shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 146 Don't Come If You Don't Come!

Chapter 146 Don't Come If You Don't Come!

Mother Yu exhaled the depression in her heart, and said as calmly as possible: "Don't come back, wait for your uncle and the others to calm down."

Zheng Yashuang frowned.

It's been so many days, and those people are still angry with her. Are they so stubborn?

snort!After all, it wasn't because he didn't regard her as one of his own!

If it wasn't for her lack of strength now, would those members of the Yu family think she wanted to deal with them!
"Aunt~" Zheng Yashuang said in a pitiful tone, "I really know I was wrong! You can help me, my uncle, my cousin and my cousins ​​to speak well.

Aunt~ I am in this world, only you relatives.Aunt, I beg you, please don't want me, okay? "

Yumu sighed, and said softly: "Ya Shuang, you have to take care of yourself outside, if you don't have enough money, tell auntie, and auntie will give it to you."

"I don't want money." Zheng Yashuang's voice choked up: "Auntie, I want to go home~"

Yumu frowned: "Just wait a little longer."

"Then... how long will we have to wait?" Zheng Yashuang asked.

Yumu didn't know how long she would have to wait.

But she knew it would never work now!

Let Zheng Yashuang come back now, maybe her husband will really file for a divorce with her!
She felt sorry for Zheng Yashuang, but she was not willing to let her family fall apart because of Zheng Yashuang.

Yumu prevaricated: "When your uncle and the others calm down, I'll tell you. I still have something to do, so I'll hang up first."

Zheng Yashuang couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard what Yumu said.

If those people don't calm down for the rest of their lives, will she never be able to return to Yu's house?

Zheng Yashuang didn't dare to express the resentment in her heart, she could only continue to pretend to be very sensible and said: "Then aunt, go to work, bye."

The morning sun suddenly appeared, and the rising sun poked its head out from the eastern sky, dyeing the sky red with clouds.

When Yu Ling first arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, she happened to see Mu Si who was also having breakfast.

Mu Si greeted Yu Lingchu with a smile, her brows and eyes were full of joy, and she looked in a good mood.

Yu Lingchu looked at her and guessed that she and her boyfriend should have had a good talk last night, and the two may have reconciled as before.

Although she doesn't like Mu Si's boyfriend, she can't say much about his feelings, she can only respect and wish, and hope that Mu Si's true feelings will not be let down.

After breakfast, all the crew drove to the filming set in an orderly manner.

The director didn't want to have a bad start in the morning and spoil his good mood, so he put Liu Yi's scene in the afternoon for shooting.

Liu Yi has no opinion on this.

Shooting in the afternoon is even better, when she is willing to get up early!

Since there was no show in the morning, she justifiably stayed in bed in the hotel.

The director and producer Li didn't bother to care about her either.

Sleeping late is better than being a monster, isn't it?
They only ordered Liu Yi's assistant to take Liu Yi to the set on time in the afternoon, and then ignored Liu Yi and left the hotel with the others.

Both of them felt that Liu Yi was not good at acting, so it was possible to be there on time.

For producer Li and director Wang's request to be there on time, Liu Yi's assistant readily agreed.

But when the film crew finished filming until noon, they had finished their lunch and there was no sign of Liu Yi.

Producer Li called to ask, but found that Liu Yi was turned off, and then called her assistant, but was told that Liu Yi was not free to come to the set to film today.

When Producer Li called, Director Wang was by his side.

After listening to Producer Li's report of Assistant Liu Yi's words, Director Wang couldn't suppress his anger anymore, and immediately said angrily: "What is this thing! You need acting skills but no acting skills, fame but no fame, traffic without traffic, and playing big names is not enough!" Dedicated! She is not free? She is an actor, when it was time for her to act, she said she was not free?! Is this plausible? Ah? Is it plausible!"

Producer Li shrinks his neck from Director Wang's loud voice: "Old Wang, calm down."

"How can I calm down? There is such an annoying thing that can act like a demon in the crew, how can you make me calm down? I have painstakingly planned and shot the film, but in the end I have to destroy it in her hands!
I'll call her now, if I don't come in the afternoon, she won't come in the future!The gold behind her is mainly withdrawing the capital, so just withdraw it. If I can't make this film, I won't let her go!She thought she was something!Pooh!Bad luck! "

Director Wang turned on the phone while talking, and suddenly remembered that he didn't have Liu Yi's number, so he looked at Producer Li and said, "What's the number of Zuo Jing?"

Producer Li clutched the phone, smiled wryly, "Old Wang, Liu Yi turned off her phone. But don't worry, I'll send someone to find her and come back."

"Tell her that if you don't come here this afternoon, you won't use it in the future. Get lost!"

"Yes, yes, yes." Producer Li agreed, and then called Liu Yi's assistant.

The call was answered quickly, and the other party said in an extremely arrogant manner that Liu Yi was not free.

Producer Li was also in a hurry, and raised his voice and asked: "No time! No time! She is an actor and has no time to film, why is she free? You tell her, if you don't come in the afternoon, you won't come in the future!"

"Sister Liu Yi is accompanying Mr. Hu. I don't dare to disturb them at this time. How about you talk to Mr. Hu yourself, Producer Li, and ask him to send Sister Liu Yi back to the set?"

After the provocation, Assistant Liu Yi hung up the phone.

Without Mr. Hu's investment, this crappy production crew might not even be able to get off the ground. Now who are you playing tricks on?
whispering sound!Just wait, Sister Liu Yi will definitely tell Mr. Hu all the grievances she has suffered in the crew these two days, and then there will be Producer Li and they will look good!

Producer Li stared at the hung up phone, raised his hand and rubbed his forehead.

Director Wang leaned over and asked with a cold face, "What did she say?"

Producer Li glanced at Director Wang helplessly, and sighed, "Mr. Hu is here, and Liu Yi is now accompanying Mr. Hu."

Director Wang breathed out, looked at Producer Li and asked, "Can't we really replace her?"

Producer Li licked his teeth: "Be patient, when the Nalan Group didn't invest in the film crew, it was President Hu who sponsored it. Now that our film crew has enough funds, we will immediately kick out the people that President Hu arranged to join. , It will appear that we are not kind.

Moreover, we are not just filming this drama, and we will not film it in the future.Maybe one day I will beg Mr. Hu, so it's better not to offend this person. "

Director Wang sighed: "I know what you said, but you can see that Liu Yi is like this, our film can still be shot well, is it good?"

Producer Li thought for a while and said, "I'll talk to Mr. Hu later and ask him to help persuade Liu Yi. If you can't do it this afternoon, you can shoot other people's scenes first."

Director Wang frowned and said: "Liu Yi is the second female lead in this drama, and she also takes up a lot of scenes in the General's Mansion. After filming here, the crew will have to change the shooting location. It can't be the end. A crew is waiting for you." Is she alone?"

(End of this chapter)

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