Flower Moon

Chapter 99 This is a strange thing

Chapter 99 This is a strange thing
Back in the Lu residence, Lu Guanting stepped up the security in the small courtyard and sent people to surround the entire small courtyard.On the windows, the wooden boards that were originally removed were reinstalled.

Now, it was difficult for He Jinwen to fly with her wings.

"Xuemei, I'm trapped." In the small black room, He Jinwen stood by the window, and only through the gaps between the wooden boards could she see the sunlight outside.In the past 20 years, she didn't realize that sunlight is so precious.

Obey the father at home, obey the husband when married, and obey the son when old.It turned out that she would never be free in her life.

It's hard to move an inch.

Xuemei stood under the beams and pillars of the room, looked at the beams, and said quietly: "You can also put the child down and let him cry. Or, as Master Lu said, destroy him."

"You haven't had a child yet, you don't understand." He Jinwen sighed: "If you have a child, you would rather cry by yourself than let the child suffer half a grievance. How could you bear to ruin him?"

People are selfish, but a woman who gave birth to a child seems to have completely ignored herself.She couldn't turn a blind eye to the flesh falling from her body like a man.So even if she destroyed herself, she couldn't destroy her child.

In less than half a month, He Jinwen slept for less than an hour a day, her cheeks were sunken, her skin was as thin as a stick, and she was exhausted.

"Xuemei, can you help me one more time?" He Jinwen asked her beggingly.

This time, she must keep in mind that others are not reliable, she can only rely on herself.

Xuemei shook her head and said, "I only have one chance, right now, I have nothing to do."

Xuemei was also trapped here.The only thing she can do now is to bring He Jinwen three meals a day in due course.

But because He Jinwen couldn't sleep well, she couldn't eat at all.Drinking two sips of soup at a time is the limit.

Lu Guanting would send a doctor to take a look every day, but the doctor would shake his head every day when he came, "Let's prepare for the funeral." Then, a coffin was actually parked in the courtyard of the Lu residence.

Xuemei went to take a look, and told He Jinwen when she came back: "The coffin is made of high-quality nanmu, painted with gold on all sides, engraved with patterns of blessing, fortune, longevity, golden boy and jade girl, and unicorn giving birth. The adults are very satisfied with what they did."

On the bright side, Lu Guanting gave He Jinwei everything he should have as a wife.What's going on in private, who cares?
He Jinwen smiled wryly, feeling like a knife was twisting in her heart: "Compared to Chen Qiubi, he treats me like this, it's really not mean."

As soon as Chen Qiubi took the straw cage, she was rolled up and thrown into the bottom of the river.At any rate, she died suddenly due to illness, and after her death, she was given a nanmu coffin to enjoy the ancestral temple.

In the end, he didn't take the initiative to do anything, he just waited for the day when she died.

He Jinwen hates it.

But no matter how much she hated, she was powerless.

She knew her time was approaching.

As she was dying, He Jinwen looked at Xuemei in front of her, and said quietly: "In the next life, don't be a woman anymore. Women can't help themselves, they will never be as free and easy as men... But don't be men, they are ruthless , a debt of love, day and night, no peace. If you can, just be a gust of wind, come and go freely, without restraint..."

After He Jinwen finished speaking, she closed her eyes.

Xuemei was at the side, taking the child in her arms. The child was crying endlessly, but miraculously quieted down in Xuemei's arms.

Xuemei looked at He Jinwen who was almost lifeless on the ground, sighed, and said, "Go to sleep, when you wake up, you will be free..."

He Jinwen could hear Xuemei's voice, but she couldn't answer.

She smiled bitterly in her heart: "How can there be time to wake up? Once she closes her eyes, there will be no future."

But on the other hand, she is indeed free.

Whether it's fame, wealth, glory, or children, she should enjoy what she should enjoy, what she should pay, and this life is over.

But what she didn't expect was that there would be a day when she would be able to open her eyes again.

On the day of the new moon, the Lu Mansion hangs a white memorial ceremony, and the sky is full of black silk.The red lantern at the door was also replaced with white.Everyone knew that He Jinwen had been in poor health since she gave birth. The coffin and the monk had already been prepared, and the He family had sent someone to notify her.

Everyone was waiting for He Jinwen to die.

But when others inquired, they found that it was not He Jinwen who died, but Lu Guanting.

On the day of the new moon, Lu Guanting entered the bedroom and never came out again.The servants went to invite him to court the next day, but they couldn't wake him up, and no one responded.The maid opened the door to invite her, only to find that Lu Guanting was lying on the bed, his eyes wide open, and he had already lost his breath.It seemed that he saw something terrible on the top of the bed.

He Xing, who had just withdrawn from Hongshan Temple for less than a day, received the news from his subordinates, sighed, and said, "I knew it would happen, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."

He Xing was attracted by Hongshan Temple's sudden outburst of hatred on the day of the blood moon, and stayed in Hongshan Temple for half a month.But during that half month, nothing happened in Hongshan Temple except for the sudden death of the presiding monk and others.He couldn't help wondering, who on earth had such a deep hatred with the host?

He followed the clues and found that the presiding abbot had no grievances with others, but the sky-high hatred really existed, so there was only one possibility—he had made enemies with ghosts.

How could a living person be so hostile to a ghost?That can only help the evildoers.

Lu Guanting sent the tablets and corpses of a pair of young sons to practice, not to exorcise, but to suppress.Lu Guanting had a ghost in his heart, and he knew that the grudge in his young son's heart was hard to get rid of, and it was impossible to save him.And the host was also willing to help him, and this became the fuse.

Those who hate the sky, took advantage of the resentment of the two sons, appeared together, and then killed all the people present.

It's not that the second son's resentment is greater than the sky, it's just that they share the same hatred with the evil spirit that has been suppressed by the abbot of Hongshan Temple for decades. They have a common enemy, so they cooperated to curse and kill the abbot.

The black hands behind all this are obviously not the spirits of the two youngest sons.

He still hasn't found the wraiths of the two young sons. Behind them, there must be a more powerful existence that is arranging all this.Turn them around.

And if Lu Guanting had told him the truth, he might still be saved.At least he'll find out all the truth and save his life.Instead of being backlashed by the host's resentment immediately after his people withdrew from Hongshan Temple.

If the host dies in vain, he can only find the enemy on the surface - that is Lu Guanting who caused all this.

But who is the person who arranges all this behind the scenes?

All of this seems to have an invisible hand placing everyone where they should be.Including He Xing himself was also part of his plan.

Lu Guanting's death was not wronged, but it was very strange.

"Investigate." He Xing said: "We must investigate to the end."

(End of this chapter)

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