Flower Moon

Chapter 250 Vitality

The same goes for Bai Xiangjing. He was very surprised by Tao Yue'er's sudden show of kindness and seemed at a loss what to do. But Tao Yue'er looked natural, smiling gently at herself, looking gentle. If he looked coldly at this time, he would appear to be a little ignorant.

"Thank you." Bai Xiangjing said thanks like Ji Hanyu.

Tao Yue'er smiled more gently: "You're welcome. We are colleagues and companions, and we should take care of each other." After Tao Yue'er finished speaking, even Chen Qiubi could hear something was wrong in her tone.

"What's wrong with you? Are you possessed by a ghost?" Chen Qiubi approached Tao Yue'er and whispered in her ear.

Tao Yue'er was surprised and asked, "Why do you think so?"

"You have never been so close to other people in the past, so close...as if you did it deliberately to others."

After Chen Qiubi finished speaking, Tao Yue'er smiled and said: "You have an illusion. I have always been so gentle. Wasn't it the same in the slums in the past? I haven't changed, I just returned to the person I used to be." Tao Yue'er is as gentle as water, in a life without the involvement of flower lovers.

As for whom to show it on purpose...that's a matter of opinion.

The group set off towards the south.

The south used to be prairie. After it was covered by ice and snow, the exotic animals on the prairie have evolved thick fur. Looking down from a high altitude, it looks like piles of cotton stationed on the prairie. All animals become similar.

"What did Linghua do after he took over Penglai?" Tao Yue'er was riding a Pegasus, looking coldly at everything below her.

Tunan frowned and said: "How can you call the Immortal Lord by his name? You should call him 'Immortal Lord Linghua', not just 'Linghua'."

But Tao Yue'er didn't care and said, "As long as you know who I'm talking about."

Tunan: "..."

Tunan felt that this person was really arrogant, but considering that she was a servant boy, he chose not to argue with her.

"After Immortal Master Linghua took charge of Penglai, almost all the five tribes in Penglai were wiped out, leaving only the Immortal Master's personal soldiers." Tunan finished speaking with a bit of pride in his tone.

"No wonder..." Tao Yuer murmured.

"No wonder what?"

"No wonder Penglai has become so dark. The five major spiritual veins have lost their guardians. Penglai has become no longer surrounded by immortality, and all the beautiful scenery has ceased to exist."

After Tao Yue'er finished speaking, her heart was as frozen and cold as the thousands of miles of snow-capped mountains beneath her feet. And Tunan beside her was already extremely angry.

"What do you know!" Tunan said angrily: "After the death of Immortal Lord Lotus, the evil waves of the ancient times swept across Penglai. It was Immortal Lord Linghua who protected the entire Penglai with one person's power, so that Penglai was not destroyed by the erosion of the great waves. . And those five major families, faced with the evil consequences of the prehistoric times, did not know how to unite and fought among themselves. They caused Penglai to become so dark. And now, as long as Immortal Master Linghua is still there, Penglai will be there. Based on this alone, we should admit it. His unparalleled achievements!"

"Immortal merit?" Tao Yue'er sneered: "Has the world really become a better place in his hands? I don't think so."

The two were at war with each other, and the tit-for-tat atmosphere quickly frightened the others. Others didn't know that Tao Yue'er had taken the wrong medicine to suddenly become like this, but no one dared to stop her. Tao Yue'er's whole person became somewhat unapproachable.

"Facts speak louder than words. Immortal Master Linghua is indispensable for Penglai becoming so dark." After Tao Yue'er finished speaking, she pulled the reins and rode her Pegasus to the ground. On the ground, thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow drifted, and as far as the eye could see, there was only a vast expanse of white.

"General Tunan, do you really think this place is beautiful?" Tao Yue'er asked him: "If you hadn't said this was Penglai, I would have thought I was in the prehistoric times."

In this world, few people have actually been to the ancient wilderness, and few people know what the ancient wilderness was like. But Tao Yue'er actually went there. The vast expanse of ancient land is filled with white bones. At first glance, it looks a bit like Penglai, which is frozen for thousands of miles.

Tun Nansheng was born in the period when Linghua Immortal Lord was there, and he had no idea what Penglai was like in the past, so he didn't feel how painful it was to live here. At most, he just had to dress warmly.

"The world that Immortal Lord Linghua lives in is the best one. Don't say more, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" Tunan said angrily.

But Tao Yue'er didn't care. She smiled and said, "Did Immortal Master Linghua say that you can't change?"

"...No." Tunan said.

"Well, let me show you what the real Penglai should look like."

After Tao Yue'er finished speaking, she exerted a little force with her hands, and ripples rippled from her palms. Golden water ripples spread out. Wherever they passed, ice layers several feet high melted, and the snow disappeared, covered by the snow. The covered grassland came back to life, changing from withered yellow leaves to a bright green color. Golden ripples brushed across the earth and flew high into the sky. The lingering clouds in the sky were blown away after the golden ripples brushed against them. The sun shines from behind the clouds and falls on the earth. The melted snow gathers into rivers, watering the dry and cracked land and nourishing new life. And those animals, almost all of which were covered in thick hair, also lost their thick skins and returned to their original appearance.

On the grassland, it is full of vitality and has a completely new look.

"You...how did you do it?!" Tunan was shocked. Everyone else also looked dull.

Although the scene in front of them was Penglai in their imagination, seeing with their own eyes that all of this was done by Tao Yue'er, it was really unbelievable. Not only because of her power, but also because she dared to touch the ideal world of the Immortal Lord.

If the ice and snow were not what the Immortal Lord wished for, such a scene would never have happened in Penglai.

Tao Yue'er...she is going against the Immortal Master.

"I'm not going against the Immortal Master, I just did what I thought was right." After Tao Yue'er finished speaking, she looked at Tunan: "You have lived under the Immortal Master for a long time, but what he said, like thousands of miles of ice, Thousands of miles of snow falling?"

"...That's not true." Tunan said.

"Then it means that my behavior does not violate the prohibition. If it does, let your immortal master come to me." After Tao Yue'er finished speaking, he no longer looked at Tunan, but at the Purity Tower. Direction, he said loudly: "As long as the Immortal Lord says he doesn't like the Penglai world under my control, I am willing to help you return to the past."

Tunan was speechless now, but because the changes were too big, he couldn't stay here any longer. Prepare to go back and discuss it with others.

Although there are no five major families in Penglai and everyone is under the jurisdiction of the Immortal Lord, officials still need to move around and discuss with each other.

What Tao Yue'er committed was so big that he couldn't make up his mind on his own.

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