Flower Moon

Chapter 246

After Bishui and Gong Yu were exiled one after another, the powerful Shentu and Liuye with a strong family background became the most popular candidates for the next immortal master. Without the suppression of Bishui and Gong Yu, Liuye began to run rampant in Penglai without restraint. And the same is true for Shentu. Relying on the power of his magic, he treats everyone else in Penglai as human beings, especially Linghua.

Ever since Linghua entered the Immortal Master's private school, the 'Butterfly Yin' on his shoulder had been removed by the Immortal Master Lianhua, and instead he was given a room closest to him. Once anything happened, the Immortal Master would be able to I knew it all at once.

This undoubtedly aroused Shentu's jealousy again.

Shentu and Liuye always tampered with Linghua's room. Sometimes they brought some demons and monsters from the lower world from the wilderness, and sometimes they accumulated snowstorms from the lower world in his room, causing him to wake up from the cold in the middle of the night. Because a barrier was set up, I couldn't leave, couldn't run away, and couldn't shout out. After many hardships, Linghua became seriously ill, but he knew that he was no match for the two of them. He had no power. Even if the Lotus Immortal Master was very kind to him, he did not have the power to compete with him, so he could only endure it.

But Linghua endured it, but others may not. After Shentu and Liuye saw that Linghua wouldn't fight back or scold him, and even if he let him get into his crotch, he wouldn't complain. He even licked his face and asked them: "Do you want to get back in again?" They felt it was boring. Lost interest in bullying him. Then he started pointing the finger at another person who had never shown up.

"Master Liuye, your family has a great business, but it has not had an Immortal Lord for five hundred years. It was supposed to be your grandfather's time to take the throne, but he was interfered with by the Heng family, which resulted in the final Immortal Lord falling to the throne. The Bishui family. Now that the Bishui and Gong Yu families have been eliminated one after another, it’s your turn anyway. You... must not let the Heng family get there first!"

After a hunt, Hengchang used his newly invented magic weapon to win the top spot and killed [-] million monsters in the wild with one move. His brilliance made the entire Penglai applaud. Liuye was indignant and used Linghua as a punching bag after the hunt.

Linghua was used as a stepping stone by Liuye. But after getting on the horse, Linghua licked his face and gave him a 'kindly' reminder. Although Liuye felt that Linghua didn't look like a good person, her wariness towards Hengchang gradually deepened. It is really unsettling to find that although Hengchang is a woman with a low family status, her personal abilities are extremely outstanding. The rivalry between the two has an undercurrent.

In Lianhua's school, Linghua's grades were ranked in the middle, firmly behind Hengchang and Shentu. Each time he was one or two points higher than Liuye, who had a big family, and it was a narrow victory. So people can't tell whether he is lucky or if he is really better than Liuye. But Liuye's eyes were all on Shentu and Hengchang, so he naturally ignored Linghua and didn't think about it.

The competition between Hengchang and Liuye became intense due to that hunting. But what no one expected was that Liuye would be the first to be eliminated.

Shentu and Liuye had an agreement at a magic showdown, but they didn't expect that a magic weapon that Heng often gave to Shentu had its own special dark power, so that after Shentu injured Liuye, even though Liuye He did not die on the spot, but in the next half month, his health deteriorated, and he finally passed away one morning.

The death knell of the Liu family rang for seventy-seven forty-nine days. The Liu family's troops surrounded the Purity Tower and vowed to demand the immortal master to hand over the real culprit who killed the young master.

Although Shentu was the apparent perpetrator, Liuye's death was attributed to Hengchang. Immortal Lord Lianhua could not save her, so he could only hand over Hengchang to the Liu family. Heng Chang's body was found in a different place, and his death was terrifying. At this point, among the five serving boys on Penglai Immortal Mountain, only Shentu was left.

Shentu thought he was firmly in the position of Immortal Lord, but he didn't expect that bad luck would not let him go. Because he was used to being arrogant and domineering, he was punished by the Immortal Master to kneel in front of the Purity Pagoda for three days and three nights after he talked back to him. He was originally angry and held a grudge, but Linghua couldn't stand it, so she went to bring him food, and vaguely reminded him: "If you don't do one thing, you won't stop doing the other thing. Rather than succumbing to others, it's better to take over. Anyway, Lianhua The Immortal Master has taught you everything he can teach, and he won’t teach you what he can’t teach, so it’s better to strike first.”

Linghua's words were like a pebble falling into Shentu's heart. There were many waves in his heart. Finally, after finishing the punishment of kneeling on the third day, he went to apologize to Immortal Lord Lianhua and made cakes with his own hands. Immortal Lord. However, the food he sent contained deadly poison, which was developed by the Heng family. Even an immortal could seal his throat with blood.

Immortal Lord Lianhua was already very angry, but seeing that Shentu had a good attitude in admitting her mistake and that there was no one around her, she naturally had no choice but to accept Shentu's apology. The master and apprentice had a meal and a drink, and finally, they had to Eat the cakes he made himself, but at this moment, Linghua arrived and took a bite of the cakes for Immortal Master Lianhua. Unexpectedly, he vomited blood on the spot and was unable to save himself.

Lianhua Immortal Master couldn't take care of Shentu, so he spent half of his body cultivating, and his vitality was severely damaged. He used his life for lives to reshape Linghua's muscles and bones, finally freeing him from the shackles of the mortal body and officially ranking in the immortal class. Finally a life was saved.

Shentu, on the other hand, was exiled for the crime of assassinating the Immortal Master. At this point, all five of the spirit-serving boys died, leaving only one Linghua beside Immortal Master Lianhua. And the Linghua at this time is no longer the Linghua of the past.

Behind Linghua stood the forces of the Bishui Tribe and the Gong Yu Family, and even the other three tribes who were watching were gradually brought under his command. He gave them the promise he had made after he came to power, and thus unified the five tribes, giving them the power to compete with the Lotus Immortal Lord.

Also because Immortal Lord Lotus rebuilt his immortal body for him, which fundamentally solved the problems of his dishonorable name and speech, he could finally straighten up and live an upright life.

That is to say, on the night when Immortal Master Lianhua was designated as the successor of the next Immortal Master and was crowned, Immortal Master Linghua did something extremely disrespectful to Lianhua. The two people who had always been close to each other, the moment Linghua touched her cheek and kissed her lips, she realized that in his heart, he had never regarded her as a master.

What he always wanted was to replace her, lock her in the Purity Tower, and only watch and accompany her day and night!
  "Master, I love you so much, and you will always love me and obey me as much as I love you, right?"

Of course it's not right!
  Lianhua was frightened and hurriedly wanted to drive him out, but only now did she realize that her strength was far inferior to his.

She taught him everything she knew.

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