is obviously not among them."

"Perhaps she really shouldn't have appeared?" Chang Yu looked at Ji Hanyu with a smile and said, "Aren't you the one who looks like fire? The gentle and calm person is none other than Bai Xiangjing. And the last person with evil aura, don't you think, More like a Hua Ling?"

After Chang Yu finished speaking, Ji Hanyu fell into deep thought.

Chang Yu added: "Compared with Tao Yue'er, Hua Ling is more like a person from the immortal world. He is clearly the one who should go to Penglai, but why Tao Yue'er?"

"She pretends to be gentle and kind, is it all an act?"

After Chang Yu finished speaking, Ji Hanyu, who had seen the mural, could not refute.But Bai Xiangjing and Chen Qiubi, who had never seen the mural, were confused.Especially Chen Qiubi, who was on good terms with Tao Yue'er. It was really hateful to see these two people living in Tao Yue'er's house and say bad things about her while she was away.

"If you are dissatisfied with Yue'er, you can tell her face to face, what's the use of gossiping behind her back now?" Chen Qiubi said fiercely.

Chang Yu didn't take Chen Qiubi seriously at all. He only stared at Ji Hanyu and said, "What do you think?"

Ji Hanyu thought for a while and said, "Even if what you said about catching wind and shadows is true, what help will it have now?"

"Of course there is." Chang Yu said: "Since Tao Yue'er should not belong to the team of the boy who serves the spirit, then as long as she is eliminated and the chaos is brought to order, it will naturally be the breakthrough." They have not had any clues all day long, and they will not be able to solve the problem. Just waste time here.Marrying Tao Yue'er out of the team is the only way to break the situation, and it's not impossible.Just like they passed the test of the 'Gate', it was all because they killed their most important person inside the 'Gate'.Then it is not impossible that Tao Yue'er is the first person who should be sacrificed.

"You can think about it, I'll wait for your news." After Chang Yu finished speaking, he yawned and returned to the room.

Chen Qiubi, who heard all this, was stunned.

She couldn't believe that the two people were openly discussing whether to get rid of Tao Yuer.And the room they live in now is even Tao Yue'er's room!

"Aren't you afraid that I will tell Tao Yue'er all this?" Chen Qiubi asked Ji Hanyu.

"Not afraid."


"Even if she wants to resist, she alone may not be able to beat the three of us. And you can't do anything to help her." After Ji Hanyu finished speaking, Chen Qiubi understood.The reason why they have no scruples is because removing Tao Yuer'er is in the interests of more people.And she, who was incapable of protecting Tao Yue'er, was naturally not afraid of her snitching.She can't play a decisive role anyway.

However, every word of the conversation between the people downstairs reached Tao Yue'er's ears.That night, she pretended not to hear. Firstly, she wanted to know Ji Hanyu's decision. Secondly, she also wanted to know what methods they would use to deal with her.

The next day, nothing happened.On the third day, nothing happened.But just because nothing happened, the undercurrent between the five people became more violent.

"We can't stay here forever." On the fourth day, Bai Xiangjing also found Ji Hanyu.In the past few days, he had clarified the matter of the murals, and felt that what Chang Yu said made sense, so he said to him: "I support Chang Yu's decision, you should make up your mind too."

In this way, two people already agreed to kill Tao Yue'er, while Chen Qiubi was an abstention vote, without any reference value.All the decisions were made by Ji Hanyu.

"You can even kill the master, and I can even abandon my father. Why are you hesitating when we get here? If Tao Yuer'er doesn't die, it will be impossible for us to leave here! We will never reach Penglai, is that what you want?" Bai Xiang Jing urged him.

Ji Hanyu became even more confused.

"Don't you dare do it, I'll do it." At this time, Chang Yu came over and threw a bag to each of them.

Bai Xiangjing opened it and found a cross cone inside. Ji Hanyu opened it and found a bottle of white powder.

"Ji Hanyu, you don't need to do anything, you just need to put the powder into Tao Yue'er's tea. After I restrain her, Bai Xiangjing will pierce the awl into her chest, and she will be wiped out in ashes and will never be reincarnated. "

Chang Yu was a master of making utensils, so he naturally carried a lot of treasures with him, but these two were extremely vicious, which made Ji Hanyu very sad.

"But don't you think that just because you have passed the 'door', you can't bear to take action anymore?" Ji Hanyu said: "When he was here in the past, we never felt that he was very important. We even felt that only getting ahead was the most important thing. . So in the 'door', I chose to kill him. But when I returned to the world, I thought that he was no longer there. After I became famous, no one shared my joy with me. How should I put this feeling?"

Ji Hanyu looked at the direction of Tao Yue'er's window and said: "Tao Yue'er is not important to you, but to me, she is also a friend. I have witnessed her changes along the way, and I don't want to lose this friend. You guys ...It’s better to hire someone else."

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