Flower Moon

Chapter 229

Tao Yue'er stood at the door. Although she was only wearing white clothes and standing there calmly, she gave people an extremely distant and majestic feeling - she didn't even bother to pretend with them.Just calmly tell them to do it.

Bai Xiangjing also knew that fighting back was of no use. He was no longer a match for her now.

After the two left the greenhouse, the world began to slowly change.Thunder rumbled in the sky, followed by dark clouds and heavy rain soon poured down.Just like the day they first arrived, they were huge and fast.

Chang Yu and Bai Xiangjing were naturally soaked in the rain.But what's even more unfortunate is that it seems to be spring in the wilderness, but after a rain, winter gradually begins.When they woke up in the morning, the ground outside the window was covered with a layer of frost. Chang Yu and Bai Xiangjing hid in a cave made of two stones with air leakage on both sides, shivering with cold.

"They won't die, right?" Chen Qiubi looked at them not far away, worried.

"I don't know." Tao Yue'er didn't know for sure, but looking at the change in the weather, there was a sign of a break - at least the world was not static anymore.

Then, in the distant wilderness, a silent volcano suddenly began to erupt as the earth trembled.The magma spread, turning the plains originally covered with vegetation into a sea of ​​fire.

"What should we do? Should we run away?" Chen Qiubi's eyes widened.

Although the fire is still far away from them, they are located downstream and will spread to them sooner or later.

Tao Yue'er shook her head and said, "Hua Ling said that this greenhouse is beyond all things. It cannot be invaded by water or destroyed by fire. As long as we stay in the greenhouse, we will be safe."

Chen Qiubi breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Chen Qiubi and Tao Yue'er lived in the main building, while Ji Hanyu stayed in another wooden house.Chang Yu and Bai Xiangjing, who had already walked away, ran back quickly after seeing the volcano erupting, banging the door desperately.But Tao Yue'er could hear what they were thinking when they eagerly banged on the courtyard door.

"What does it mean to lower your head temporarily in order to survive?"

"If we can capture the flower house, we might be able to survive here longer."


These words came continuously from outside the door. Tao Yuer'er got angry and simply waved his hand to block everything outside the door.As a result, the world became completely quiet.

The sound of the volcano erupting in the distance, the rolling thunder in the sky, and the beating and crying of the two people outside the door all turned into a picture with only images and no sound.

Tao Yue'er was determined not to care about them, no matter how much they begged for mercy, it was of no use.

The next day, Tao Yue'er opened the window and found that everything outside the window had been razed to the ground.Wherever the magma reaches, no grass grows. After cooling, it turns into thick layers of volcanic ash.At the entrance of her courtyard, half of Chang Yu and Bai Xiangjing's bodies were on their own courtyard wall, while the other half of their bodies were submerged in volcanic ash and had been burned to the point where they could no longer see their original appearance.

The two of them were naturally no longer breathing.

"Bury it." After seeing it, Tao Yue'er said to Chen Qiubi and Ji Hanyu who also came out and saw this scene.

Chen Qiubi was very frightened, and Ji Hanyu was also very shocked.

The two people who were alive and well yesterday and planning to kill Tao Yue'er suddenly turned into two corpses when they got up this morning. This change was really hard to accept.

When Tao Yue'er saw their miserable state, she didn't feel sad or shocked at all, as if no matter how they died tragically, it had nothing to do with her.

She became calm, cold-blooded and ruthless.Chen Qiubi seemed to be frightened.Ji Hanyu went to deal with the two bodies alone.Although their lower bodies were scorched, submerged and melted by magma, their upper bodies were unscathed.It was as if only the area burned by the magma disappeared, while the other half was still alive.

But that is impossible.

Ji Hanyu knew that this kind of thing would never happen.So they dug two pits not far from the greenhouse and threw them into the pits.buried.

From then on, Chang Yu, the master forger of the Yan Kingdom, died, and Bai Xiangjing, the prince of the Liu Kingdom, passed away.Of the five heaven-reaching ones, only Tao Yue'er, Chen Qiubi, and Ji Hanyu are left.

"What should we do?" Chen Qiubi asked Tao Yuer.

Tao Yue'er looked at the red sky in the distance that was still burned due to the volcanic eruption, and said, "Go over there and have a look."

"Are you going to die?" Chen Qiubi was surprised.

"Instead of waiting passively, it is better to go and see what is happening over there." In the world that remains unchanged, the only thing that changes is the other side of the sky, where it seems that there are fires burning endlessly, but it is not When you are in front of you, how do you know what the scene is over there?
"In case of danger, we will go back to the flower room. Anyway, the flower room is a magic weapon that I can summon anytime and anywhere."

After Tao Yue'er finished speaking, Chen Qiubi felt her heart in her stomach.Ji Hanyu has nothing to object to. Now that Tao Yue'er owns the flower house, she has absolute say.

Tao Yue'er put away the greenhouse, and the three of them walked in the direction of the volcano.The entire path was filled with volcanic ash and volcanic mud, completely covering the previous vegetation.There is lifelessness between heaven and earth.

The three of them felt more and more dizzy as they walked. There seemed to be a special smell in the air. It was not just the anxiety left after magma destroyed the world, but a kind of confusion that would corrode people's thoughts.As Tao Yue'er walked, she felt her head hurt, and then she felt out of breath.

"Wait... we can't go any further." Tao Yue'er said, covering her chest.

"What's wrong with you?" Chen Qiubi and Ji Hanyu quickly stopped and looked back at Tao Yue'er.

"I have a headache and chest discomfort. There is something wrong with the air." Tao Yue'er said.

"I don't think there's anything wrong. Is it because of something else?" Ji Hanyu asked.

Chen Qiubi also said: "I'm fine too."

"This is strange..." Tao Yue'er's body has always been good, especially after returning from the prehistoric times, she has become connected to almost everything, and feels that every vegetation in the world can give her strength.But here, this feeling disappeared.

She felt that a large amount of her abilities were being lost, and then her brain was unclear and her breathing was not smooth.

She seems to be almost unable to walk...

Tao Yue'er found a greenhouse not far from the volcano to rest temporarily.Chen Qiubi accompanied her in the greenhouse, while Ji Hanyu continued to move forward to see what the other side of the volcano looked like before making plans.

After Ji Hanyu left, Tao Yue'er's discomfort increased instead of decreasing, and sleeping in Hua Ling's room still failed to calm her down.

She only felt as if a pair of invisible hands were strangling her throat...

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