Chapter 134 Complaint
Mu Si sat there with downcast eyes, as if she had never heard of Han Zexin's request.

Han Zexin frowned slightly with puzzled eyes.

Who is going to tell her what's going on today, why are these one or two taking turns to get distracted?
"Musi!" Han Zexin raised her voice and called out.


Mu Si raised her head suddenly, her eyes looked around for the person who called her.

Han Zexin supported her forehead and said with a helpless smile, "I told you, please help me fix my makeup."

"Oh." Mu Si readily agreed, got up and walked to the dressing table.

The system suddenly lost contact for no reason, and Yu Lingchu lost the mood to continue eating. She picked up the rest of the meal, got up and left Han Zexin's dressing room.

The first scene in the afternoon was Liu Yi's.

It was filmed of her fighting with the young master of the Shangshu Mansion on the street because of a girl who sold her body to bury her father.

After all the staff were ready, the director shouted: "3. Start!"

On the street where people come and go, the girl is dressed in white, kneeling on the ground with grass planted on her head, and on a wooden sign in front of her is written the words "sell her body to bury her father".

A group of people gathered around the girl, pointing and discussing with pity, sympathy, or nothing to do with themselves.

The second lady of the General's Mansion, played by Liu Yi, walked lightly and cheerfully from the other side of the street. Seeing a group of people gathered together, she couldn't help but look around, and walked over curiously.


The director frowned and shouted, and looked at Liu Yi who was standing in the center of the venue: "The Second Miss of the General's Mansion is playful and carefree at this time, you should check your status carefully, adjust your expression, don't let people look at you, think You're smirking."

Liu Yi returned to her previous position, and the director shouted again: "Get ready...3·2·1·start!"

The camera slowly zoomed in on Liu Yi from the side of the prostitute husband and daughter who were being watched.

After only one shot, the director stopped again, frowned and looked at Liu Yi: "Why is your expression more unnatural than before?"

After finishing speaking, the director got up helplessly, walked to Liu Yi, and personally demonstrated and pointed out: "You should do this, look at everything around you with interesting eyes, show that you are very interested in everything, and walk with a slightly Jumping for joy will show that your whole state is very light and happy."

After personally giving instructions, the director sat back in front of the monitor and shouted again: "Get ready! Start on 3!"

The camera shifted from the onlookers to Liu Yi's body bit by bit. Liu Yi's expression and performance became more and more stiff and unnatural.

The director watched for a while, then stopped again, and looked at Liu Yi with a headache.

She doesn't have any acting talent at all. She demonstrates by herself and teaches by hand, and she can still perform worse and worse.

It's not suitable for an actor's job, so why do you have to force yourself into the crew? !
If she hadn't been forced in by the management, he would have replaced her immediately!
Suppressing the boredom in his heart, the director said to Liu Yi: "Just watch, I'll show you a demonstration, you can find out how you feel."

Liu Yi pursed her lips, feeling that she was targeted by the director.

Yu Lingchu stood not far away, watching Liu Yi's every move.

After the director came off, he taught Liu Yi to act her role very carefully.

Liu Yi, on the other hand, seemed a little absent-minded.

When the director sat back in front of the monitor and started filming again, Liu Yi's expression was still stiff, and she didn't have the feeling the acting director wanted.

After teaching it twice, the performance got worse and worse, and the director couldn't hold back his anger at all.

He glared, and shouted at Liu Yi: "Can you be more careful! What is this acting, and that fake smile makes people panic! All of our precious time is spent by you alone!" People are wasted!"

When Liu Yi was scolded, anger welled up in her heart. She raised her head and stared back at the director, saying: "I think my acting is pretty good, it's clear that you've been picking on the bones! When I just got into the mood, you yelled to stop, just now If you enter the state, you call stop, and all the emotions I have been brewing have been disturbed by you!"

The director laughed angrily: "The emotion you're brewing is pulling the muscles on your face and smirking, right? Fortunately, there are no children around here. If there were any, your zombie-like performance would scare you to tears!"

"Why do you say that about me! I think you just don't want to see me, and you are deliberately targeting me! If you think I'm not good at acting, you can find someone else if you have the ability! As long as you are a poor crew, treat me like a rarity!"

After Liu Yi finished speaking, she turned around and ran away.

The director was so angry that Liu Yi's lips were trembling, he took out his phone and called Producer Li.

Doesn't matter whether she, Liu Yi, brought money into the group, such an unprofessional and disobedient actor is too exhausting!He can't afford it!

Standing in the crowd, Yu Lingchu looked at all this, and asked the system in her mind: "Should I chase or not? At this time, should I be able to persuade her?"

There was silence in my mind, and the system did not respond.

Yu Lingchu sighed softly: "System, are you really dead? Then can you still do my task if you hang up?"

"If you're not dead, make a sound!"

"If you don't say anything, I will really treat you as dead, and I won't do this task!"

There was still silence in her mind, Yu Lingchu sighed, turned and left.

The sudden appearance of the system, and the inexplicable departure of the system.

When Producer Li received a call from Director Wang, he couldn't help feeling dizzy.

Mr. Hu just forced something into their crew!
At noon, Liu Yicai had a quarrel over eating, and in the afternoon she had a quarrel with the director on the set, and it didn't stop at all, right?
A thing who is someone's lover and sells herself for resources, she doesn't have the confidence to be so crazy, she wants everyone to support her all day long.

Pooh!Don't even look in the mirror to see what you are like!
Producer Li tried to persuade Director Wang with good words for a long time, then hung up the phone and cursed at the air before resigning himself to his fate and opening the door to look for Liu Yi.

Liu Yi left the filming location, angrily, and directly called her financial backer to sue the crew.

Producer Li wanted to contact Liu Yi by phone, but found that the line was busy, so he had to call Yu Lingchu again.

After all, Yu Lingchu was responsible for the security work of the entire crew, and her staff was distributed throughout the crew.

Asking Yu Lingchu to help find someone is much faster and more effective than him looking around blindly.

Yu Lingchu was indeed very efficient, and gave Producer Li a reply after a few minutes.

After Liu Yi left the filming scene, she made a phone call while walking outside the filming location. When she was about to leave the range of the film crew, Yu Lingchu called and ordered someone to stop her.

Liu Yi, who was on the phone, immediately continued to complain to Mr. Hu on the other side of the phone, crying.

"Brother Hu~ They are all bullying me~ Now even the security guards of a film crew want to step on me and restrict my personal freedom~ Woohoo~Producer Li and the others are not bullying me, they obviously don't take you seriously .

They want your investment, and they are angry that you forced me into the crew, and they dare not turn against you, so they take it out on me~
This is not bullying me, this is deliberately secretly poking your face~"

(End of this chapter)

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