Flower Moon

Chapter 261 To feel

"Who is your good sister? Do you think I picked you back just to become a good sister?" Shanluo grinned, blood spilled from the corners of her mouth, it was obvious that she had been hollowed out by the backlash of Jiutian Xuanmu Spiritual energy is not far away from death. Before death, one would naturally seek revenge and repay injustice, so everything should be said openly.

"The snail and I are two souls in one body. We have already had enough of rolling our eyes. When I met you, I just wanted to take your body. I thought I would kill you when you were older, but I didn't expect you to grow so big. . Not only fat, but also tall! It’s just what I want. Not only did you gain a body for nothing, but you can also become a noble of the clear water. So I can’t let you go. Before others notice you, I need to take action first. powerful!"

Every word of Shanluo's words pierced Lianhua's heart.

She was still looking for excuses for Shanluo, thinking that she must have had a last resort, or that this matter was not her fault, but she didn't want her end to end, so she didn't have the time to make detours with her. In one breath, he expressed all the resentment he had held back for many years.

"But I'm still too late in the end. I took action, but the nobles of the Bishui tribe have also noticed you, Lianhua, you are so lucky. You were born in Yandang Mountain, where no one cares about you, but you can still be calm and calm. Absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, it took three thousand years to transform into a human form. When I arrived in Bishui City, I was still unhurried, eating and drinking all day long without caring about worldly affairs, and I was still able to cultivate a noble body. I lost in the end. I lost because of luck. In the next life, If I were reincarnated as a human being, I wouldn't be so unlucky again, right? After all... I've suffered enough in this life."

Shanluo finally died.

But Lotus also died that day.

The body is not dead, but the mind is.

Only then did she realize that her only friend in this world was actually trying to deceive her body from beginning to end. All the kindness she did to her and feeding her fat and strong were all for her to grow into a true Bishui tribesman as soon as possible.

All her efforts are for the final reward.

Lianhua's initial trust in this world was gone, and she was really depressed for a while, but soon she ushered in a completely different new life.

She is more than seven feet tall, which is not too short among men. Among the short Bishui Tribe, she is already a giant.

Bi Yuan, the leader of the Bishui clan, was half a head shorter standing next to her.

And Bi Yuan is already very old. She has devoted her life to the Bi Shui Tribe, and she has no children, so she has never had an heir. He could only drag his long white hair and keep guarding the throne. Until she met Lianhua, she knew after hearing about her existence that the burden on her shoulders could finally be lifted.

She has an heir, and that person is Lotus who has nothing and was just deceived to the point of almost losing her life.

"I don't want to be the clan leader." Lianhua said.

Ever since Shanluo died, she had become a completely different person. In the past, she was curious about everything outside Yandang Mountain, but after Shanluo's death, her world seemed to have become dark. There was only one person in this world that she liked and trusted, Shanluo. Although Shanluo firmly wanted her life, she was recuperating in the palace of the Bishui Tribe, lying alone on the huge ice bed when she dreamed back at midnight, I still miss the days when I was squeezed into a cramped water tank with Shanluo.

Although those days were a wonderful performance for Shanluo, in Lianhua's heart, those things in the past really appeared and moved her sincerely. Even at this moment, she still couldn't believe that Shanluo really Will kill himself.

Gradually, she began to stop eating and drinking, and became thinner. The burnt skin on her feet also began to heal and improve. Bi Yuan, the leader of the Bishui clan, could see obvious changes in her every time he came to see her.

After more than half a year, Lotus was so thin that there was only a handful of bones left.

"You can't lose weight anymore." Biyuan told her: "In addition to Shanluo, you will meet many, many people in this world. Not all of them are bad people, and not all of them are good people. You have to get to know them one by one. Feel it one by one. Today Shanluo treats you well, and tomorrow there will be another person who treats you better than her regardless of reward. But only by living can you get to know those people one after another. At that time Only then will you realize that the kindness Shanluo treats you is really insignificant. You can't let your whole life be ruined just because of one failure, so why have you persisted for three thousand years? Is it just for this? Going down the mountain, he was deceived by a woman, and then he ate himself into a fat man weighing two hundred pounds, and then starved himself to death?"

Although Biyuan's words were unpleasant, they were rough and rational. She could have spoken to her in the tone of the leader of the clan, but she did not do so.

"Seeing you is like seeing myself in childhood. I have also experienced betrayal, hurt, hope and despair, happiness and pain. But it is life that is made up of all these contradictions. You should experience all kinds of things. All kinds of emotions, and finally decide how to live this life. If by then, you still feel that the world is not worth it, then I will no longer stop you, I will personally send you out of this world."

Biyuan's words gave Lianhua renewed hope of living.

She didn't do anything earth-shattering, just to feel what Bi Yuan said, all the ups and downs in the world.

Lotus went to the Shentu tribe. Among the Shentu tribe, everyone has the surname Shentu. Unlike the short and delicate people of Bishui, they are all big-shouldered, muscular, and strong. At first glance, he looks powerful, and the ratio of men to women is extremely uneven. With more men than women, Lianhua attracted the attention of countless people as soon as she walked into Shentu's town.

"The short winter melon and the white board, the clear water girl who can fall down when the wind blows, are really a handful of firewood, too small to pick someone's teeth."

Lianhua suffered countless looks from the Shentu tribe, but she was not afraid. She wears the amulet given by the leader of the Bishui clan. Wherever she goes, there are people who give Biyuan face and won't really do anything to her.

But even without this amulet, she would not be afraid, because as Biyuan said, she wants to experience all the ups and downs in this world, including of course the insults and bullying from others.

But even though the men of the Shentu clan looked down upon her and hated her rib-like figure, it did not hinder the fact that she was a woman. In the Shentu tribe, where there are more men than women, having a wife is a supreme honor. Even if she is as thin as a dried lotus flower, it doesn't matter.

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