Flower Moon

Chapter 243 Bullying

Shentu cried for a while and then fainted from exhaustion. Tao Yue'er helped him back to the room in the backyard and found that although the attic in front of the house seemed to be leaking from all sides and very shabby, the decoration of the back room was very restrained and luxurious. The unknown wood has a texture of purple mixed with starlight, and the texture is like agarwood with a little starlight of small-leaf rosewood, which is particularly comfortable. Even the fragrance is very refreshing. It seems that as long as you live here, you can relax your limbs and bones.

As soon as Shentu stepped into the room, the blood and tears in his eyes stopped flowing, and his frown relaxed. He thought he felt very comfortable even in his sleep.

Tao Yue'er placed him on the bed made of precious wood, covered him with a quilt, and walked out of the room. This room is the largest room in the whole courtyard. It is probably the owner's room, so all the facilities are extremely precious. Tao Yue'er didn't take it for herself and left quickly.

Outside the house, heavy snow began to fall again. Snow fell all over the ground, thickly accumulating on the road she came from, submerging her footprints.

Tao Yue'er stood under the eaves, looking at the Purity Tower directly opposite, and spoke slowly in a voice that only she and Hua Ling could hear: "Although I don't know why you did this, I still miss you very much today. you."

"Perhaps in your eyes, I am an inconspicuous piece of dust that everyone can manipulate and manipulate. But this will not destroy the good time we have spent together. I believe you have your own difficulties, and you certainly don't. Die like everyone else. Hua Ling, would you like to see me?"

After Tao Yue'er finished speaking, the heartstrings deep in her heart clearly fluctuated. But he didn't hear the other party's answer.

The white snow under the Purity Tower has fallen all over the ground, almost covering the tower door. Just like Tao Yue'er's heart, it was frozen by the heavy snow behind her.

"Or...are you really, as they said, guilty of my past, so you don't want to come out to meet me?"

"But I am me, I am Tao Yue'er, I am not the Lotus Immortal Master. No matter who I was in the past, I only remember that in this life, it was you who took me out of the mud and gave me the supreme hope. I was able to truly be myself.”

"Hua Ling, come out and see me again, okay?"


Still no answer. Tao Yue'er took a deep breath, unable to support her body any longer, and fell down on the steps.

Hua Ling is definitely not dead, but he no longer wants to see her.

Maybe three days later, when the Linghua Immortal Master summons them, he will appear, but when they meet again, he will be the superior Immortal Master, no longer her only playboy.

He unilaterally left without saying goodbye, decisively severing the relationship between the two.

If she had known that this was the case, she might as well not have become this heaven-reaching person.

Living in the humble Salesian Bureau is more comfortable and happier than living in this luxurious life accompanied by cold days and nights and heavy snow...

Tao Yue'er fell asleep on the steps. She had a dream about a place she had been to.

In the dream, it was also such a snowy day, also in the house where she lived. But the world in the dream is still white and bright.

The beams in the study hall are the color of logs, with pearlescent light, which is particularly bright against the backdrop of white snow. Between the sky and the earth, large tracts of sycamore trees cover the sky and block out the sun, but they do not prevent the sunlight from scattering at all, and the light and shadow fall mottled in every corner of the world. In a world where snow falls and flowers bloom everywhere, the changes of the four seasons don't seem to exist, they are simply stacked together because of her preference. But Luoxue and Baihua don't feel incompatible at all, but add a different kind of beauty. Coolness and prosperity overlap.

It was in such a world with no distinction between seasons that she saw a child standing at the door of a private school, quietly listening to the sound of reading aloud in the room, and envious of the people in the room.

Tao Yue'er came from behind him holding a book and a red paper umbrella.

"What are you doing standing here?" she heard 'herself' ask.

When the child heard Tao Yue'er's voice, he was so frightened that he didn't even dare to look back and ran away.

But 'himself' looked at the direction he left with a confused look.

This was the case for the next month.

Tao Yue'er started to be 'late', deliberately not showing up in the study hall, and then she would find children in every corner. He watched them secretly and carefully noted down every word they said. They would even use branches in the snow to write down the scripts and spells they had memorized just now.

Tao Yue'er observed for a while and discovered that this was a self-taught genius who had a photographic memory and was particularly studious. However, he was too timid to appear in front of others.

Tao Yue'er gradually noticed the child's existence and planted a 'die cue' on his body. In his free time, he would use this 'die cue' to see what the child was doing.

It was such a small move that made Tao Yue'er discover a lot of great things that couldn't be discussed on the table.

Her apprentices wore snow-white clothes every day and studied hard in the school, chanting "Benevolence, Righteousness, Properity, Wisdom and Faith". But after class, out of sight of her, they would grab the child and beat and scold him at every turn. , strip him naked, and pour all the dirty things in the world on his head.

It was also through this 'butterfly lead' that Tao Yue'er realized that his disciples had two faces in front of them and behind them.

The leader is sinister and vicious, and what is revealed from his bones is that he is one part ruthless, three parts vicious, and seven parts arrogant. It was a face Tao Yue'er had never seen before. But Tao Yue'er clearly remembered the faces and appearances of the four people behind him - Chang Yu, Ji Hanyu, Bai Xiangjing and Chen Qiubi.

'Chen Qiubi' was the timidest. She pulled the sleeve of 'Ji Hanyu' in front and said, "It's almost done, don't cause trouble."

'Ji Hanyu' didn't take it seriously and said: "This is Penglai. There are immortal herbs and elixirs everywhere. Even the air has healing spells. It won't kill anyone. At most... it will only cause some suffering."

'Ji Hanyu' looked like he was just watching the fun and didn't mind the trouble. After comforting 'Chen Qiubi', he continued to watch the show. And 'Chang Yu' and 'Bai Xiangjing' helped the person at the front to bully the child.

All their hurtful behavior stays under their clothes, out of sight. But they didn't spare his face.

"You still refuse to beg for mercy? Then let you have a taste of my young master!"

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