Chapter 116
On the other side, Liu Yi's assistant managed to find Producer Li, and hurriedly told him dissatisfied that Liu Yi had been bullied.

When Producer Li heard this, his head grew dizzy, and he quickly followed Liu Yi's assistant to the dressing room.

Behind this Liu Yi, there is a gold master.

She is the little lover of one of the investors in the crew.

The condition that the investor agreed to invest in the film crew was to arrange Liu Yi into the film crew and give him an important role.

Originally, the other party wanted the role of the female number one.

But Liu Yi was born as an Internet celebrity and has no acting skills at all. He had to deal with the gold master Liu Yi for a long time, and finally had to agree to the role of the second female lead. He also promised to make other dramas in the future and give Liu Yiliu more. Only then did they get the other party's investment.

This Liu Yi came to the film crew, relying on the backing of the financial master behind her, picks food and drinks, picks and chooses, and wants the best in everything.

Anyway, people haven't become popular yet, Pu'er is showing his feet first!

If it weren't for the big money behind her who couldn't offend easily, Producer Li would have liked to let her go where she came from.

It's a non-stop thing, the show has just started, and I'm looking for something for him again!
In the dressing room, Mu Si saw Liu Yi's assistant leading Producer Li over. Afraid of causing Yu Lingchu to lose her job, she quietly pulled Yu Lingchu's sleeve and whispered, "Liu Yi is so crazy. There must be a backer behind it. Producer Li might turn to her, don't talk for a while, I will deal with it."

Yu Lingchu was standing up for her in this matter, and she specified that Yu Lingchu should not be involved.

When Liu Yi saw Producer Li coming over, he immediately regained his spirits.

As soon as Producer Li approached, she raised her hand and pointed at Yu Lingchu and Mu Si, and demanded Producer Li: "The two of them are bullying me, you should drive them away!"

Producer Li looked at Yu Lingchu and Mu Si in the direction of her finger, his legs softened and he almost couldn't stand still.

Liu Yi, a mindless woman, who the hell are you referring to? !
If her sponsor really invested the money, the whole production crew would be her world, wouldn't it?

There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky, don't you understand?

As far as the two people she pointed her fingers at, which of them had no stronger power than her gold master!
Producer Li came over, looked at Yu Lingchu, then at Mu Si, and asked with a smile: "Mu Si, Lingchu, what's going on?"

Seeing that Producer Li not only didn't help her out, but also talked to Mu Si and Yu Lingchu in a pleasant manner, Liu Yi became even more angry: "Producer Li, what's the matter with you! I said they bullied me, why don't you Don't hurry up and let them drive them away!"

Producer Li's forehead twitched twice.

Can't Liu Yi, a mindless vase, shut up that stinking mouth!
He turned his head and looked at Liu Yi with a cold face: "I have to figure things out before I can make a conclusion!"

Liu Yi said sharply: "The thing is that they bullied me!"

She has already released all the lies, if Producer Li doesn't rectify these two people to vent her anger, where will she put her face!
Producer Li frowned: "It doesn't count if you say it alone!"

Seeing that Producer Li didn't support her, Liu Yi immediately threatened: "If you don't drive them away, I'll tell my dear to divest!"

Producer Li also got angry: "They can't leave even if you leave!"

Liu Yi glared at Producer Li viciously: "You wait for me! I will call my dear right now and tell him that you are bullying me!"

After Liu Yi finished speaking, she went back to the dressing room, closed the door with a bang, and went to file a complaint.

Producer Li looked at Mu Si and Yu Lingchu, and asked calmly, "Can you tell me what's going on?"

Mu Si was not in a hurry, and said in a gentle and soft tone: "Miss Liu Yi dislikes our cosmetics as a niche brand and is not worthy of her noble status. She wants to use international brands to apply makeup, but we don't provide it, so she is unwilling." .

Producer Li, we have agreed before that our beauty studio will provide makeup for the crew for free, and the crew will name our beauty brand in the later stage and carry out a wave of advertising.

It is no problem for individual actors in the crew to use beauty products other than our brand, but we are not obligated to provide any products we use! "

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Producer Li nodded: "Don't be angry, Mu Si, I'm on your side in this matter.

But I also have my difficulties.

This Liu Yi is someone who was pushed in by the investor, and I don't want to offend her too much. I'll talk about her later, let's take a step back and treat it as a way to save me. Do you think it's okay? "

Mu Si smiled softly: "Of course I'm willing to give Producer Li face, but I'm afraid we can't afford to take care of Miss Liu Yi! For her make-up, Producer Li should hire someone else."

"Mussi see what you said. You are willing to do makeup for her to save face. I will talk to her in a while and let her stop making trouble. Let's all take a step back, take a step back."

As soon as Producer Li finished speaking, the phone in his pocket rang.

He glanced at the calling number, smiled and said to Mu Si: "You wait for me, I'll answer the call."

After speaking, he took the phone and walked a little further away.

As soon as the phone was connected, a high-ranking, questioning voice came from inside.

"Producer Li is such a busy man, it took so long to answer the phone!"

"No no!"

Producer Li quickly responded with a smile: "I saw Mr. Hu calling, but I hurriedly found a quiet place to answer it. I was afraid that being disturbed would affect my listening to Mr. Hu."

The anger in the voice of the person on the opposite side was slightly lower, but he still questioned: "Yiyi just called me and said that she was wronged in the crew and bullied by some people who don't have good eyesight. Producer Li, I put This is how you took care of me when I handed him over to you?"

"Mr. Hu, listen to me..."

Producer Li opened his mouth to explain, but President Hu on the opposite side interrupted him arrogantly: "I don't listen to useless nonsense! Now you should teach those ignorant things a lesson and let Yiyi vent her anger! "

Producer Li raised his hand and rubbed his head: "Boss Hu, it was Liu Yi who made a mistake and provoked it first, and..."

"Producer Li!" Mr. Hu suddenly raised his voice, and said coldly, "Producer Li, you don't intend to give me this face, do you?!"

He didn't care about what was right and what was wrong, he only knew that Liu Yi was the person he arranged to join the crew.

Liu Yi was wronged in the crew, and if Producer Li didn't help her out, it was because he didn't take him seriously.

Didn’t the old saying go, it’s up to the owner to beat a dog!

"It's not that I didn't give you face, Mr. Hu. It's that the two people Liu Yi offended have too strong backgrounds. Don't say they are right, even if they are wrong, I dare not do anything to them!"

"Oh!" Mr. Hu sneered disdainfully: "Strong background? Then you can tell me how strong their background is. I want to hear whether their background is stronger than mine!"

 The first chapter is published, and Chapter 2 is being edited~Thanks to Qing Ci for the reward and support, thank you to all the friends who voted for recommendation, I love you v('ωˉ)~

(End of this chapter)

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