Flower Moon

Chapter 236

Seeing this, Tao Yue'er already knew that Hua Ling had been following him since she was a child. Until she appeared next to her at the age of 25, she had been leading her into the world of Xuan cultivators. This deliberate behavior had almost made her She couldn't breathe.But the scene that appeared immediately made her even more uncomfortable.

After Tao Yue'er returned to Jingguo from Xuanqingzong's narrow escape, her health improved day by day, and Hua Ling seemed to have neither the opportunity nor the heart to let her continue to practice Xuan Xiu. Hua Ling had no choice but to find another way.

In Jingcheng, the capital of Jingguo, Tao Yue'er only had two friends, Chen Qiubi and Lu Guanting.As a traitor, Lu Guanting could betray Tao Yue'er, and naturally he could also betray Chen Qiubi.It's just that Hua Ling added a fire and some firewood, causing things that didn't happen so quickly to react quickly and continuously.

On that snowy day, Hua Ling stopped the carriage of He Jinwen, the daughter of Lu Guanting, on his way to the court. Lu Guanting's power naturally left a big impression on He Jinwen, who was inexperienced in world affairs, and she offered him an olive branch from then on.

After the two made a private appointment, he disguised himself as a charlatan and gave her medicine to nurse her body back to health. Not long after, she became pregnant.

Then he forced Lu Guanting to marry her.

Now Lu Guanting had to make a choice between Chen Qiubi and He Jinwen.

Chen Qiubi had just given birth to her youngest son, and her body could not withstand the torment. In order to force Chen Qiubi to death, Lu Guanting made her kneel in front of her house for the smallest things in the winter.Hua Ling saw all this, and instead of saving Chen Qiubi, she gently tapped her finger. Soon, the snow in Lu Guanting's yard became extremely heavy.Not long after, Chen Qiubi's legs fell into the ice and snow, causing frostbite on her legs. She never became ill again.

However, Chen Qiubi's illness, which started as an emergency due to wind-cold entering the body, later developed into a chronic wind-cold that would not be cured. Although she could not be cured, she was not in danger of her life.But He Jinwen couldn't delay it any longer.

So Hua Ling added another fire.

He Jinwen went to the mountain temple to worship, and happened to meet Chen Qiubi who was going to pray for blessings. That day, she was even more exposed, and the steps were covered with moss. The two did not know each other at all, and they did not know the other's existence, but they just walked up and down the stairs. He Jinwen slipped and fell, and Chen Qiubi went to help her. He Jinwen's fetus was gone, and Chen Qiubi had nothing to do with it.Seeing Lu Guanting appear, the two of them knew who the other person was.

Lu Guanting insisted that Chen Qiubi was unfavorable to He Jinwen. After returning home, he ignored the situation and killed Chen Qiubi in the street.This is an explanation to He Jinwen and her old father.

Chen Qiubi died without any relatives. Tao Yueer, who vowed to avenge Chen Qiubi, was finally willing to spontaneously enter the Xuanxiu world to avenge Chen Qiubi.Also in order to resurrect Chen Qiubi's wronged soul and renew the relationship between sisters.

When Tao Yue'er saw this, her heart was really filled with panic.

At first, she thought Hua Ling just pityed her for being lonely and helpless. All her life choices were her own, and Hua Ling was just a person who accompanied and gave.But I didn't expect that in the end, every step of my life would be pushed by him.And she had no choice at all.

Tao Yue'er suddenly couldn't stand still.

Everyone on the boat was a little confused and confused, but no one was as lost as Tao Yue'er.

She was so lost...she couldn't even find the meaning of standing here.

"Do you still feel that you are superior now? Do you still feel that you are special?" Chang Pei Diji stood in front of Tao Yue'er and looked at Tao Yue'er condescendingly.At this time, her face was already covered with tears, and she fell to the ground, as if her mind had been hollowed out. "Your life is just a link designed by someone. Every step you take, someone has carefully paved the way. You are so unruly and never bow your head in front of me. Isn't it because of such a person? Will he accompany you and protect you? Now that this person exists a little earlier, why do you think it’s unacceptable? "

Chang Pei Di Ji smiled at Tao Yue'er, knelt down on one knee, got close to her face, and said, "There are more things that are unacceptable. You, please continue to read."

After Chang Peidiji finished speaking, she turned Tao Yue'er's head, forced her head away, and continued to look back at the corridor.

In the corridor, Tao Yue'er finished Tianjishan and asked.Hua Ling took her to Penglai again.

The road to Penglai is real, and the disappearance of Hua Ling is also real, but it is only on the surface.He has been following Tao Yue'er not far or near.I followed her to the top of the mountain and saw the statue of the goddess.He followed her to the cave and watched helplessly as she was tattooed on her back by the boy one by one.

This was clearly a one-sided humiliation, but in Hua Ling's view, she regarded it as a trial, a test to gain strength.

From then on, Tao Yue'er gained strength, but she could never forget the humiliating feeling of being stripped naked and tattooed under another man that night.

Hua Ling, on the other hand, hid her figure and watched.Seeing everything she had humiliated, in his eyes, it was just a tool to gain power.

He put her feelings last.

He sold her.

Tao Yue'er originally didn't want to read it anymore.She was afraid that knowing more truth would make her even more unable to face her past with Hua Ling.All the good things in her heart will be wiped out.

And ahead, a ray of white light appeared, like the sun rising from the horizon.But this time, it was in the endless night sky.Wisps of white light slowly became intense and dazzling.Tao Yue'er knew that they were about to reach their destination.And this long retrospective corridor has come to an end.

"It seems you haven't seen enough." Chang Pei Diji saw that the tears in Tao Yue'er's eyes had dried up, and she felt a little regretful when she saw the white light.His expression suddenly became interesting.

"I thought that after seeing it, you would be eager to jump from here. From now on, you will not know whether you will live or die, and you will have no love in life. Now it seems that the blow to you is not that big?"

Chang Pei Di Ji looked like she wanted to see a joke, but Tao Yue'er didn't let her succeed.

"I disappoint you." Tao Yue'er smiled, stood up from the ground, patted the hem of her skirt, put on the fiery red cloak jacket again, and wrapped herself tightly in the cloak.Don't let others see her expression anymore.

There was no emotion or anger in her voice, and she said calmly: "Why does my life have to become meaningful or meaningless because of the coming and going of a man? If Hua Ling's kindness to me is just a conspiracy, I will go If I die, then my life will be so boring.”

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