Chapter 137 System Regression
You have to put it together according to what everyone said, and what the young man said is probably true!

What is the name of the Tian family couple being called to collect debts now?
This is called self-destruction if you do many unrighteous actions!
Who let their husband and wife keep sucking the blood of the adopted daughter and robbing the adopted daughter of her money!
Now it's all right, I have done too much evil, and the disaster has come!
As for the husband and wife, they didn't even think about it when they robbed their adopted daughter of things. As a work-study college student like their adopted daughter, who had to be picked up by them to suck blood from time to time, how could they have the money to buy expensive jewelry.

Maodou listened to everyone's discussion, and seeing that everyone had a conclusion in their hearts, he said, "So the Tian family couple are so hateful! I wondered before, how dare they rob our company so righteously and let Tian Tian try it out?" The jewelry she wears is to steal Tian Tian's money, she is used to it.

Neighbors, I don't care how their family bullied their adopted daughter, but now that it has damaged the interests of our company, I have to ask them to recover the loss.

So I may have to come here every now and then to find them to collect debts. If this disturbs the neighbors in the neighborhood, please bear with me. I am here to apologize to everyone in advance. "

A neighbor who secretly complained for Tian Tian said: "It's only natural to pay back the debt, young man, you should ask for the debt."

Some people who had a rift with Tian's mother also said: "Yes, you collect your debts, we are so easily disturbed."

Ling Xuan secretly recorded the discussions and reactions of the audience with his mobile phone, and then clicked on WeChat to send it to Yu Lingchu.

"Senior Sister, Maodou is fine, this is for him to ask for accounts in the future and lay a mass foundation.

I just listened to the discussion of these neighbors, and I think they have long since disliked Tian Tian's family bullying Tian Tian so much.

Now that the Tian family is unlucky, they are also happy to see it succeed.

Tsk tsk~ It can be seen that the Tian family's popularity is not very good. "

After watching the video at the beginning, Yu Ling sent a voice reply: "As for the greedy and shameless virtue of the Tian family, it's no wonder that they have good popularity.

Maodou's debt collection was the beginning of their retribution, so how many people's hearts may have been greatly relieved. "

Ling Xuan replied: "Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and their retribution is us."

After hearing Ling Xuan's voice, Yu Lingchu pursed her lips and smiled, thinking of the system that suddenly disappeared.

When she stepped in to help Tian Tian, ​​the system took the initiative to reward her with [-] points, [-] points were credited to the account, and the remaining [-] points were distributed after Tian Tian's matter was over.

But now, the grievances between Tian Tian and the Tian family have not yet ended, but the system suddenly disappeared.

Although the system always likes to send some tricky tasks at critical moments, they have been together day and night for a while.

It disappeared suddenly, and Yu Lingchu's heart was really empty for a while.


On Liu Yi's side, I don't know what Producer Li said, but he persuaded him to go back to the set.

Under the persuasion of Producer Li, Director Wang suppressed his anger and re-shot Liu Yi several times, and finally shot a few shots that were barely usable.

But when it came to a few play scenes, Liu Yi couldn't shoot well no matter what, and started to keep NG again.

As soon as the male actor who was playing opposite her acted according to the instructions, Liu Yi put her arms around herself, closed her eyes and stomped her feet and screamed.


Seeing her behavior like this, the director immediately called a stop.

When Liu Yi heard the director call to stop, she opened her eyes and glanced carefully. After relaxing a little, she asked, "Is the filming over?"

When the director saw her like this, ten thousand alpacas roared past in his heart. He suppressed his anger and said as calmly as possible: "Liu Yi, you have to take a step back and sideways to avoid his move. Didn't the martial arts director tell you just now?"

Liu Yi frowned and looked at Director Wang: "But I'm afraid."

Director Wang gritted his molars and said, "He didn't really hit you, what are you afraid of?"

"If I can't dodge, won't he really hit me? My skin is delicate, and when he punches me, I won't be red and purple and hurt for several days?"

Hearing what she said, the actor quickly comforted him: "No, I won't really hit you hard."

Liu Yi continued to question: "Your fist is so fast, how can you control the strength!"

The director let out a foul breath, and resisted the urge to yell at others and asked, "Afraid of getting hurt, so are you still filming this scene?"

"Shoot!" Liu Yi took it for granted, "Use a stand-in to shoot, and I'll just replace my face later."

The director took a deep breath, and another deep breath.

For Liu Yi, an outsider internet celebrity who doesn't even count as an [-]th-ranker, how could she have the nerve to say something like using a stand-in for a fight scene?

As a stand-in, does she think she is some kind of celebrity? !

The director gritted his teeth and told: "There is no substitute!"

Han Zexin, who was waiting for the filming, smiled and shook her head, and said to Yu Lingchu who was beside her in a low voice: "This producer Li put Liu Yi into the crew to temper the director's temper, right?"

Yu Lingchu pursed her lips: "I see that the director's anger will soon be overwhelmed."

"How long do you think the director can endure?" Han Zexin asked again.

Yu Lingchu thought for a while, but before she could answer, she heard that Liu Yi over there had asked the director as a matter of course: "I don't have a substitute to find one. Is there any difficulty?"

The director's temples throbbed.

It's not difficult to find a stand-in, but it's too difficult to film with such a thing as you!

What a waste of time!
Yu Lingchu watched the movement over there, and slowly said to Han Zexin, "I guess the director can bear it for 3 minutes at most."

Han Zexin smiled: "I guess the director still has 30 seconds to explode."

The director took two deep breaths, tried to suppress the anger in his heart, and said, "Liu Yi, I beg you, can you be a little professional? We are not filming any high-risk and difficult scenes, and we need a substitute." ?"

What the hell!Even the top streamers don't necessarily have these 250-line small Internet celebrities to be hypocritical!

"Host, is Liu Yi acting like a demon again?"

Suddenly, a systematic voice sounded in Yu Lingchu's mind.

Yu Ling, who was watching the excitement, was startled.

Σ(д|||) Is this a dead system that suddenly cheated?

She said slowly, "System, you... are you okay?"


"Master, can't you wish me well?"

"I'm looking forward to it! I've been looking forward to that even if you die, you can cheat the corpse."


"Oh! Thank you~"

"Which one of us is with whom, don't be polite."


"But the system, should you explain why you suddenly lost contact just now?"


The system sighed sadly: "Didn't I scold the main system at that time?"

"Well, then what?"

"Then I was overwhelmed by the bastard in the main system~ The guy who impressed me with his domineering aura found out, he shocked me~ woo woo woo~ I was made electromagnetically disordered by him, and the machine went down~ woo woo~"

(End of this chapter)

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